The REAL Problem With Elevation Church…

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Jesus began His ministry saying, "repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand."


The first two things she wants people to find are “help and healing”….I would think a church would desire that people would find “Jesus and forgiveness” for their sins…that would be the greatest help and healing anyone could find on earth🙏🕊👑


You notice how she made no mention of Jesus?


I use to be apart of the 'Hillsong Family' for 15 years, and they use to say the same thing which Furtick's wife say's which is 'Everybody has their own story, everybody is on their own journey'. Well, when you became a believer, it stops being about you, and starts being ' about Jesus', and when a person repents and puts their trust in Jesus (and turn away from my sins), it's no longer YOUR story, and it's JESUS story that counts.


Oh man, my family went to Elevation in 2011 for 8 months. We NEVER read the Bible so we didn’t realize what an unbiblical church this was. The leaders were not pastoral at all. They were untouchable and Steven Furtick had a body guard! It was run like a well oiled machine. They had a whole video production crew that would make top notch documentary type videos to show the congregation how blessed they were to go to such an amazing pioneer church! I remember in their Elevation documentary, Steven Furtick saying the inspiration for the name of their “church” came from being at a U2 concert and hearing the song Elevation!
I remember pulling into the parking lot and an attendant ushering me into the VIP parking spaces. Then the ushers clapped for us as we walked in and then there was a live DJ in the entry way, playing some beats. I felt like I was in twilight zone BUT my flesh liked all the attention. They would give stuff out all the time too to get you to come back and they prided themselves as radical givers! If you followed their model of sowing/giving, you would be blessed like they were! Everyone was always dressed so hip and they said they didn’t want their buildings to look like churches, they wanted them to blend in with the culture. I look back now, and thank God He got us out of there. The focus is very man centered and the worship of their leaders.
Thanks for exposing them for who they really are Colin. My family is truly enjoying your videos and sharing them.


Colin went he said through God's Word is spot on


I absolutely love your videos! You point out things that I even miss, support it using the Bible in context, and you don't sugar coat anything. There aren't even many Christians believers like you, keep doing what you're doing and I pray that God will continue to use you and bless you :)


I prefer being straight up with the word of God than trying to fit the church to our way. Spot on Colin.


There is such a need for discernment and for more people calling out false teachers. Thank you for your ministry, and all glory to God!


My kids and I started attending Elevation in 2019. I was baptized in 2020. The experience the gentleman listed below me was very similar to ours. I adored that church. My kids did too. When everything started shutting down, so did they. And I had a thirst. So I found pastors I would listen to on the radio in the morning to and from work. They’d mention another pastor and I’d check them out too. They lead me to John MacArthur and Charles Spurgeon. By the time Elevation was back open and wanted us back, God had already opened my eyes to the kind of church it was (seeker focused) and that I needed more. I remember even praying about Furtick, because I had heard things from my believing family members about him and his ‘mega church’ I prayed that their heart was really in this for Jesus. They have kids too, they can’t be in this for themselves. But they’re not in this for Jesus and the gospel. So that lead me to ‘who else are they in this for then but themselves.’ Looking back, that’s a very secular church. And it’s what A LOT of people are looking for. That’s why I now see it as so dangerous.


For any women who feel like they are less than men because we aren't supposed to teach, please remember that our lives are not about glorifying ourselves but only God. It's not about us. Church is for learning and God made it clear that He wants Qualified men to teach. Emphasis on qualified. Teaching is one type of ministry and there is so much more to the life of a christian. We must stay humble and remember that God has no respect of persons. He is not making men better than women or women better than men. We are to do our part for His kingdom and for some it is to teach, others to street preach and some to use their resources to help those in need. Ministry means service and a minister is a servant. We are all to partake in ministry. So find your ministry even if it isn't teaching.


If I never recognized that I’m a wretched sinner, what would be the purpose of my needing the sacrifice of my Lord, Jesus Christ? Billy Graham defined the meaning of the first beatitude, “when we come to God, we must realize our own sin and our spiritual emptiness and poverty. We must not be self-satisfied or proud in our hearts, thinking we don’t really need God. If we are, God cannot bless us. The Bible says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6)." Be blessed, Colin


There is a "Church" in my hometown that is striving to be like Elevation "Church". What has gone on behind closed doors at this "Church " and what the board allows to happen is disgustingly ungodly!


At the very least, what she said in that video could be echoed by an addiction rehab center run by an atheist. There's nothing particularly Christian about it.


Holly makes it clear that Elevation is about Feelings over Faith. We walk by Faith and not by Sight {feelings}. The Name "Elevation" suits this movement since it is about the Elevation of Self Rather than the Lord.


She forgot to say, … bring your checkbook, bank card and cash money!! Lol


I thought the purpose of church is to lead people to have a personal love relationship with Jesus above all else


The modern Western "church" is far from being a hospital for sinners seeking repentance and Christian maturity so as to be a light of Truth in a dark world.
"Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly." James 3: 1-2


Colin sir I don’t know your age but guessing I would say some where around 23. It is so great to see someone your age fighting for Christ!! May God bless and keep you safe. And you keep on doing what your doing. Does anyone know how I can make a contribution to this young man?


22 seconds in this video and you remind why I love you so much! Protect the truth and call out the lies. We are servants of the King!
