Here is Why Simulcast is a Problem for Many Scanner Radios

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A simple explanation on why Simulcast is an issue for your trunking scanner.

Why do you need a SDS100 and SDS200 to receive Simulcast?
Why can't your older Uniden or Whistler P25 Trunking Scanner receive simulcast transmissions?

A lot of it has to do with receiving signal from one too many towers at the same time, and your scanner has no idea how to rearrange and sync this incoming information.

In other words, your radio has gone into paralysis by analysis.

This "2-Minute Tech Tip" will explain why Simulcast is an issue for so many scanner radios.


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Рекомендации по теме

A well done simple and perfect explanation, thank you. I often share the Simulcast Distortion article at RR with people I'm trying to educate about simulcast, but you've simply nailed it here. Thank you.


Great explanation. I try to explain this to people with the 996p2 quite often!



Well thos makes sense, but my sds100 is still not picking up what it should on p25 p1 up here in Alaska


Glad I have an SDS100, it works pretty good here in Sydney picking up all various things, Fire, Ambulance, various Emergency services, except police obviously, they're getting encrypted everywhere these days. Sydney uses P25 Phase 2 for their emergency services network or as they call it the NSWGRN - New South Wales Govt Radio Network.


Damn....I wish I had seen this video prior to buying my BCD436HP scanner 5 months ago.


So what ur saying is all these people think that it's encrypted n u hear gurgling but ur saying that's bs then people jus can't hear because only like 3 scanners even pick up simulcast??? Any info please


Don't forget multipath interference as well all this can be remedied by using an 800 MHz cavity filter that you would normally find in cell phone sites if you're lucky to find any surplus items like that it would probably be very expensive there is a video here on YouTube about it from a guy in Florida on a bench setup where he does that and puts it right to the cavity filters and voila he hit the money right on the jackpot basically no multipath interference simulcast Distortion is completely gone and the radio works again flawlessly and doesn't cut out at all I wish my 436 would have done that it only works in certain spots on phase one and Phase 2 like for instance on my medicine cabinet upstairs it works flawlessly but if I move it around the house and put it in one of the other bedrooms it totally cuts out and sometimes doesn't do anything at all that's what I hate about trunking it never did that with conventional p25 I could get signals for Miles with that
