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As one might expect, most paranormal or supernatural encounters occur in the hours of darkness. What is it about the night that seems to manifest these occurrences? Is it our own feelings of vulnerability and isolation? Or is it something more profound? This week, we hear accounts from those who work through the night on the dreaded nightshift.

Check out these other channels and videos!
4 Scary True Night Shift Stories
5 True Scary Night Shift Stories (Vol. 4)
39 TRUE Night Shift HORROR Stories (COMPILATION)
4 Creepy True NIGHT SHIFT Stories from Reddit

Turn off the lights, get into bed and plug in your earphones. It's time for a creepy bedtime story. For the discerning horror fan, we cover the most chilling cases throughout history. From the paranormal to the supernatural, unsolved mysteries and strange deaths to cryptids, conspiracy theories and the most disturbing of true crimes, all told in a unique and creepy way. Join us every week for a new scary story.



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Apologies for the error in this. Of course we know the island is O'ahu. I think this mistake came about in the editing process. It originally read "County of Honolulu" and I wanted it to be more specific to the actual island. When I edited the text I failed to change "Honolulu" to "O'ahu" and didn't pick up on it in recording, either 🙄 - Rich


I had a night shift security guard job in college. Completely alone, I heard noises coming from the darkest part of the warehouse. As I scanned with my flashlight, I saw six sets of glowing eyes in the corner. That was the most terrifying 2 seconds of my life, until I realized it was just a family of raccoons.


I used to work overnights and had a 20 mile commute between home and work, traveling along a pretty well used highway that goes through the farmland of Southern Wisconsin connecting all the towns in the area. Most of this road is wide open flat-ish farmland. There is one section however that cuts through a small woodland and bridges over a tiny creek. Typically, this highway is pretty well traveled no matter what time you are on it, however one night on my way to work, it was empty. It was actually kind of nice not having headlights in my face the whole trip. As I approached the section of road that cuts through the woodland, I reached down to skip the track on the CD I was listenning to. When I looked up I saw what looked like a woman standing on the side of the road at the edge of my headlights, wearing a light green dress. Suddenly, the figure dashed out into the road directly in front of my car traveling at 60 MPH! It was far too late for me to hit the brakes or swerve, but I tried the brakes anyway and braced myself for the impact, which never came. I watched as the figure seemed to turn into a mist and flow up the hood of the car. Still trying to stop the car the mist passed through the windshield, cabin, and rear window of the car, as I drove through the space the figure had occupied. The air in the car was now practically ice cold, perhaps that was my nerves though. Finally I was able to get the car to stop on the side of the road. I got out and turned around expecting to find a very badly injured woman lying on the road. The woman was nowhere to be found. I inspected the front of the car for damage, not even a scratch. As I was inspecting the front of the car, I became aware that I couldn't hear the wind. The tall grass on the side of the road was swaying as if in a pretty significant breeze and I could feel that very same breeze tug gently at my clothes and hair, but I couldn't hear the breeze, just perfect silence. As I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on, I realized that I could hear something. Whispering. Not wind. Whispering. The whispering seemed to be moving around me and over me and even under me. There is a difference between a steady wind, and whispering. I couldn't tell what the whispering was trying to say, but with everything that had just happened, I was too spooked to wait around and try to figure it out. I ran around to the door of the car, got in, dropped it in drive and floored it! I took an alternate route home that morning, and continued to use the alternate route for about two weeks after that. Eventually I had gained the courage back to return to the original route, and I never experienced anything like that again.


I love the graveyard shifts, peace, quiet and solitude.


My first real job out of high school I was working the fuel lane at a major trucking company at night. Right beside the fuel lane was the service lane where trucks would get oil changed, lubed, just checked out to make sure they were safe for the road. One night, I was just finishing up the city trucks and an over the road GMC cabover was sitting on the service lane. Nobody was working on it as the service guy was on another truck at the time. I'm filling out the paperwork for the truck I just fueled when the GMC starts up and backs out of the shop. I didn't think much of it until I looked and saw all 4 other mechanics looking toward it. The GMC continued to idle just outside the shop until one of the mechanics came over to it, climbed up in it and shut it down. I could see both side mirrors on the GMC so if either door had opened, I would have seen it, but neither did. Later, I was told a driver had crashed and died while driving that truck. Drivers also reported weird things when driving it like they would make the bed in the sleeper, go in to get their paperwork and come out to find the bed all messed up. Some refused to drive it. Only one driver didn't care. He said if a ghost is gonna ride, then it's gonna take its turn at the wheel. Nobody rides for free.


