The Next Level

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What would it take for you to go to the next level? Where in your life do you need to level-up? I just spent several days at an awesome seminar doing this work on myself. I’d like to share some of the insights I gathered and how they may resonate with you as survivors of abuse. Here’s the first one and I’m going to bring you more upcoming videos on my reflections from the amazing speakers who presented at the seminar as well as insights I gathered from my experiences with people around the event.


NOTE: Meredith Miller is not a therapist or counselor. She is a holistic integration coach, helping you to self-heal and transform your life after narcissistic abuse and toxic relationships. Meredith teaches the mindsets and tactical skills to help with recovery. She works with a mind-body-spirit approach to wellness that is a valuable complement to traditional psychotherapy. Meredith recommends that you also seek out a licensed therapist who has experience with narcissistic abuse and relational trauma in order to help you with the complex-PTSD symptoms. Thank you for taking responsibility for yourself!
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Dont share your new dreams with negative people.I like that alot.Thank you


The sheer power and determination Big Hug !!


Absolutely amazing video! It resonated with me so deeply, because I'm at a crossroads in my life and I'm about to make drastic changes. Such as quiting my souldestroying job and starting my own business. There aren't many people around me who would suppot me on my decision. However, I got wonderful positive vibes from you through your video, Meredith! Thanks a lot! Yo are such an inspiration! Your chanel is growing with an incredible speed! Congrats!


Awesome 😊 protecting our dreams by setting boundaries makes so much sense now after hearing you say it. So true! Focusing on how we want our lives to feel instead of trying to please others in attempts to feel good - connecting backwards. I did a lot of the latter while trying to balance living my dreams and compromised my self a lot. Forgiving myself has been hard because I tend to be so hard on myself, working on that as I foster the connection within. Thank you for this.


I managed to grow an amazing boundary around me and now took a new workout regimen and healthy eating and dedicate one month into it. This is the priority for me this one month I have to be healthy.


I live on my own! Thank God for that!


I have no idea what my purpose is nor who I am. raised by Narc mom.


Thanks Meredith. Sweet clip as always. Working on moving beyond the narc bf and drug addiction. Hugs! 💟


this is a great video!  I think we always need to go to another level mentally or spiritually but especially if we have experienced narcissistic abuse or some other set back!  I  like these type of encouraging videos and I do want to get started on going to another level in many areas of my life!


I'm trying to finish college, it's taking me forever 🙄 love your videos


Thank yoi for this. I want to be your friend. I hope to meet you


Hi ...newly subscribed Is there a live thing today? I'm in Australia, so just checking time etc.


The next level, , , es you'll have to stop ✋🏻 thinking 💭 just stop... and follow your thinking... you'll realize you'll have to change your (program)and its has a password... but before you use your password.. you'll, , , have too accept something, all thing that made you think it not you... I mean ....your (real you)
🙈🙉🙊 now I will give you the password it was there, is your heart ❤️. If you'll don't follow the (program thinking)... you'll find yourself . And then you will have to program something, I just hope it's something good 😊...


I'm sorry are you teaching that you are a God and that you can create and manifest things? You are a delight to listen to and you speak on a level that is acceptable and can be related to spiritually according to God's word but then I hear this so now I have to measure you and I have parameters checkpoints and boundaries and you speak of but I have to ask what are you basing this on are you basing this on your ability to make something happen and get it done cuz if you are then you are setting yourself up once again for complete utter failure I hope this is not the case respectfully so deception and illusion of what people want you to believe that they are despite the spirit operating can be quite tricky so would you share openly and honestly your face and where do you stay or are you on the fence because when an intellectual understanding based on something that was given that relates to your comfort your feelings or emotions that allows you to avoid the creator of all things the author and finisher of all things please help me understand because I really do enjoy and I'm looking for someone that has them authenticity to help me come out of some of the trauma that I've experienced and I am experiencing now thank you so much and I look forward to your response


Absolutely amazing video! It resonated with me so deeply, because I'm at a crossroads in my life and I'm about to make drastic changes. Such as quiting my souldestroying job and starting my own business. There aren't many people around me who would suppot me on my decision. However, I got wonderful positive vibes from you through your video, Meredith! Thanks a lot! Yo are such an inspiration! Your chanel is growing with an incredible speed! Congrats!
