Adam Smith Institute

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Adam Smith Institute
The Adam Smith Institute is a free market libertarian think tank and lobbying group based in the United Kingdom, named after Adam Smith, a Scottish moral philosopher and classical economist.It advocates free market and classical liberal ideas, primarily via the formation of radical policy options with regard to Public Choice theory, which political decision makers seek to develop upon.The President of the ASI, Madsen Pirie, has sought to describe the activity of the organisation as "We propose things which people regard as being on the edge of lunacy.The next thing you know, they're on the edge of policy".

Author Information: Saland73
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Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations is a famous book which may be 700 to 1100 pages depending on the printing. Most people are not going to read it. But since March of 2001 it has been available for free in electronic form from Project Gutenberg.

We are constantly slapped with the Invisible Hand though Smith only mentioned it once. He talked about 'education' EIGHTY TIMES though I doubt that the Adam Smith Institute makes much emphasis of that.

Smith said, "read, write, and account" not "read, write, and arithmetic". When has the ASI advocated mandatory accounting in the schools?
