Mouse DPI Tips & Tricks for Godlike Aim

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Mouse DPI has a significant impact in shaping what type of aimer you are. With some clever configuration, you can use changes in DPI to finely tune your aiming to perfectly suit the games you play.

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My personal favorite DPI is 1000. A bit more sensitive than 800 but more relax than 1600. Ever seen I've settled on this DPI, my aim has felt comfortable yet powerful in terms of flicking and tracking. Games I play are Apex Legends, Splitgate, Halo Infinite, Borderlands, and Fortnite (rarely tho).


To me 400 dpi feels most natural and as you called it instinctive. I feel like games feel best for me when I can match the crosshair distance to my cursor distance. the especially helps in games where youre switching a lot between inventory and actual gameplay because it all feels the same. but the perfect sens really depends on the game as well. it always changes between different engines and fov styles


don't forget that different games have different in-game values, so eDPI is hard to compare. going with mouse movement/360° is a better value to compare between different games. as example, an in-game sens of 10 in overwatch is equal to 3 in ca:go)


If you want minimum input latency your mouse should never be set lower than 1600 DPI and 1000hz polling rate, while adjusting in game sensitivity to get your aim to feel right to you. Battlenonsense did a very in depth investigation on this here on youtube.


DPI definitely makes specific senses feel better. I, for example, wanted to shift to a higher sens in apex and cs and went from 800 edpi with 800 dpi to now 1200 edpi with 1600 dpi and the higher dpi definitely makes the higher sens feel natural. If I played on 400 dpi at 1200 edpi it would definitely feel disconnected in my inventory and buy menu etc.


I personally like 500 DPI and 7.74 Ingame Sensitivity for Overwatch. I keep the DPI the same at 500 even when I play different games but the sensitivity is different from game to game, depending on what what feels comfortable to me


800 dpi and I tend to stick to 38.5 cm/360 for most games, I find this a happy medium :)


I think the most impotant things about changing dpi is that high dpi requires more micro adjustment than low dpi. I've tried different dpi from 400 to 1600 for two years. Low dpi like 400 feels more solid but less accurate when it comes to micro movement. Higher dpi like 800 and 1600 gives you more accuracy in micro movement but also feels shaky and jitter if you unable to control it. The higher you go the shakier you feel.


If someone isn’t sure about the range of dpi between 400 to 1600 just go down the middle and use 1000dpi because it isn’t too sensitive neither too skippy on the pixels.


I like 400dpi simply because it allows for finer tuning of sensitivities across different games. I like to have ~50cm/360 in games like CS:GO, and having a lower dpi allows for finer adjustment to be able to reach that exact same cm/360 when I swap to something else.


For me it really depends which game I'm playing. For valorant / csgo I roll on low sens while mw / R6 I prefer high sens. I don't have any problem adjusting


I having a hard time understanding some of this. DPI is simply a resolution, so for one, why wouldn't everyone want the highest DPI available, but maybe with a lower sensitivity, so more of your movement is controlled?

Second, why would a higher DPI want a higher sensitivity? That's completely inverse to what I would have thought. Higher DPI and higher sens, means you are flying all over the screen with little to no control, because who can control millimeters. Low DPI and low sense mean you can barely move your cursor while throwing your mouse across the room.

I want to know why we don't all max out DPI and then lower sens to a comfortable level? That would give the best input to output resolution and give the most control. There's something either I don't understand or the community doesn't understand.

The only reason I personally don't max out my DPI, but pretty close, is because sensitivity in games doesn't always go so low. Like shoot, I'm playing with a 0.7 sens in Apex Legends. I'd go higher for DPI, but I don't think I'd be able to find a low enough playable sens if I can't use anymore decimal places.


I use 1800 as a baseline because it's my mouse's default, but in games where going from 1 to 2 sens is like 5 cm/360 difference and there's no in between numbers, I will adjust dpi by 50 at a time till I get where I need to be.


What measurement of edpi does this video use? How do I calculate mine in the same way they did?


in tf2 I use 2400 dpi and 2.27 which is 1.5 inches per 180 as scout. It doesn't hinder my aim with the shotgun too much while using the higher sens to my advantage by jumping around a lot. While in apex legends I find it more comfortable to use the (comparatively) drastically lower sensitivity 2.8 400 dpi, my brain kind of has to take a minute if I switch between games but I can aim reasonably well and consistently hit shots


I just bought KovaaKs today and not even regretting it, great aim trainer


Is there any chance of a video like this but with ultra wide monitors in mind, like 34" and coefficient of 2.33. I would be interested to hear from an expert about how scalable these settings are depending on screen size


Good Video but a important fact about dpi is that the overall latency decreases when you increase the dpi. There is a really good BattleNonSens Video about that


CMIIW, so DPI is almost useless right ? because what we must find is
the most comfortable setting, combine between dpi and sensitivity

like the example
400 dpi with 10 sensitivity is same as 800 dpi with 5 sensitivity

so if my comfortable setting is 400 with 20, when i use 800 mouse i need to change my sensitivity to 10
correct ?


Is 1200 dpi and 1.3 sensitivity too much for CSGO? That’s what I have my setting at right now. Or is it preference?
