May 2023 Energy Update - (5 Things You Should Know)

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May 2023 - #energyupdate (MAJOR Turning Point This Month!)

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About this video:

This is an intuitive astrology / energy update for May 2023.

The month of May is a major turning point, energetically speaking, and a VERY exciting time for anyone going through a spiritual awakening.

I was watching an Eckhart Tolle video the other day, and there was a doctor explaining that he was concerned that all of his colleagues were burnt out and don't have access to all the spiritual stuff he was learning at Eckhart's event.

Eckhart went on to encourage him to start a support group! The doctor was quite surprised but even Eckhart is somehow tapping into the powerful may energy! it's a time to go for it and do the work you came to do, big or small, doesn't matter.
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I really wish the law of attraction community would focus more on the subconscious, because based on what I've read over the years, it is actually a very critical part of the mind that involves manifestation.


I absolutely Love watching you grow. It gives me hope Victor that I really am not alone on this path.Thanks for being Vulnerable and Authentically you.


I got accepted as a beta tester and I'm so excited! I literally rearranged my schedule so that I can do this. I am definitely stepping out of my comfort zone but as Colin Firth said in the king's speech "i have a VOICE" and this course is going to teach me to use it to help others.


Saying thank you doesn’t seem like enough.
Your help in dealing with everything is so appreciated
Always doing what I need to do is not easy. It is necessary but difficult
love and light


It's so beautiful. Love is the basis of everything.

I love you. Your energy is so beautiful, so wise and full of love.

I love how I feel like you are here with me when I watch you. You bring a beautiful LoveLight to this world.

I appreciate you, thank you for being here in this time space reality with me.

We Are One and I Love You.

I choose Love, Bliss, Joy, Laughter, Balance, Harmony, Compassion, Passion, Purpose, Appreciation, Eagerness, Ease and Flow like the air I breathe. An so it is.


It matters Vic! Everything and all that we do, feel, think behave.. MATTERS!


FEAR😮 I thought I was alone...I thought I was loosing my mind...I was irrationality terrified to loose my children.


The Dog thing! I have 2 digs currently, 4 and 12... The 12 year old Jack Russell Fox Terrier was a puppy when I had my childhood dog. The kids were asking about my old dog and I haven't thought about her in such a long time. A beautiful one of a kind Sheltie. She was 13 when we had to put her down and I felt horrible. Kids wanted to know the life span of our current dogs and I was curious about my old dog... Her lifespan was 12 - 13. So that guilt dissolved and I remembered all the love I had for her. I felt her presence, so strong that my younger Border Collie knew and she's a jealous one lol


Hilarious story about you singing the national anthem 😂. What a great story!! You are so in tune. Also love the doggie dreams, very sweet. Thank you for the part about fear and ancestral healing, I relate. Love the closing about openness and courage, thank you 🙏🏼. I’ve also followed you for years as many of these commenters here and your videos are always greatly appreciated. You’re a wonderful teacher. Love the honesty about you feeling shy or critical of videos, your openness on these details makes you so relatable. ❤


I was in heaven and I’m a galactic queen, divine feminine and earth Angel and prophetess. It’s important to do the work to remember who you are and know our souls are here for a reason and everyone matters and needs to do the work .I only know this because I started my journey but it’s been so tough. We are needed and this is final
important phase before judgement day and then we move into new earth once the evil is removed. . It’s important to connect to source our creator to help us ground into healing, our divine power and light. There’s always trauma and blocks to heal. We are not just here to create with the universe we are here to heal ourselves, our blood line, others when we become teachers and heal earth. Religion has destroyed and polluted source, god the creator of our souls and the universe. Call in your angels too❤


Your own inner critic is your most harsh. You're doing great Victor, just keep being you!!


“The world will find people to push your buttons.” 😂😂😂

100% yes, I can totally attest! 🙌 No matter how much I hermit or how harmonious I find my relationships to be… the Universe ALWAYS finds a way. 🤣 Usually for me this will happen with random people on my social media or in my email inbox.

Always a nice reminder that the growth never ends! Much love, and thanks for another resonant AF vid. 😎🔥


Mind, Body, Spirit, one voice, one Soul.


