How I trained my pet dog to be my service dog

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#ServiceDog #ServiceAnimal #Disabilities

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Most important is making sure the dog behaves properly out in public and around other service animals especially.


I’m actually only 12 ywars old and recently got my own pup, I suffer from severe and diets and severe depression, so I decided to train my pup to help me with my anxiety and depression, she is a couple weeks into training and she’s doing absolutely awesome! And she has already caught 2 anxiety attacks before they happened! In a couple months she will train in public for the first time once we get some more obedience down, specifically a hospital! I also have a little bit of trouble with vision and leg aches that happen randomly, as well as dyslexia, and possible a bit of ADHD so I’m very happy to have her by my side! I don’t know what we did to deserve dogs! I don’t know what I would do without her now!


When I trained my first service dog, people didn't respect her at all. There was never a day that she wasn't almost mobbed by many people, especially kids! Now I am starting my third one, just a year plus old pup. It's amazing how people have come to acknowledge and respect service dogs in this short of a time. Seldom does anyone approach her now without asking permission. Service dogs have come such a long way! I have always trained my dogs to go in and off duty. They all seem to do better if they get a few minutes I just be able to say, "hi." ❤


I actually added a new disability service dogs help with. I have a debilitating stomach disorder formally known as acid reflux disease. I called it acid detection alert. I trained her to alert to stomach acid and working on training her to alert to taking meds because I’m about to start cardiac meds. I have ADHD which makes it difficult to remember or want to take meds.


My heart goes out to Pratt. I recently got a poodle puppy whom I'm training as a service dog for mobility as well. It's always inspiring to see others stepping up and deciding to make the difference in their own life that needs to be made rather than relying on others. On her own, she created her independence.


excellent story so much information that people don't know what is available.


I don’t have a dog because the apartment I live in doesn’t allow pets, and my parents are busy most of the time. When I actually get a dog, I might train them to help with my anxiety. I have a fear of crowds, public speaking, and basically mostly anything that involves with a lot of people. It might even take more than 5+ years to move out of this crappy apartment. First thing im gonna do is decorate my room and get a dog. I might also want a cat too 😃

Edit: I’ve got a dog now 😄


I suffer with depression, anxiety, and seizures so I have an ESA bunny and for a service animal I wanna get a dog.


I love your attitude and I love your dog


I often have mobility issues despite only being 16 years old. I often get chronic pain in my ankles and knees and i'm never really not in pain. It been a long 2 years of trying to get a diagnosis with no luck and i'm often finding myself unable to walk or struggling to walk after long or sometimes short periods of walking and/or exercise so I always have to hold onto railings and even my mates to be able to get to places like classes at school. I also have severe anxiety and mild autism as well as severe dizzy spells that have left me on the floor not knowing at all how long I had been there or what had happened so the idea of a service dog has crossed my mind but due to my parents not entirely believing me about my struggles with mobility due to my young age as well as doctors and specialists not being able to find a diagnosis, i'm nervous of bringing it up to them. I do all the training and looking after regarding our current dog who is only a little over a year old and seeing this video has made me think I could begin further training him in obedience and maybe making him a service dog regarding my anxiety and autism as they affect me heavily daily but due to him not being big enough to help me in terms of mobility... I don't know whether to bring it up to my parents about training my dog to be a service animal despite his size or bring it up about getting a service animal. Any ideas on what I should do?


Fantastic girl, looking after her mum ❤


I love dogs so much there are no words to express it. ❤ The are just magnificent creatures! Truly magnificent. I love your dog! She is just so calm and intelligent.


A great combination of work and assistance, which ultimately helps people in need who really need a service dog 💚🐾💎🐾.Good luck 👍


I’m doing the same thing, I’m currently training my dog to become a service dog for me. I suffer from autism, anxiety and occasional seizures so I’m looking forward to having her by my side :, )


I got my 4 month old shepherd collie mix a few weeks ago. I was planning on him being a pet but his temperment would be great for service work and he could bring back some independence. I have CPTSD, major depressive dissorder, possible connective tissue disorder, chronic pain, and dizzy spells. Im mainly hoping he can learn to pick up on my dizzy spells as thats one of my most quality of life impacting disablilities. I have a yorkie that has naturally detected it but she could never be a service dog due to aggression issues. Plus she isnt large enough to help elevate my legs or preform dpt. I love her to death but my new dog sure is going to help me a lot. My yorkie brings me a ton of emotional support though and helps me so much with my depression


I needed this information so bad, because I don’t have the money to get a self trainer, and I have a dog. So I am going to talk to my doctor about the permission


No toys and no playing when the vest is on. So important!!


That doggo is such a sweetheart. And so calm for a boxer. Must be the other breed she seems to have in her (mastiff, maybe?). Bold choice, using a bully breed as a mobility dog. They're pretty prone to hip dysplasia, and thus aren't often suited to mobility tasks.


I'm in Canada & am preparing to train our lab to help me out with wheelchair tasks & low/high blood sugar monitoring. Could you please tell me what organization that issues these training vests & will it allow my girl to enter crowded places with me to get her to working in a crowded environment.


I would love to train my dogs to fetch pill bottles. But they'd eat the bottle before giving it to me lol.
