Iran Calls for Death to America While Kerry Claims Progress on Nuke Deal

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–Iran calls for death to American while John Kerry claims there has been progress with the nuke deal

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How long has Iran been "months" away from a nuclear weapon? 


Great video, David. Since Iran hit the public eye people had not seen the ridiculously crazy nature of Iran's politics.


Even if Iran has nuclear missiles, if they ever launched them the odds are pretty good that they will land 10 feet from where they took off.


Am from Saudi Arabia and every time David says *Our powerful allies, Saudi Arabia* I die laughing. The sarcasm in his voice just gets me every time.


"Death, and shit, y'know...?"


The slogan "death to america", emerged in revolutionary protests in Iran in 60s and 70s, as result of US backing the Shah (a dictator), and toppling Iran's democratically elected prime minister in 1953 because of British oil interests: the anti-american vibe in the Iranian revolution still exists to this day, same with the slogan, because of US's continuous enmity with Iran. No one in Iran says death to america meaning the people of america, but the slogan is against the regime in US: this has been said time and again by Iranian leaders and officials. Although controversial, the slogan is mostly now only famous among the conservative fractions, and the leader wont stop saying it until US stops exerting pressure on Iran. 


Iran is not going to Nuke Israel. They wouldn't risk the retaliation.. I love your show but you just defend Israel no matter what. It's frustrating to see you blinded by your own jewish background to defend the jewish state when clearly Israel commits crimes against humanity every day!


You don't understand how crazy these people are I've known some of them they are that crazy


one sincere question, who and why, should have nuclear weapons at its disposal?


And Saudi Arabia wants stability in the region??? from which country is ISIS getting funded, or which country supported extremist rebels in Syria, and or which country supported Saddam in the 80s against Iran, and or which country's human rights violations include monthly beheadings and not allowing women to drive??? 


The only criticism I have of this segment is the idea that Iran somehow wants nukes despite the Ayatollah himself issuing a fatwa against nuclear weapons.


I quote a top American General . . . "If the shit kicks off Iran will be GIVEN nuclear missiles by alternative players . ." In other words it don't matter if they can make them if they want them, they will be given the missiles for free. So the whole thing is a dog and pony show for you to watch, no other story here.


Iran used to be cool. It was under the Persian Empire that the Persians were tolerant enough to allow Jews to return from Babylonian captivity. The Persians were the most religiously tolerant empire the world had seen.
Now, they're intolerant and Muslim. What happened to you, Persia?


I have not spoken to one rational person who conflates the threat that Iran might pose with bashing Netanyahu.  

By any sort of dispassionate analysis it wasn't so much Netanyahu fear-mongering about  Iran that is disgusting, it was his fear-mongering about the troves of Arab voters that had to guarded against on election day.  That is truly deplorable. 

With all due respect, your analysis seems feels a bit intellectually dishonest. It's as if you're trying to put Netanyahu into some sort of context of framework.  

What he said and did to get reelected should and hopeful will have consequences.  
The United States, no other country for that matter, should have relationships that are beyond scrutiny and it's high time we took a hard look at the state of play in Israel. 

Finally, if the strongest argument you have in the comment section is ethnic and racial slurs, you are an idiot.  Before you press post look at what you've written.  

Racist? Ethnic slurs?  Just Don't Do It.


David, I see more than one way to look at this.  Given that this isn't whatsoever new news, as someone might think from watching this video, someone might view his reiteration of the "death to America" slogan as an after thought to his speech as a slight retreat from the former position in which the Ayatollah had actually expressed the sentiment with even more conviction.  The reason I say that is because this chant has been going on in Iran for years, and when Ayatollah Khomeini was asked about the meaning of this, he gave some bazarre, convoluted explanation that involved resisting the influence of the devil.  A country that is the subject of years of sanctions imposed by other countries will naturally come to view those other countries as the enemy.  So, while this seems damning, we need to look deeper into the cultural implications of this type of behavior, rather than jumping the gun and saying they are automatically a dire threat to the safety of the rest of the world.  That case was once made regarding Saddam Hussein, yet the evidence was just not there.


John Kerry isn't he that Skull and Bones man outed by a Jewish tv man who strangely died of cancer soon after. Well it must be true then.


Sorry PM of Israel has significant foreign policy experience and has dealt with Iran and the Middle east for years.  Fear mongering ?  Well David Pakman I suggest you go and live in Israel for the next few years and see how much fear the PM is mongering.


I don't care what he says as much as I care what he does. He did enter into multilateral talks to cease high enrichment. Even if the deal is ass wipe it still is better than radio silence. I would rather do as Vito Corleone did and keep my friends close but keep my enemies even closer. If they do something stupid I would be better prepared and justified in my response.


And what is calif barac hussein  obama saying  ?

 This is a BIG SECRET


so the comedy date set for fox news is march 31st, cant wait to see this disaster 
