The Quantum Law: 'once you master this, the shift happens'

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Such a good presentation! 2016 paralyzed in my wheelchair 2017 sucked! February 2018 I was reading a book on chronic pain and a chapter on gratitude came up. Every morning say 5 things you’re grateful for and throw in gratitude for things you want before they happen. Feel in great detail what it would feel like when those miracles happen. I began practicing taking steps with my walker, everyday. I promised my inner child that I would never give up finding things to be grateful for. Since then I’ve bought a bus RV, rescued a dog, became financially stable and now travel full time! The best part is that my ability to walk has kept improving and I just celebrated walking 2 miles everyday without any canes for 9 months 🙏 The single biggest contributor to all of these miracles is Gratitude 🙏


To the person reading this: Even though I don’t know you, I wish you the best of what life has to offer ❤


To the person reading this: Even though I don’t know you, I wish you the best of what life has to offer


Not sure whether there will be anyone seeing this comment, but I would like to share a recent experience that I deeply felt the idea that this video is talking about.
I am a guitar learner. Some weeks ago I arrived to a point that everything became super challenging. At first I resisted going forward, cause I couldn't make any progress as I usually did. I held such ideas for weeks, and as expected absolutely no progress at all!
Until one day I told myself "I can't be like this anymore! If I want to go further I need to use this techniques sooner or later." Then told myself to keep trying even if no progress. Magically, things started to work out somehow, and I was able to do it 3 days later!
No joke, our attitude is everything. Things will always go in a way we expect them to be!


Steps start at 16:50 for those who want to return and rewatch later😌 gratitude for this video, right on time even a month later. 💪🏽🙌🏽💚


Accept that you are always on your path and being guided.❤


Since I wrote this my life has improved a lot!
I’m on a much better path with clearer direction.
Had some setbacks, but in the midst of my most recent challenge the thought came to mind- ‘you’re going to keep being tested until you learn the lesson’ so, I learned the lesson!!
I am so grateful for the well wishes of everyone! And humbly thankful to the universe. As my connection to the universal vibration grows so does my list for life! 💕

Last night I was in the darkest and lowest point of my life, wanting death to release me from my mental pain and hoping for a way out of my dread. And today the universe delivered this to me, along with a visit from a hummingbird. I am now on a new path. I now know that the universe IS listening to me and that I need to be more aware and focused. Yesterday is gone and today brings a bright new world that I feel excited about!! Thank You!!❤


I simply write down my goals as if they are already achieved, and manifestation happens fairly quickly, based on the strength of my intent. For immediate needs I simply do an intentional “prayer” asking for what I want and thanking SOURCE/ALL THAT IS for it before I receive it, works for me every time…but you have to remember to take some sort of action towards what you want, that is the validation to Source that you truly intend something, and not just “day dreaming” …(incidentally, for me the words god or universe seem too limiting to define the source from which it comes…the word god seems to define a judgmental, separate entity from ourselves…I know…it’s all semantics, but the term ‘All That Is’ works for me to define the infinite source). I have found that doing Intentional prayer is the single most powerful thing you can do in a given moment to get what you need or desire, for you or for someone else. It seems to put you into that probable reality where it already exists. Try it, and trust it….it takes practice trusting it sometimes, but it has never let me down.


I truly believe two people can become quantum entangled to the point where they are feeling each others feelings and thoughts, no matter the distance...


I always loved the saying “rejection is God’s protection.” Now I know why it’s been so powerful, it helped me see the blessing in unwanted situations, to neutralize the pain.


It’s so accurate. All my deepest fears have already manifested because I didn’t know any better but now my consciousness has skyrocketed I feel free and unstoppable. If I manifested the worst without trying then I know for sure than all my dreams are at my fingertips. I monitor my thoughts and redirect them when they going into the old pattern. I’m on a mental diet for life ❤


This is EXACTLY what i tell people in life, but you've actually defined and refined it brother. Humankind's blessings in disguise are individuals like yourself. Thank you for the energies you put out in this universe! 🙏


Acceptance is the key. This spiritual principal is taught in AA. Bravo, young man you are remarkable human being. Where attention goes energy flows.


I was almost 9 months pregnant and all my housing options had fallen through and I thought I was going to have to live with my in-laws which was my worst case scenario. I finally accepted it and trusted that it was the universe his way of making me grow to be the best mother I could be and began to feel positive about the prospect. Within 24 hours a miracle happened and now I live in the best place ever. What you’re saying is 100% true


THIS! I’ve been on the path for 5 years and this is literally the synopsis of the hundreds of hours I’ve spent listening to audiobooks etc.


Death is not scary. It’s like going home after a long, stressful vacation.


This is music to my ears and i'm 70 next May....New life in the fourth dimention feels wonderful all ready. I'm feeling quite emotional right now and it does'nt bother me a bit. This is freedom. one can go through life and never find. Walking the path ready to put out your hand to help another is all thats required.


Never followed someone faster ! The way you articulate yourself, in your delivery, - to make it understandable, for people of all intellectual metrics, - absolutely unparalleled. Great video, looking forward to more.


sometimes we think we're alone but the universe is here with us.