Ive been working swing shift for over 26 years at a 70+ year old mining facility in rural Virginia.
In those years I've saw tricks of light and shadow aplenty. Along with everything from very real human trespassers, and wandering contractor employees and goods delivery people, to wild animals passing through the property or around the facilities aged buildings.
The only time though that I actually saw something really unexplainable?
Was one night when I once turned around from measuring a product bin in the building I work in and saw what I can only describe as a humanoid shaped, black mass, or cloud, hovering a few feet away from where I stood.
But I saw it only for a moment as it suddenly moved away from me and quickly decended down a stairwell and out of sight on the floor below the one I was one.
In truth.
It happened too fast for me to be afraid.
Just surprised or startled.
Later I heard that others amongst my co-workers had saw something similar. It scaring one of them enough that they wouldn't stay in the building a full shift at night by themselves.
Though I myself, to date, have not saw it again. And don't really wish too.


This one hits home to me. I was once a security guard in a large facility in the woods. I had to drive around checking buildings and essential equipment to make sure they were running normally and make sure all the buildings were locked tight. The whole place was covered in a horrible past in which many people lost their lives due to accidents. There was one building in particular that was very haunted that I had to actually enter to take readings. Guards warned me about it. They all feared it. I wish they didn't tell me. Whenever I went in there my hairs stood up and I felt like I was being followed around. One night I got the fright of my life when I was just about to exit that building and I heard a sorrowful moan behind me. There was nobody on that site except for me at night. Employees weren't there. Around the area of that same building there was lots of trees. Whenever I was driving away from that building I always saw dark shadow silhouettes peaking from behind the trees with glowing orange eyes. Needless to say, I have PTSD now.


As if regular ghosts aren't scary enough, now there are Sasquatch ghosts too


Currently watching on nightshift, to all my brothers in the security industry/law enforcement etc...I hope you have a safe shift.


Terry Pratchett said, "it's very important to remember that night people are not day people who stayed up too late".

I miss night shift. It's a different world that belong to much less people, and it has it's own rules and society


I worked as a nightwatchmen as I was going to college. Though I only had one incident at a factory I was guarding that I would say was paranormal or I couldnt easily explain. This one brought back memories of lonely, nerve wracking patrols through dark factories at night. Good job again!


There is a fair few of us on my shift and the opposite shifts that keep saying they hear the door being slammed at the end of the room when on nights, I have always said you didn't hear them come in, only hear them leaving. I worked with 2 people who refused to go down the basement without me, one was my gaffer, it was pitch black until the sensors kicked in.

One night I was sitting in my control room when I saw in the corner of my eye a shadowy figure go by, it was about 6 feet but thin, it seemed to just glide past, it was very strange indeed.

The other week I was on a platform and looked around down towards the floor and my mind must have being playing tricks as around 3 o'clock in the morning and I saw a little boy standing there, I thought nothing of it as only a quick glimpse of something, so definitely thought I'd imagined it. The next thing I know is that I was freezing cold, I have never felt a coldness like that in my entire life and a instant fear came too. The mind plays funny tricks on you but I will never forget that feeling of cold for a long time to come.


I usually work the nightshift as a security guard and I have experienced some creepy things. That said, what I’m usually the most worried about isn’t something supernatural but rather it’s that someone will try to break into the site I’m guarding.

That said, I will come back to this when I get home and share some stories with you all! :)

Update: Sorry about the delay! I was completely beat when I came home yesterday and couldn't write anything. Anyway, here ya go! :) I hope you all enjoy!

I was working at this old factory complex that was closed for the summer due to maintenance. It lies pretty isolated and is almost completely surrounded by this thick, old forest (with only a small portion of one side being dedicated to the employee parking lot). Still while it could get a little spooky at times when I had to walk the perimeter and make sure that the fence was okay I never really got scared. If nothing else I figured I had this huge chain link fence that was topped with barbed wire between me and whatever animal may be out in the forest.

Anyway, it was around 2:15am and I was beat. I was doing the last of five twelve hour shifts in a row and I couldn’t wait for 06:30 to roll around so I could go home and get some sleep. I had just reached the far side of the complex when I heard this loud, ungodly sound coming from deep within the forest. Even now, after five years, I don’t quite know how to explain it. I guess the closest thing I can think of is this: Imagine a very big dog, like a mastiff, screaming. Not barking, not yelping, not howling. Screaming. Almost but not quite like a human.

