Sending the space elevator up for the first time in Satisfactory 1.0

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Hey Pioneers...and welcome, to Satisfactory 1.0
It has been 5 years in the making and it is now time to see first hand what the final version of the game is meant to be like.
In this episode I will be launching the space elevator for the first time, building a coal power plant with 8 coal generators, and making a steel set up to unlock all the fun for the future.

Satisfactory Info
A 1st person open-world factory building sim by Coffee Stain Studios. Conquer nature, build multi-story factories, and automate to satisfaction!
Satisfactory is a first-person open-world factory building game with a dash of exploration and combat. Play alone or with friends, explore an alien planet, create multi-story factories, and enter conveyor belt heaven! Additional Notes The game is in early access and the minimum requirements may change. Don't forget to check out Satisfactory on steam June 8th.
#satisfactory #SatisfactoryEarlyAccess #coffeestainstudios
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I was so mad when I finally sent the first shipment up and it was super cloudy, and the POOF they cleared the clouds when you send it and my jaw dropped at how much they thought about that factor. They are so good at thinking of all the details that matter.


talking about building in the cave reminded me of how you can make a really nice entrance for something like that with hyper tubes...
you just start building a tube directly on top of the cave and then just keep the builder open while you walk into the cave and then place the other end inside the cave so now its clipping through the earth into the cave and then you can also use the zoop or vertical building options to make foundations inside the earth so you dont see the clipping while traveling through the earth and then just make some fancy decorations around the entrance/exit tubes so that it doesn't just show it clipping into a wall...

also the cave reminds me of the glowing undersides of the mushrooms at the spire coast... especially the part just before the dune desert and norther forests meeting corner at night... the glows... picked like 20 slugs from that section yesterday and was wondering what it would look like to try build something there so that you try to leave as much of the mushrooms as possible there and make everything from like asphalt or colored black and boxing the whole thing in and using some lights and signs with different colors to further enhance the view....

btw the conveyer lift connecting to the splitter or merger thing... you know you can actually make the build slightly more compact cause you can build the merger or splitter directly on to the lift... it actually snaps onto it and almost completely replaces the lifts end with the merger/splitter there is like just a sliver on the side it connects from left....

oh and as a random thing its annoying that you need to find stuff about in tips instead of in game like for example i just learned that when you press H and start using the arrow keys to nudge the stuff around that you can actually hold Ctrl like using the arrow keys and it nudges half what it nudges with just pressing the keys normally...


in my experience, "purity: temp" usually means that there might be two (or more) nodes, and thus there are several (possibly different) purities,
and of course also a "combined" (summed up) mining rate for all of them together, thus being called "temp"
