Discover the Secrets: The Eight Schools of the Right

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The augers of Schizo have long foreseen this betrayal: to present the utter neophyte, James Lindsey, as a true adept reveals the strings moving your hands.


Can we have an RPG based on this please?
I want to be a level 20 Slop Merchant


The Tribe's spell should be "Wikipedia Check".


*So much happiness and joy $47k weekly returns has been life changing. AWESOME GOD I now have a house and can now afford anything for my family even with my Retirement..*


These caregories would make quite good axes for a political test


All I want is a school of Woo community but I lean too heavily to schizo to trust anyone


AA is far Right Dumbledore 😂 Smoke the sorting Cigar to find your school 😅


Devon Stack has been emmitting mighty spells from the School of Tribe recently.


Be interesting to see the left-wing version of this


Moving away from Doom and Slop has done wonders for my mental health.


That horrible moment when you realise you might have put way more points into Woo than you realised.


Charls Carrol is the arch-mage of Schizo.


I feel like Schizo should be a pyramid symbol.


I disagree with all of this.

You were not prepared to make this video, and you should have thought deeper about what are the schools, their natures and vicissitudes, to make something truly comprehensive and proper.

The why is because these "schools" are not properly separated along similarly impactful criteria — be it a fundamental narrative, or a non negotiable prescription or endgoal. Its like you made this video half serious, half just wanting to make a joke.

In essence, the schools in your video are not counterparts of each other. They are just a collection of uneven trivia you arbitrarily divided into categories. They are not separated on equal terms. Some are well fleshed out whilst others are diminutive and boring. To some you didnt even try to posit their stance charitably: you made a critique.

Think about Rome Total War faction intros: even if some factions you selected to play as were a backwater barbaric bunch, every faction intro tries to portray their perspective about the world, their goals and aspirations, and their grievances. Every intro tries to make every faction epic and legitimate, and that is what you should have tried to do here, but you didnt: you selected the Romans, made a proper intro to them, and then half of the factions you didnt intruduce, but rather criticized, from the perspective of the Romans, whilst the other half you skimmed over.

See, what makes different factions work within any setting, is the idea of different views, goals and tactics, at the very least.

In your case, whilst some you have separated merely by the kinds of tactics they employ, to others you have ascribed a fundamentally different wordlview.

To some of them you have ascribed an entire worldview and system of analysis (like with the school of realism, to which you basically ascribed the entirety of elite theory and political realism), whilst to others, nothing but a single meme and modus operandi (the school of tribe is the most reductive, its basically a single argument about a single issue with a single method of memeing about it).

To be more precise about why these factions dont work, here are some problems:

- Doom and realism are basically the same school, but to one you ascribed the premises of a given theory, whilst to the other, the conclusions of it, regarding the same way of viewing the political environment.

- Woo and Schizo are more or less the same school. You just decided to make one entirely responsible for the worst tendencies of its mode of thought (Schizo is just an amalgamation of all the absurd, wrong and ridiculous rightwing intuitions; its a caricature of a distinctively rightwing cynical mode of thought which often has merit, as we have seen with conspiracies regarding the pandemic and the election, amongst other issues), whilst the other is the more metaphysically centered approach of the same intuitions that often inform the former.

- Tribe and Race are the same school, but with different focuses. One is centered on the friend, and the other on the enemy. This is obvious. They should not be separated.

- Slop is not a real school, but rather a tactic all schools can employ. Its a way of generating views and profit, yes, but that is also because you didnt try to portray it, but instead just went for scrutinizing it. Slop is basically a means of manufacturing consent, which is essential and is often done by occupying as much of the public discourse as possible. Slop is all about pushing rightwing narratives to mainstreamdom, fighting the overton window and ensuring that rightwingers are not relegated to esoteric spaces. It has, not as a school, but as a tactic, its place.

- Trad and Woo are not incompatible, and Trad is all over the place, to the point of not being a real, distinctive school, but just a particular aesthetic other schools can employ. It has elements of all other schools baked in it, because slop can be trad, race can be trad, schizo can be trad, Woo can and often is trad; the appeal to traditional societal roles, hierarchy, soil and blood is a hallmark of many a rightwing movement, despite time and place. Trad, as a school, lacks something that makes it unique, because you made it into purely an aesthetic with some meager talking points, giving Woo all the substance of what a traditional and spiritually inclined mentality is all about.

All schools should have their virtues and vices and, more importantly, all of them should have distinct views of what is the good, the true and the beautiful. You only did your job explaining one of them ("realism"), and you half assed the others. I will stop now because I'm rambling.


There's a secret school AA didn't mention. It's nameless and has only one master: The Grand Master and Archwizard Morcar. It's said he can will events into existence only by focusing on them. Scary stuff.


3 minutes in and I'm feeling called out.


Peter Hitchens casting spells with a -2 penalty is a very Hitchen's thing to do.


Is slop under appreciated? Slop is what initially got my neighbor (chief of police) to start paying attention. He has come quite far over the past couple of years. Not everyone moves on from slop. But the smart ones usually do.


I'm a slop merchant with 8M subs and I have to tell you the phone reception on this yacht is absolutely terrible.


It is prophesied that he who majors in all 8 shall lead us
