Doug Casey's Take [ep.#144] The strange connection between Rome & Christianity and the US & Wokism

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You've heard a lot about how the US is similar to Ancient Rome. But, you've probably not heard the strange connection we discuss today. This episode is likely to upset some of you. That's not our intention, of course. Instead, we're exploring an idea that helps us better understand what we're facing today.

We'd love to hear your feedback in the comments below.

If you're interested in receiving Doug's essay on the collapse of the Roman Empire, join our email list and I'll send you a copy:


00:00 Intro
00:13 Doug's reading "The Ancient City"
2:09 The role of religion in Ancient Greece & Rome
4:08 Doug's Catholic Church Panel at freedom Fest
6:54 Atheists in America
9:00 The psychology behind in-group and out-group
10:11 The binding power of myths
11:52 Is Wokism the disrupter that Christianity was in Ancient Rome?
19:13 Citizenship as In-Group
20:28 Exile from in-group is equivilant to death
22:51 Race as In-Group
25:18 Religion & Culture Vs. Morality and Law
34:53 Progressivism's assault
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We had some bandwidth problems today so the video freezes for a while before we switched to audio-only. Apologies for that. Still, I think you'll find this conversation interesting.


Christianity didn't destroy Rome.


I was raised a Lutheran then became a Republican but when my 3rd grade sons in the LA school system began academically crashing because of busing in the uncivilized from Crenshaw and S Central I happily joined the local Catholic church in Westchester.

I palmed the head nun $500 (5000 now) and took the instruction from "Father Johnson" (cool guy) to become a full fledged member so I could take communion (Damn, I love the taste of communion wafers!).

Also enjoyed the slender, well-dressed, pretty middle-aged(?) female worshippers.
Truly enjoyed the chanting & incense.

My sons were alter boys.
Found out years later they and their buds were in the back drinking the Communion wine.


i think corruption, malfeasance and incompetence, combined with an influx of peoples from across the empire into Italy and Rome itself who had no loyalty to Rome, the loss of civic duty and responsibility ethos, and the debasement of the currency all destroyed the Roman Empire.

The USA will be more like the fall of Byzantium, whose factions continued to fight amongst themselves while the Ottoman's laid siege to the city.

The downward spiral toward collapse is accelerating; the result is going to be epic and felt globally. I just hope our corrupt, self-serving ruling elites and their propaganda ministry media can keep the façade going for another 5 years so I can finish my preparations and can enjoy watching the sh*tshow from afar.


I'm happy to pay for Doug's internet to be upgraded from the $0.99/month deal he's clearly signed up to.


Excellent subject. We need to belong to a religion or race with myths and stories to link us together. Without this we can turn our back on each other to easily.


I get it Doug is an atheist, but Rome wasn't destroyed by the teachings or Christ. Mao, Stalin, and Hitler were atheist.


I could not sit through all of this one because of the technical issues. I will say though that to me wokism is nothing like Christianity and I did not become a Christian to fit in to any group. I became a Christian because to me Love is the only thing worth living and/or dying for and the example that Jesus set was the only thing that satisfies my soul/spirit. Nothing else comes close and Jesus is the only thing good in me. I would be terribly harsh and a really selfish person without Jesus no doubt... Everyone here should pray to God that I never give up on Jesus/love whether you know it or not. ( Don't worry though, I have decided long ago to take Jesus to my grave with me though it is really hard at times...) Be blessed...


Seems to me we aren't having many problems with the Christian's on this country. Doug may be off base on this one.


Great topics and title. Can't wait to listen!


We do not wrestle with flesh and blood but against the principalities powers and rulers of the darkness of this age and the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians6 v12.


2COR 10 v4-5


It’s all a choice, even atheism. Read in the original text and context the Bible is the greatest love story ever told. It’s brought me into the discipline of love so powerful I could never turn away. Choose Christ and you’ll never wonder what’s what again.


Matt…. Please advise Doug to go from the $9.99 broadband to the $12.99 plan so he has enough bandwidth to stream better!…. Hehehe


It’s fascinating & quite scary to think of all the parallels between Ancient Rome & America today that don’t seem to be well understood by the masses. I always looked at the downfall of Rome being mostly an economic phenomenon but it’s definitely interesting to consider the parallels between Christian beliefs in Ancient Rome & woke-ism/progressivism today. Just as Christian beliefs in Rome had implications that likely contributed in a big way to the decay of their society & destroyed the group identity of their culture, there are stark similarities with progressive ideals today in America that have people very confused about what the founders of our country actually stood for. Just one more example of how Roman history rhymes with the present. Thanks for the perspective & great discussion.


As relevantly said by Nietzsche: “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.” As we can see countless times in the history of mankind, every movement is susceptible to becoming the thing it despises.


Don't worry Matt, only the non-committed are concerned about the connection issues. Most of us would listen to you two with a soup can and string telephone connection. 👍


Doug's statement of not allowing commoners to read the bible is accurate. My parents admitted to me that they were restricted from reading scripture when young. For that very reason. As well as, that it would confuse and ruin ones mind because it was written in a way to divert non believers. I was stunned. Because my mother attends mass as religiously as possible. But yet, not read the bible in its entirety.


I knew that the use of the word "niggardly" was heavily disfavored, but I had no idea that "denigration" was under fire. It kind of makes me laugh.


OK Doug, I'm enjoying watching the library behind you slowly fill in. Slowly the shelves are filling up.


So are we better off than we were 50-60 or a hundred years ago?
Sure, blame Christianity.