I had a pitbull soulmate, too. Always my angel, then and now. ❤


Thanks! On 1/9/19 I put down meth and have been healing and growing and releasing since. I love your videos! I am finally in a place where negativity isn't my first thought. My first thought is compassion and love for myself and others. I am a empath and work with the homeless, so this feels so good to be instinct and not something i have to talk myself into. Thank you for your messages and perspective! It has supported me on this journey so much! ❤️


What comes up when listening to you talk about irrational fears embedded in the DNA, is that at the time the traumas were experienced (by ourselves or by the earthly family in this and previous incarnations), soul fragments were detached and were taken away on the timeline corresponding to these traumas
These soul fragments are calling us for reintegration and this call is made through the emotional channel that triggered the fragmentation

In any case, our vibrational connection is deep, Soul Family 😇🌺


that's how I feel. the fear has consummed and controlled me for 3 years now and every now and then, I can move through it by feeling or tapping or being in the moment, but for the most it's really so powerful...i know we are suppose to be greater but wow...


Having you as an example of a recovered addict gives me hope for my loved one. Holding space for recovery is so hard sometimes.


I have the same fear. It’s sooo crippling and intense. It came out of nowhere. Its a slow battle but I’m getting better. This video definitely made me see that I’m not alone.


You are an amazing being and almost every video I watch of you, I've resonated with. You and I are so similar to each other in both our personal lives and the Universe. Everything you said in this video is right on it. I'm experiencing deep fear that comes out of nowhere. Its dread and in the past it was much worse. I didn't know what i feared but felt horrifying. Usually something did happen. My Dad passed away about 2 years ago in November.. one month prior i felt like fear almost daily multiple times but I didn't know what to fear and it was the worst thing I ever felt
I knew it was dread but masked on what. I'm feeling it again now and this time there's no mask. My son as well
Only this time its not dread but still it didn't feel good. The feeling overwhelmed me a week ago for a day and slowly getting better
Maybe it'd because he's turning 21 today as a matter of fact
Ive been in some kind of serious transformation for several years now. I feared everything and everyone so much that it gave me tremors. I was transforming whether I was a willing participant or not i hid from the world because of my uncontrolled behavior. I acted like a tweaker and then is how I was seen by the world. It consumed my whole being I was allowing it. I found you years ago and from the first video I resonated with you. Your energy updates full moon or anything that had to do with the universe are helping me heal, understand how to make a difference with the gifts i have. I was so fearful of my gifts. They scare me still but one day I woke up and I'm calm now. Well I'm better and getting used to being more grounded. When you said the Earth is calling, I resonated completely. I have a passion for life but not humans. Wildlife. Animals in general so much that I hurt for them. I feel their pain. Its overwhelming at times. I decided to write my Congress with help from the wildlife fund Audubon among others only this time I didn't just sign a petition. I added my own personal feelings and even posted on my FB page asking everyone if they can hear the Earth's cries!!?? If roles were reversed would the animals help us?? Maybe the is my fear that overwhelms me from time to time. I'm involved now
We all are but humans ignore this. It is devastating. I feel everything because I'm ab Empath. Gift? Curse? Both until you understand you've always been in control. Everything I am doing now is for the higher good and I'm no longer hiding. This wake up happened before I even realized that I'm already doing it. I'm a rochhounder and have been for years before I knew the word Rockhounding. I have a Rock Garden I created and still doing it. Its now a Certified Wildlife Habitat on the federal level and an Ambassador for Talkin Bird's podcast. I'm growing because of your updates and this one finally gave me courage to send a comment after over at least 5 years of listening to you. You opened my eyes and i have so much respect and gratefulness towards you. Thank you just doesn't seem appropriate. You deserve better than just thank you Vic!! I was so close to attending the retreat in Texas . I was going to but an obstacle got in the way that I could not overcome. I would love to go to future retreat and ready for another level of consciousness which I'm feeling now. There's opportunities you have I want to know more about. Contact me if you will about how to connect with you for healing work or something.
You ARE making a difference and I share your gifts . Ee are all connected and I've known this since a young child however silenced until now. The waters are calm for me and it definitely feels good
