Obama Changes Overtime Rules In Big Win For Workers

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As of Tuesday night, the White House is officially rewriting the rules that determine who’s entitled to overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours in a week.

As the vice president might say, this is a BFD...

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Wow, thanks Obama, it only took you over 7 fucking years to do it.


I'm waiting for the Executive Order to make Congress and the Senate members to be paid hourly for actual work hours.


Prepare for incoming sarcastic "Thanks Obama " comments.


People might call me an Obama apologist but I am going to argue he will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents. Yeah, I disagree with him on Drones, NSA spying, his stance on the Israel Palestine issue, not prosecuting the bankers on Wallstreet, etc. But I can easily lay out 15-20 different reasons why Obama will be regarded as a Great President.

(i)Preventing a Second Great Depression from happening
-It isn't perfect but it has reduced the uninsurance rate from 20% to 11%, has presided over the largest expansion of medicare and medicaid since the 1960s and has benefitted communities of color and communities under the poverty
(iii)Dodd Frank(yes I am going to defend it)
-It should have been Glass Steagal but it does set up a consumer protection agency in Title II of the Bill
-It has the Volcker Rule and cracks down on the shadow banking industry
-It regulates and bans the spread of toxic assets across the system
(iv)LGBTQ rights
-He repealed DADT in 2010
-He signed the Matthew Sheppard Hate Crime Bill expanding hate crime laws to cover sexual orientation, gender identity
-the Department of Justice under his watch filed suits against both DOMA and Prop 8 in California
-His recent executive order on Trans rights across the country
(v)Native American rights
-He signed the Tribal Law and Order Act totally overhauling the criminal justice system as it applies to Natives and giving them more sovereignty on these issues
-In his re-authorization of the Violence against Women act he specifically it cover violence against indigenous women which is a massive epidemic on the reserves
-Signing the U.N Declaration of Indigenous rights
(vi)Climate Change
-vetoing the Keystone Pipeline
-His Clean energy plan that he has put out there
-banning drilling in the North
-Banning drilling in the Atlantic Ocean
-Signing major Climate agreements with China to curb carbon emissions
-Signing unto the U.N Climate Fund
-The historic U.N Climate Agreement in Paris
(vii)Normalizing relations with Cuba
(viii)The Iran Nuclear Deal
-He was able to sign a historic multilateral agreement with Iran that prevented another war in the middle east(which could have led to the deaths of as many of hundreds of thousands of lives) while achieving the goal of preventing enrichment
(ix)Ending the Monroe Doctrine in Latin America
-200 year doctrine the U.S has that has said that the U.S has a right to treat Latin America as it's own backyard.
(x)The Pivot to Asia
-Total rebalance of American foreign policy to Asia which includes normalizing diplomatic relations with Burma
(xi)The START Nuclear Agreement with Russia
-Both America and Russia have reduced their nuclear stockpiles by 60-80% and are 5 years ahead of their targets even while tensions have increased in the second term over Crimea
(xii)Improving America's image internationally
-When Obama came into power only about 33% of people had confidence in America according to Pew. Now that number is as high as 69% and 65% of people around the world strongly support Obama with his highest ratings being in Africa(over 75%, ) Latin America(65%) Asia(66%) approving
-Obama is probably the most popular President globally and the only other presidents that come close internationally were Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt
(xiii)His executive order on Immigration
(xiv)Women's rights
-Signing the Lilly Ledbender Act
-Signing the Re-authorization to the Violence against Women Act which expanded it to include violence against queer women, trans women and women of color
(xv)This recent executive order on overtime work.

I could go on with others. With every President your going to find flaws in them. I think Lincoln was the great president but his suspension of Habeus Corpus, deportation of the Navajo and Apache natives, and initial enforcement of the fugitive slave act were wrong. I think F.D.R was a great president but his bombing of dresden, bombing of Tokyo, approval of the manhattan project and his executive order on the internment camps were wrong. Being a great president does not mean your are going to be perfect.


Hey Obama, I'm still waiting for you to remove marijuana from the list of scheduled drugs under the Controlled Substances Act. C'mon man, do the right thing.


Thanks Obama (not sarcastic this time)!


Still totally and completely misses the point. Our labor force has shifted. More an more employers only employ part time workers. Part time workers get ZERO benefits. No overtime, no insurance, no unemployment benefits. Many part timers work *more* hours than full timers because they hold multiple jobs. Employers work part timers right up to the max they can do and still be part time. If they complain, they suddenly find they have very few or even no hours. There needs to be protections in place to guarantee workers a minimum number of hours at a minimum, or increase the benefits for them. So long as the rules just keep getting tacked on to the full time labor force, ever more employers will go to contract labor, part time workers, temps, and automation. You aren't benefitting any goddamn body with this additional benefit that only helps people who already have decent jobs.


I hope He dosen`t Use this as a Deal To Vote Hillary against Sanders.


WOOOO America is actually becoming a first world country


Republicans will still find a way to hate on him for this...guy can't win no matter what he does


This is LONG overdue protection for salaried workers. The CAP should be much higher however. I would set it at 4x the national average workers annual salary. Corporations TOTALLY abuse salaried workers and managers. I have worked for companies that openly state that you'll be expected to work 50-55hr workweeks for no overtime.


yay more labor restrictions. Surely employers won't find a way around this.. LOL


I am glad to see Obama helping workers in the same way as unions help workers.


But what about the poor Hundred billion dollar corporations? THINK ABOUT THE POOR HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR CORPORATIONS!!!


For once, Obama has done the right thing.


why is the gov. always helping people WITH $? I listened to this twice to make sure I didn't miss something but I was right. people at the poverty line don't get shit. this totally reminds me of when I was living on the nice part of town in Santa Rosa CA. Summerfield road was "improved" for the third time in less than ten years yet where I live now on the shity side of town I've blown two tire on roads that haven't been fixed in over a decade. and their excuse was "it's cheaper to improve roads than fix them". then they should be saving not spending. how about we, not give hand outs but, improve opportunity for the poorest of us by making education free and they can take care of themselves.


— but affects fewer than 3% of the nation.


The cap is still too low. As a free market economist, I'd like to see Obama make salaries illegal. My theory is that part of the time, Salaries hurt the workers because they end up working more than 40 hours. Salaries are also bad for business because employers have to pay salaries, even if there is no work to be done. Having hourly wages be mandated will allow for a more efficient economy, in my opinion.


And yet I still have to work over 60 hours a week under the hot sun without getting payed a dime in overtime just like a real Mexican... FML!


Meh, Overtime rules were written for workers in a factory, not office workers who cruise YouTube all day (like I am right now).As a manager, I never pay overtime, people are responsible for getting their work. Because office work comes in waves, paying OT for those busy periods ignores the periods when you go easier for people. The key is to be able to go easier on people when you're able to.
