What Sleeping With Three German Shepherds Is Like

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What Sleeping With Three German Shepherds Is Like 😴
Have you ever wondered what your dogs get up to while you are asleep? We have and this video really made us laugh! #dogs #spycam #germanshepherd
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What's really neat is the way they instinctively take turns staying alert. There's always one dog -- which switches throughout the night -- which is restless and pops its head up every few minutes to check for danger. We're seeing millions of years of evolved pack behaviour, and probably a large part of the reason why dogs became the first domesticated species.


I had one growing up. She would patrol the house every night. One night I had a night terror. I must have cried out. Open my eyes to a huge brown fluffy head licking my face. She hopped up and laid beside me and rested her head on my stomach. Stroked her until I calmed down and began to fall asleep. Just before I passed out, she gently stood up and hopped down. She went back to her nightly patrol.


I was wondering why they're up so much, but then I realize. They're being protective. Such loyal pups.


I bet this woman feels so safe whenever she sleeps. Like imagine how much security she feels whenever she's asleep.


I love how protective they are but still take breaks to get rubbed lol


That’s probably the safest anyone will ever feel. Protected all hours of the night by three German shepherds who love you.


so basically sleeping with 3 GSD means no sleeping 😅


My male German Shepherd is 5 yrs old and for the longest time I thought something was wrong with him because he didn’t seem to sleep more than 30-45 minutes at a time. He’s constantly patrolling, scaring the hell outta me in the middle of the night because he sees a leaf out of place on a tree 🤣. He sees cats, dogs and people with his insane 500 yard vision and will let the entire neighborhood know he’s going to bed when I let him out for the last time at night. He refuses to come in at night if he hasn’t checked our entire lot. He has 8-10 ft pogo stick vert reps and can clear our acre lot in about 3 bounds. He is an absolutely magnificent beast. He is the absolute best, most loyal, smartest dog I have ever had. I can’t imagine him leaving me at some point. Our bond is beyond measure.


"I hear things." " I see thing's." That part had me dying. 😂


My German shepherd just passed, she was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me, she was 18 years old my childhood dog, this loss is never ending.. we loved her like our child.. ♥️Sabreena 🕊️💐


3 German Shephards AND ability to go to bed by 10PM?! Wow, this is heaven


This perfectly explains why during the day your dog is asleep most of the time because since you're part of his pack, you're 'on duty' and they're resting. During the night, this switches. You can see this with all 3 dogs here in a rotation. Truly amazing to see evolution hasn't changed at all!


My dog goes to bed around 10pm, but he'll never sleep until I do. If I work late in bed, sometime even until 2 pm, he'll be awake the entire time, just observing me from his bed. Once I remove everything from bed and turn around to sleep, I'll hear him giving a big, tired sigh and finally starting to sleep. Usually, 10 min later he's already snoring. Dogs are such loyal creatures - they care for us so much that they synchronize with us completely, it's deeply vired into them.


As someone that has two GSDs this is spot on. I'm surprised you didn't get to experience the early morning mattress wrestling match like I do, that's an alarm clock that will wake you up.


You sacrifice sleep, for being one of the safest people around 😂


That’s a full blown security detail. I’d feel so secure at night.


Am I trippin or did this actually look pretty calm? One instance of barking at a possible intruder, but other then that they were super chill! I bet she sleeps wonderful knowing she has these 3 to keep her safe at night! Dogs are cool


That bed spread is covered in German hair 🤣🤣🤣 if you know you know


Our GS didn’t seem to care much for sleeping on a bed, she laid claim to a loveseat and that was her spot for almost 13 years. Sometimes she would sleep in the hall outside the bedrooms, some extra protection. I miss that sweet girl so much.


It is so cute when they all waking up mom in the morning.
