Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial | Shell Scripting Tutorial | Learn Shell Programming

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A shell script is a computer program designed to be run by the Unix shell, a command-line interpreter. The various dialects of shell scripts are considered to be scripting languages. A shell usually interprets a single line of input, but we can also create a file containing a number of lines of commands to be interpreted. This file is a program known as a shell script. The program can also contain control structures (if-then, loops). Shell scripts allow a sequence of commands to be executed automatically . Shell Scripting tutorial is designed to help beginners and professionals.

00:00:00 1 - Introduction
00:10:00 2 - using Variables and Comments
00:20:11 3 - Read User Input
00:31:37 4 - Pass Arguments to a Bash-Script
00:40:08 5 - If Statement ( If then , If then else, If elif else)
00:53:20 6 - File test operators
01:03:45 7 - How to append output to the end of text file
01:14:26 8 - Logical 'AND' Operator
01:21:01 9 - Logical 'OR' Operator
01:26:35 10 - Perform arithmetic operations
01:33:51 11 - Floating point math operations in bash | bc Command
01:46:06 12 - The case statement
01:53:53 13 - The case statement Example
02:02:26 14 - Array variables
02:12:51 15 - WHILE Loops
02:19:07 16 - using sleep and open terminal with WHILE Loops
02:23:59 17 - Read a file content in Bash
02:31:15 18 - UNTIL loop
02:35:38 19 - FOR loop
02:44:08 20 - use FOR loop to execute commands
02:50:44 21 - Select loop
02:57:41 22 - Break and continue
03:04:11 23 - Functions
03:13:48 24 - Local variables
03:22:09 25 - Function Example
03:34:16 26 - Readonly command
03:41:34 27 - Signals and Traps
04:03:08 28 - How to debug a bash script

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Рекомендации по теме

00:00:00 1 - Introduction
00:10:00 2 - using Variables and Comments
00:20:11 3 - Read User Input
00:31:37 4 - Pass Arguments to a Bash-Script
00:40:08 5 - If Statement ( If then, If then else, If elif else)
00:53:20 6 - File test operators
01:03:45 7 - How to append output to the end of text file
01:14:26 8 - Logical 'AND' Operator
01:21:01 9 - Logical 'OR' Operator
01:26:35 10 - Perform arithmetic operations
01:33:51 11 - Floating point math operations in bash | bc Command
01:46:06 12 - The case statement
01:53:53 13 - The case statement Example
02:02:26 14 - Array variables
02:12:51 15 - WHILE Loops
02:19:07 16 - using sleep and open terminal with WHILE Loops
02:23:59 17 - Read a file content in Bash
02:31:15 18 - UNTIL loop
02:35:38 19 - FOR loop
02:44:08 20 - use FOR loop to execute commands
02:50:44 21 - Select loop
02:57:41 22 - Break and continue
03:04:11 23 - Functions
03:13:48 24 - Local variables
03:22:09 25 - Function Example
03:34:16 26 - Readonly command
03:41:34 27 - Signals and Traps
04:03:08 28 - How to debug a bash script


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I would just like to say. This is one of my favourite videos. Have learnt a lot and thank you for it!


I have never learned a programming language so fast in my whole life and used it right after in a project. BLESS YOU MAN


I followed along the entire 4 hours and 10 minutes, excellent tutorial. Just want I needed for the new job I started.


Thx, I have followed all bash script tutorial. Excellent Tutorial ! : )


Thanks for the Tutorial, It comes at i time when i need it most.


One of the best tutorials I have found. Very nice work and thanks a lot. It was long time I did the scripting and this tutorial help me refresh everything.


Thanks for this complete video, it was pretty straightforward and on point tutorial.
It will help me more in my day to day activities.


Excellent learnt shell because of you.Finally completed.credits goes to you man.keep up the good..really appreciate.


At 42.38, there are integer comparison operators given, along with examples. One such operator is 'eq' and associated example: if [ "$a" -eq "$b" ]. The quotes for variable names are not required. Bash is as such tricky (where to use curly braces, quotes etc). Having quotes in places that's not needed can be confusing. But great effort and thanks for the tutorial.


Really appreciate ur effort in explaining here ... Great Job !! Thank you so very much :)


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one of the best BASH scripting tutorial in internet as on today. Thanks Bro


Thank you very much very usefull info by u n finally I subscribed and liked:) because of i gained knowledge here...
now onwardds i know shell scripting...


Thank you so much for this! Very helpful!


Superb, clean and clear way, Thank you 🙂


Very nicely explained the reason of each line with its effect ....


Have final in a day on BASH Scripts. Watching it at speed 2. Thanks a lot for this golden tutorial!


Amazing video, and very helpful thank you.
