Crossout Hardware Tier List

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CardboardNinja_ finally comes out with a new Tier list?!

Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
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I would love to see more of these, specially for weapons


Intercepter works on allies too but has very short range. I love all the extras they've given us but now we beed more keybinds


You are completely wrong about the kapkan today. It is so useless that it almost does not exist anymore do to being over nerfed with too many ways to counter it. Aside from modules like argus/interceptors Wich are always ready to kill them, they now don't do their job even without those modules. enemies can just break the cable by driving over it or Detroy it entirely, kapkans don't hook targets that drive by right next to them (even without interceptors) and their cords are so easy to break. Fast builds are completely immune to it and people who say "it's just meant to catch people who are unaware" don't realize that you can be moving fast and still be unaware.


This is an excellent and accurate list, thanks for sharing.

I only object to your ranking on the kapkan: being caught by it is a whole tier below being flipped over, because your view is not mangled, your orientation is mostly unimpeded (you can still turn in place) and most important your weapons are not impeded at all. Also, when you have shivs you can just run them over and destroy them immediately, which makes them near-completely useless against all of my main builds.


the count to hot tub stream in the top right corner lol xD


How is the special rarity reload booster a D tier, when it is around twice as light as the epic one, and while it has 2 times smaller power score it gives 75% of the epic one's performerance (15% faster reload vs 20% faster in epic one)?

In my opinion it is the A tier, it is great in low PS, I use it on 3800 PS double Avenger build and it is great, not meta but beats many many others easily at the same PS.


I like how practical function makes your lists, I can't make bad purchases cuz I only get so many, recently I bout omnibox, with stealth and a fatman alone, it's flirting with 10 k ps where it can't compete. Modules make my game.


It would be great if you would cut the backround sound. I think I'm not the only one that hates it, especially so loud.


Altho I have none of those (Argus/Interceptor) I disagree with you... somwhow. Interceptor sounds great, for only personal usage.. and its only 4 seconds, while Argus destroys them completly and has more usage as a teamwork component.I might be very wrong :) just my 2 cents


Im juste desagree for radio cos if you dont have radar you need to have radio to got information after tha the classement is pretty acurate 👍👍👍


Also, most of crossout is a glorified rock/paper/scissors 😂😂


The background music is not needed and annoying.