I was so shocked by the sound that I just stood there for a while, listening to see if I would hear it again. I must’ve been standing there for two minutes before I (somewhat nervously) chuckled and decided I must be hearing things. I had taken all of three steps when I heard it again, this time much closer and I heard something big moving through the forest on the other side of the fence. I shined my flashlight into the forest but I couldn't see anything. After things had been quiet for a while I decided to continue my patrol. I had taken about ten steps when I heard it start moving again in the trees (with all the grace of a rolling boulder, I could hear it breaking off branches and forcing its way through the thick undergrowth quite clearly). At first I thought it was just moving on until I realised it was following me. That’s when I got really scared. I decided to test it out and speed up, whereupon it started moving faster. I stopped and it stopped. I tried to get a look at it again but whoever or whatever it was, it was smart enough to hide itself properly, didn’t even see any eyeshine which I thought was weird since you can usually see it on animals, even when they are hiding.

Anyway, I calmed myself down by reminding myself that no matter who or what it was it was still stuck on the other side of the fence and decided to just finish up my patrol like I normally do. Which I did, until we reached the final stretch. You see, up until this point it had slipped my mind completely that there was one section of the fence that some asshole had cut open the day before and we had yet to repair it with anything more substantial than some barricade tape we had just used to tie the two sections of the fence together. In other words, anyone with a pair of scissors (or a pair of claws…) could easily just cut through the tape and get in.

I am not ashamed to admit that, at this point, I just lost it and started running as fast as I could towards the guard shack. I think I could hear my stalker start running as well but at that point I was so terrified that I am not sure if I imagined it or not. I could tell you about that terrifying dash to safety, how I imagined I could hear heavy breathing behind me or how I could’ve sworn I occasionally saw something big in the corner of my eyes chasing after me but I won’t. Why? Because when I eventually reached the guard shack and pretty much tore open the door, ran inside and slammed it shut so hard that I thought the glass in it’s window was gonna break I looked outside and saw… Nothing. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.

I quickly double checked to make sure that all the doors and windows were locked tight and began to check the camera monitors (as well as the recordings but I could only see me in them) for anything unusual but I couldn’t find anything. I am not ashamed to admit that after that I decided to not go on the rest of my patrols that night and just looked through the cameras.

I wish I had a more dramatic ending to the story but, well, I don’t. I never saw who or what was following me, I didn’t hear that scream again (except for what I *think* may have been it’s scream at around 05:00) and as far as I know none of my colleagues have experienced something similar before or since then.

I know this sounds unbelievable, trust me I was there and I barely even believe it!, but it really happened. So, I guess, take it for what it is.


Couple years ago, I worked 3rd shift at a gas station Thur-Sun and it not only started messing with me mentally, crazy things would happen at work which wasn't cool when you worked alone and didn't have any customers between 2am-4am. Large boxes would fall off shelves in the back room for no reason, boxes which were in the same spot for quite some time and in no position to just fall. I'd also see people in aisles shopping when I would be outside sweeping the lot and go inside and realize nobody was in there. I think the lack of sleep, stress and odd hours I was working stirred up some kind of poltergeist activity at work and not at home because that job was one of my biggest causes of stress for many reasons.


Doing night shift security walks in a giant hotel got me seeing some weird shit too


It's not called "The Graveyard Shift" for nothing. Personally, I generally like working nights, especially if I'm doing contract security. OTOH, I have had officers call me at home and quit; had officers outright abandon their posts; found officers hiding in closets; and once had an officer quit when I relieved her in the morning, because she "...couldn't handle the ghosts anymore". I have yet to work a night shift where something paranormal _did not_ happen. If you're not seeing or hearing something weird on a one-person night shift on a mostly-empty post, you're either extremely lucky, or you're not paying attention.


I work in areas driven by ensuring our Military members make it home. On occasion, I am alone into the wee hours. Every time, I get a sense I am not alone. I have seen shadows. Once, I thought I saw a soldier in full battle dress. On these occasions, I am never in fear. The feeling I get is one of gratitude. As in my brothers and sisters DID make it home. I always quietly thank them and acknowledge their sacrifice.


Yeah, every one of us in Security on nights usually has a story to share. Myself nothing big, just once a stall door in a public bathroom slammed itself for no discernible reason: no air currents, the A/C was off. No one else in that part of the building. I was using the urinal, wasn't anywhere close to the stalls, but it slammed. Other than that it's weird noises: sounds of people pushing carts around in the hallway when you're in a room, or this huge bang that happens in one building; sounds like something big, like a semi truck at full speed or an airplane. Always at 4 or 5 AM, but not every day, just sometimes.

