A Friend She Trusted Took Advantage Of Her Vulnerable Position

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In today's episode of Unfiltered Stories, we have the honor of listening to Amanda Villarini as she bravely shares her personal journey with us. Amanda recounts a college experience where she found herself in a vulnerable situation at a party she attended with a trusted friend. Upon regaining awareness, Amanda realized that her trust had been deeply betrayed and that she had been subjected to a profound violation.

Through her courageous decision to speak out, Amanda sheds light on the importance of consent and the devastating impact of having one's trust and boundaries breached. By sharing her story, Amanda not only takes a powerful step in her own healing process but also advocates for breaking the silence surrounding such experiences. Her message serves as a reminder of the importance of speaking up and supporting one another in order to prevent further harm. Join us as we listen to Amanda's story with empathy and respect, standing in solidarity with survivors everywhere. #UnfilteredStories #SurvivorStories

On Unfiltered Stories, we offer a platform for our guests to speak openly about their life stories and journeys, shedding light on the challenges they faced and the resilience they've shown.
Our mission is to raise awareness about various forms of trauma, such as abuse, violence, loss, and other life-altering events by delving into the survivor's story, exploring the impact of their experiences and how they've managed to heal and rebuild their lives.
By sharing these stories, we aim to break the silence surrounding trauma and create a compassionate environment.

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Name those abusers. If they try to take you to court, you have proof and it would shine light on the truth. This story sickens me and so grateful for your courage in telling it.


They probably have links to the police department, possibly a relative as their response is unfathomable.

I know that you are telling the truth, and thank you so much for sharing. Wishing you an abundance of healing! 💖💖


You are a very strong woman to put this out to the world. I am 55 years old and a Father. my daughter just turned 15. This is an eye opener for me and made me realize that there is an unforgivable gap in what I have been teaching her. It’s my job to prepare her for life on her own and this scared me. We have had the stranger talk and avoiding dark, secluded areas, not getting into cars with people you don’t know...but not about new “friends “. I greatly appreciate this and will use your story to educate her. I am so sorry that this happened to you and will pray for you that you overcome this and that the rest of your life is filled with success and happiness. Thanks again.


I actually had to sit on the edge of a couch with one of my friends little sister who was passed out drunk at a party. I was a senior and she was a freshman. I had told my friend it wasn't a good idea for her to be there because of her age. Her sister blew it off and laughed because she was drunk and high. She left with her boyfriend, never said where she was going or anything. I was keeping an eye on her little sister trying to make sure she didn't get carried away drinking. I kept seeing this asshole give her drink after drink after drink so I stepped in and told him to knock it the fuck off. She started staggering and fell so I carried her to the living room and let her lay on the couch with a waste basket next to her. Something told me don't leave her there alone. So I sat with her, and the same asshole that was feeding her drinks kept trying to come in the living room and sit by her. I told him go back outside to the party she's will be fine. Either go outside or I will throw you outside. He chose to be difficult so I had to replace a storm door but there was no way in hell I was going to let anyone mess with her. I was so fuckin mad at her sister when she came back. She still left her again. So I put her in my truck and drover home. She didn't smell like booze anymore and I hadn't drank in hours so I told her dad she had bad chinese food! He layed her on the couch and covered her up and thanked me for bringing her home.


That is absolutely horrible what happened to her, especially with the police doing nothing and actually blaming her, that's disgraceful 😢🤬


huge respect for her being so strong and not letting it slide


Abusers are not the stranger on the street, they are those in your cycle and in your life.


So sorry to hear story Amanda. I am 75 years old and I feared the same for my daughter's university time. I kept praying for her safety all the time. I thank God for helping us. I am not sure how religious you are Amanda. But I would urge you to pray for your healing. It is difficult to deal with your trauma. Please don't blame yourself. From your message I learn you are a good person and you had your decipline. So disappointed with the laws we have. I will pray for your healing and please believe in devine healing. God bless you Amanda. Please cheer up ❤❤


That’s disgusting. I can’t believe the law wasn’t there to protect you and get justice. Ugh.


A boy who lived six houses away, whom I had known and played together since preschool, was my first “me too” experience at 12. My heart goes out to you for what you endured.


My older sister has always told me: “it’s usually always someone you know.”

When I was 16, I snuck out with some college friends (we went to the same high school and they graduated) and they convinced me to do drugs even though I kept saying no, and I got blasted from one hit. We were in the car and one of the guys immediately left saying “Alright I did my job, she’s wasted.” I faked getting caught sneaking out and they had to take me home. I was GONE though and they kept trying to trick me on the drive home - when I told them to *turn left* they would repeat “turn right? Turn right?” Knowing that I wasn’t all there. I confronted him a few times after he kept trying to get me to hang out again and he apologized yuck and then invited me to his daughter’s baby shower. I told him that I hope him having a daughter makes him realize what he had done to young girls because i knew he had done it to other young girls too with his friends. Disgusting waste of a humans.


Years later, one of my close friends and I went to the concert and drank a lot of wine. He invited me inside his new house that he bought and that was normal since we would always hang out. He kept trying to kiss me knowing that I was really drunk at this point and when I pushed him away, he kept saying “Why not why not?” Etc.

Disgusting. So many more stories but it is true that it’s someone you know.

Be safe y’all. It sucks to be exist knowing that there is always someone who sexualizing you or waiting for a moment to victimize you.


OMG. This is why these abusers do this. They get away with this. This is insane. I can't believe this happened. I'm so sorry.


My heart went out for this young woman. She's bright and strong. I hope she will be blessed because i could feel she has a good heart. Be careful out there. 🙏


Everything Amanda has put in perspective is giving her courage to go on. I felt her words piecing her life back together and that she's made different transition out of her vulnerability into a positive one.

Thanks for sharing, Amanda


Stay strong, you're amazing & no one can take that away from you. ☮💜


I drive for Lyft. Last night I p/u 3 college students. 1 was a lil more tipsy than the other 2. She started to apologize to 1 of the girls for not picking her up at the airport. I didn’t hear what was said after but the other girl started to cry & said she wasn’t upset. She kept telling the girl she wasn’t mad at her for not picking her up. She tested positive for Covid. Well, the girl said she was actually raped. Nobody (fam or friends) knew but she did have an attorney. My heart broke for this girl. She kept saying she’s gonna be ok because she’s strong. She also said her case kinda got pushed aside & she didn’t know what was going on.

I tell my son (18 yo) No means No. if he’s laying in bed with his wife at night & she doesn’t want to do it. No means no.

My 5 yo nephew already says no means no. If anyone makes him feel uncomfortable. Scream & runaway.


You should exposed their names..You're a very strong young lady keep shining. None was that was your fault. They should take blood samples to make sure you weren't drugged..


Amanda I'm so sorry that you were sexual assaulted what happened to you was not your fault I hope that you will find a way to heal from what happened to you


My ex girlfriend was kidnapped and raped in a hotel in Houston Texas in 2018, to this day, 5 years later…..
The police department has held nobody accountable or in prison even though they arrested him the same day and released him until they run the rape test. Unfortunately Houston is backlogged several years to process the tests. By then the statute of limitations expire so they are never sent to prison. She ended up trying to take her life and had ptsd, and now lives in a mental hospital. Sad story.


It's unfortunate that people can't trust anyone and that they can't even get any help. She is lucky to be alive.
