Why Every time you go back to a Narcissist the relationship gets worse. They think all is forgiven

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Why Every time you go back to a Narcissist the relationship gets worse. They think all is forgiven

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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When a Narcissist blocks you. You won, They are sore losers. So Run and don't look back.


It’s not a matter of you going back. If you’re so much as CORDIAL to them they assume it’s an apology.


The truest thing that I learned from you is that my husband would NEVER forgive me if I did even the smallest offensive thing that he’s done to me to him. I’m focusing on me and self love. Thank you!


This is very true, I took my ex back so many times and each time he got worse, until I caught him cheating best thing he ever did it made me finally leave the monster.


We want to believe they changed for us, we hope it means they love us. Eventually you see them for what they are and want nothing to do with them.


This is so true once they abuse you the first time walk away and never look back change ur number you will be saved years of CPTSD


“I don’t care if they bought you a botanical garden.”
Lolololol Mr. Hammock, you are a riot.
Thank you for sharing your journey and all your humor too. You’re keeping many of us sane!


So true, Lee. I went back a few times. He was more cruel each time. Texting his ex in front of me sealed the deal. She deserves his horrible self. However, it made me pitty him to where I’ll never have a thing to do with him again. Too evil for me.


Gosh you are right... Only he/they NEVER ADMITTED DOING ANYTHING.


💐"Smells like forgiveness!" 🤣💯


Thank you so much. I am so so so determined to not go back. You and another channel (Kristen Uchida) have been saving my life. I think he would eventually kill me if I were to go back again. These videos are giving me so much strength to turn to the next chapter in my life and leave my abuser behind for good. I have taken him back more times than I can even remember. Over 7 for sure. It sucks going through this in your early 20s. I feel so confused at one point I convinced myself I was a narcissist


Yes that's true it won't get any better with them.


You obviously have made the effort to change, most Narcissists wont make the effort to change, and won't change.😵


Man I can't thank you enough for your videos! I'm currently with a narcissistic man...I've gone back to him way to many times!


That is so true! I was hoping he will apreciate that I was willing to work things through, instead after shorter and shorter periods he will act out worse than before, especially after he "secured" the relationship with a credit we got together...


I hate my biological mom so much that the day she dies I won't cry. She was a terrible person and was horrible towards me


You're not putting nobody down, you're so right.
Eg from my experience:
1:caught her in a blatant lie, first she acted all arrogant when I told her why am leaving her, the croc tears and manipulation started.
2: she hoovered me back with signs of suicidal behaviour. When we got back do you guys think she kissed my ass for giving her another chance?? Yeah think again. We were going on holiday not so long after we got back together, and while on the aircraft the crew came to ask what we wanted to drink and I turned on her to ask her what she wanted to drink and she became all stroppy and told me "oh you did not tell him what I want", I said "he just arrived this second, and how am I supposed to tell him already if I don't know what you want to drink, that's why I'm asking you, so just tell me what you want" and whlie saying that I was snarling like a dog. In that moment I was thinking if I did the right thing and unfortunately this whole saga got repeated a few times but finally it ended.


Infidelity and physical abuse are legitimate reason to leave them and should not be forgiven. The more you forgive and give to them the less you are worth. Because they invest nothing in you you are worth nothing to them.


After watching you for the first time yesterday you gave me the strength I needed to take back my power and block a person that I have had this back and forth dysfunctional relationship with. This video is excellent and I needed to hear every word even when some of it hurts! Thank you!


Facts..they are so entitled to think that they are doing bad in their mind they are right the more you get back the more they get worse and they become delusional..hold take care of yourself never back againn't get into the trap based on my real experience