Other guys I work with have their own stories. One guy worked overnight security for a law firm that he said was haunted; lights turning on and off, doors opening and closing, all by themselves. Another coworker swears he saw someone in the catwalks above him who at the time was actually on the other side of the building.

So yeah, you want to experience weird stuff? Work overnight security.


I was once in Royal Navy and a great number of our ships company was housed in a old hospital (hasler) on gosport near Portsmouth, the hospital had been used for WW2 injured service men from tri services,
You could hear people walking around at night in the attic but the was not anyone there, and some people woke up to white lights in rooms hovering over them.

Very scary. And I don’t scare easy

Great episode


I used to work nightshits at a huge factory complex that had probably about a mile of floorspace with it's 4 production lines in a U form, at day time there was 3 times the workforce on location. At night, parts of the factory floor where closed mostly by the halfway of the 3 linked buildings and only emergency exit lights where on so it was always pitch black and you needed a flashlight with you.

Outside was also vast, with dozens of very large warehouses, storage fields, preparation areas of materials and a unloading depo for trucks and trailers and high security fences all around it.

One time when we got a power failure at our power plant (yes, we had our own) all machines halted but the backup generators could keep up the lights on we basicly got the order to just clean up hard to reach areas, except me. I was told to go round the fence by foot and check if their was any holes and mark them with high visibility tape (something similar what police use to limit areas).

For a security guard going around you needed a small car and he only managed to do two rounds a night in 8h's and i didn't get a car.

The shift boss gave me an old bicycle that had a basket that had tools in it. It was september and really dark and the bike had only a dynamo-light that lid up only when the wheel was turning and their was no lighting near then fence, a overgrown gravel service road had just tire tracks that was somewhat average to ride on with potholes here and there.

At a corner of the property i found my first hole that i needed to mark as i frapped and tied a meter long strip on the fence i heard an odd sound at a distance behind me. It sounded like someone was moaning in pain. So i started to approach where the sound was located at some 3 big industrial pipes that where laying on the ground and had been rusting there probably for a long time.

I lighted my flashlight inside the pipes that where probably 80cm in diameter and maybe 10m long waiting to find some homeless dude sheltering inside them....nothing, all where empty but the whailing sound was here still, moaning. So i made a slow turn shining my light at the surroundings that had knee high grass trying to locate something, anything and started to call out if anybody was there??? The moaning stopped in that moment and i had a really odd feeling that i wasn't alone that someone was watching me.

So i said out loud that the fence will be repaired and who ever was here should leave the area and if he is sick should go to hospital!!
No response, just quiet, no sound.
"ok, i'm leaving now" i said loud again and turned and started to walk towards the bike i felt like someone put their hand on my shoulder like "excuse me.." as i turned there was nothing behind me and i was like... whaaat, did a bat just brush me??? as i had been told that bats liked to vacate one of the older warehouses loft.
Naah, and started to walk again when the same firm grip felt again on my shoulder but now it felt cold... and i knew there was something behind me that radiated cool air as the night had been quite warm but i could feel cold behind me and i felt a chill going thru me.... and then i just sprinted to the bike not looking back cycling as fast as i could back towards a lighted area of the complex not looking back, just franticly peddling on.

When i got to the new warehouses that where open at night and the forkclift driver was bringing some recycled trash for storage he stopped and came to me and asked if i was ok? As i was white as a sheet and shakey i just mumbled that i felt a bit sick, maybe my snack was bad for my stomach or something and the guy was like, ok, don't give me your illness.. and you should probably lie down or drink something...what are you doing here anyway??? shouldn't you be cleaning with the others??? And i replied that the boss sent me to check the fences for holes.

So he looked at me for a while and then started talking about a teen who had snuk in thru a hole in the fence many times some 8 years before and used this as a shortcut.
One time he had accidently fell thru to old water filled underground basement of a burned down building and as he was drunk he could not get out of it and he drowned their....a few days later he was found as his parents had told police that he liked to sneak thru the factory complex by night.

The basement was later filled up and the fence repaired but kids and some adults still use the shortcut not wanting circle round the huge complex and as their really isn't any active work areas there it is easy to not get caught.

The factory was closed several years a go and the huge area is now being developed as an office and appartment complex with parks and sports centers.
