The Terror of Missouri | The 2011 Joplin tornado | History in the Dark

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On May 22, 2011, an EF5 tornado would touch down as part of a larger outbreak near Joplin, Missouri. This particular twister would enter into the highly populated areas, wreaking havoc and killing many. In the end, she would be the most expensive tornado in United States history.

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I lived in Joplin during this tornado. I was staying at the old Capri Motel on Main street. I remember the sirens going off that day, and we all went to the storage room on the ground floor. A few of us got brave and looked outside, and you could see the sky turn green. I always thought that was some kind of urban legend, but the sky actually turned green. Then the owners shuffled us all back inside, and I could hear intense wind and crashing. About an hour later we went out, and things looked fine. I even for a second thought nothing had happened. Then about a block down Main street, everything was gone.

I can remember a couple things from that day that really stick out. First is how about a half hour later, I could hear hundreds of sirens coming up Main street that turned into hundreds of fire trucks, ambulances and police cars. Another was seeing where the Footlocker shoe store had been, wiped clean down to just the concrete pad. Joplin had 2 Walgreens stores at the time, the one on Rangeline had been destroyed completely, but within a couple weeks Walgreens had rebuilt it and got it back open. There was a smell through out town that I can't even describe, sickly-sweet is the closest I can come.


That wooden piece gone through concrete was such a chilling proof of how violent this monster has Beyond all imagination....


161 people. The deadliest tornadoes of 1925 and 1989 in Bangladesh respectively can step aside, though they were as deadly and costly. All the children had a whole life ahead of them. Rest in peace to all of the men, women, children, pets, and any cattle that died in this tragedy.


Hell of good job covering the accuracy of this deadly tornado.your only one who covers fungus of tornadoe picks up in circulation.


Range Line Road. Think of it as two words (sometimes, it's spelled as two, like I did it), not "Wrang-uh-linn" Road.

Also, I was there that day. I got a new cell phone at 3:30. The building where I got it was destroyed at around 5:30. Hopefully, the place closed at 5 (since it was a Sunday) and everyone was gone by then, but I never heard anything about the people. I was at the Target store at Range Line and 7th when it hit. We were herded into the back but we could still see the front doors and the sky turned this weird gray I have never seen before or since. The first people that arrived after went into the bathroom of their apartment and huddled in their bathtub. What they brought with them in their baby's stroller was everything they had left.


It was unexpected to see my favorite channel covering this disaster. My family and I were in Joplin shortly before the storm and watched it develop on my phone radar as we were getting frozen yogurt on Rangeline. It wasn't alarming because they had been predicted for days in advance, and so we had planned to be home when the storms came in. So we traveled east out of Joplin to home, about 15 miles away. Our route leaving town was leveled less than an hour and a half later. From home, we were spared from the worst of the storm, although the debris cloud was still dropping remnants as it passed over us. Nearly everyone here lost someone and knew multiple families who lost their homes. My cousin was working in the Pizza Hut you mentioned and was in the cooler. A close family friend survived inside Academy Sports that you see at 9:30 in the video. My uncle's girlfriend lost her father as he was taken off life support to shelter in the hallway of St. John's Hospital. He is counted as one of the first to die from the storm, passing before the tornado even hit the hospital, knocked it from it's foundation and destroyed it.


I live in Minnesota and remember our tornado 🌪️ that came through north Minneapolis. My friend and i were taking another friend to saint paul Minnesota we were driving down hwy 10 and that tornado went right over the freeway debris was falling from the sky its crazy how strong those tornados are. that year was crazy weather


RIP to all those who lost their lives and condolences to their families. I cannot imagine the horrors they went through that horrible day. Great vid Darkness.


I recall the outbreak ripping through Alabama and Georgia to pieces about a month before this one on April 27th, when you do get there please don't leave out the ones in Georgia, the EF4 in Ringgold killed 20 people and the one that went through Chickamauga took 14 lives but everybody only thinks about the one that went through Tuscaloosa and Birmingham. I'm just saying, that outbreak was awful for a lot of people and they shouldn't be forgotten.


The Joplin tornado was especially monstrous, but I find it to be a pretty eerie one as well. I live in Indiana and I do remember that day. May 22nd is my birthday.


So a bunch of Civil Engineer's outside can just walk in and say it's not EF5 but a 4 should really going another occupation.


I like these tornado documentaries Darkness!


Rip to all the people who died in that outbreak


7:27 It's Du-KANE road. Not Du-kes-ney road.


I can really say much about this event since I was in 1st grade during all of 2011 super outbreak after this event I think it changed how we do tornado practice drills at school to ensure everyone safe I at least remember practicing tornado drills in school but at least it changed how we don’t take shelter in the hallway giving the fact u can seen how big objects act like missiles.


It destroyed my house. Helped with recovery, security, and clean up for over a year.


A piece of wood though a concrete curb is EF5 damage. Houses were taken down to the foundation with nothing left


We just had tornado watches in my home province of Saskatchewan Canada.... Darkness, you're making me nervous, bro!


I'd love to see you cover the story of the TIV 1 (that thing deserves a video all on its own as its story is quite eventful) and the other Tornado-proof vehicles, they're owners and the contributions to the understanding and research of tornadoes.


I live near that area, when you get tornado warnings and sirens every week, another one means nothing
