Israel's Holiest Object was UNDER the Dome of the Rock

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What was Israel's holiest object? Was it actually once under the spot where the Dome of the Rock now stands? How can we know the Ark of the Covenant once stood on that spot. Watch this fascinating Nelson Walters video to find out the details and where some think it may be today.

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The Ark of the convenant was already found in the 90’s by Christian archeologist Ron Wyatt. He shares his whole testimony online. He was a man of God and to this day says no one will have access to the Ark in the chamber he discovered because the angels that presented the ark to him have the place sealed. Ron has a video of the ark as commanded by the angels to reveal it in the future when the Son of perdition rises against the law of God.


Its under where the cross was Jesus's blood covered it when the ground split under the cross
The blood is also still alive not like our blood what dies when we lose it or die
All glory to the most high heavenly Father thank you Jesus king of kings Lord of Lords ❤❤


Each day we get closer to the RETURN OF THE KING! ;)


The location of the Ark is known. It’s not in Ethiopia, it’s not in some far away country. It has never moved from the very special location where it was hidden. It cannot be moved because there are specific angels appointed to watch over it. Six priests died when they entered the cave to try to remove it. They had to call the Christian archeologist to come and help remove the bodies of these six priests from the cave. It is just below the crucifixion site where Christ was crucified. Christ blood flowed into a crevice opened by the earthquake and literally flowed onto the mercy seat where it was meant to flow.


Revelation 11:19 says the prophet saw God's temple in heaven opened, "and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple."


The fact that we are told the arc is in heaven never enters in to the discussion.
And why should it, not much of a draw that way.


If the rectangular carved out area is 2.5x1.5 cubits (the length and width of the ark) then we can determine a basis for what 1 cubit will be in relation to the rest of the features of the rock surface. The Holy of Holies is said to be 20 cubits square. So, the center of the rectangular depression to the edge of where the wall foundation is proposed should be 10 cubits. The measurements dont add up. Anyone can do this experiment using the ceiling down view photograph of the room. So, if all that can be shown is this rectangular cut shape resembles the ark dimensions, thats actually pretty flimsy evidence.


I once heard the key to where the Ark is lies with the 2 chapiters atop the 2 columns on either side of the entance to the temple. Through utilizing the shifting of weight of the contents in the columns/chapiters, the Ark was lowered.. (Into Jeremiah's cave per Ron Wyatt).


Nelson's voice is perfect for narration


Ron Wyatt found the ark and had the blood to prove it..everyone used to say he didn't know anything yet he was the one who found Noah's ark along with a few other things which people now know to be fact..


Hi Nelson 👋 I had a thought about the arc of the covenant the other day. When it was in the temple, surrounded by the curtains, was it actually Jesus who appeared sitting on it? I've heard of a book called "Lives of the Prophets", which I can't find an online copy of, but apparently in it Zachariah is quoted as saying it was the "angels of the Lord" that came into the tabernacle and appeared on the throne. Angels being plural, not singular. I'd like to see the original language to see if that's accurate. Anyway. I'm fond of the idea that the Angel of the Lord is in fact Jesus appearing in the OT. Would you have any thoughts on that yourself? It also ties even more into the curtain being ripped when Jesus was crucified.


If God so wills, the ark will be revealed in His time. Other than that, it appears in Heaven in Revelation.

"Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: 15and I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. 16And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more. 17At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart. 18In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers. Jeremiah 3:15-18
Which likely refers to Millennial Reign of Christ when His throne in in Jerusalem.

"And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail." Revelation 11:19
So whether the ark shows up from the place Ron Wyatt claims to have found it - or some other hidden location in Ethiopia or whatever - God will reveal it in His heavenly temple at the sounding of the 7th trumpet. God instructed Moses to build it, it had a real purpose then and has an actual purpose now and until that point in time.

Interesting that Jesus tells us to watch for something to stand in the place it ought not stand - the Abomination of Desolation standing in the Holy Place - this notch cut out by craftsman directed by Solomon. That is THE SIGN that we know the end is near - at the midpoint of the 70th week of Daniel.


Nelson, I may be wrong about this conclusion, but Jesus often spoke about stones in regard to people forming the temple- including the body of Christ. I wonder if Jesus saying that not one stone of the temple would remain on another was two-fold, regarding the physical temple and also the nation of Israel who rejected God’s Cornerstone


The abomination of desolation standing in the place where it ought not


According a documentary I saw, Ron Wyatt discovered the Ark.


The temple was never on temple mount but in the city of David. That was Fort Antonia, roman fortress that housed 7, 000 roman soldiers. The temple was supposed to be near a spring for a the water rituals performed by the high priest, which would suggest the temple was next to the Gihon Springs next to the city of David a few hundred yards south from temple mount


Interesting. We are the temple and the place where the Holy of holiest holys comes into. We are the dwelling place of the living God. It's easy to again become marveled by idols and like here the possible place the ark once was. See, we have become that city on a hill and I've recently learned that we the Bride and Beloved of God in Christ are the last generation for that place prepared ahead of time. We are where God went to prepare a place ahead of time. The time of this being said was Jesus Christ to His disciples talking about thy kingdom come thy will be done in the last generation. We are the prepared place of dwelling for THE TRUTH TO BE SUMMED UP FINALIZED. All of heaven comes to dwell inside us with all power. God chose us and makes His way to us first then we rest knowing HE'S OUR FORTRESS AND ARMOUR FROM WITHIN (invisible Armour, He fights our battles). We just walk in The truth. We are the many MANSIONS. We are individual MANSIONS and dwellings of FIRST FOR GOD THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT TO COME AND DWELL INSIDE OF THEN WE, ONCE KNOWING THIS ENTER HIS REST GOD'S REST!!! BY FAITH KNOWING HE'S OUR ALL CONSUMING MIGHTY GOD ON OUR SIDE IN OUR COURT! WHERE HE RESTS FIRST. It's His rest we enter into! 😀ANYTHING LESS IS IDOLATROUS AND WHAT IS BEING USED RIGHT NOW BY THE ANTICHRIST BEAST SYSTEM TO DRAW PEOPLE BACK UNDER LAW IN IDOLATRY.


sir can you make the audio louder. I have to move closer to my laptop just to clearly hear what you are saying. Thanks


Actually some think it was located where the Dome of Tablets aka Spirits is located. This is near the Dome of the Rock.


Some say this is also the site of Abraham isaac and lamb offering.

Muslims also believe this is where the angel Gabriel dictated the Quran to Mohammed...

When the ppl of the exodus arrived in the promise land, the whole complex was already there.

A sister site to a much older Baalbek in Lebanon.

Same building style for the much older larger stones.
