The Six fundamental perspectives of regenerative design | Summit 22

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What are the key perspectives of regenerative design? Joanna Choukeir discusses what she considers to be the six fundamental elements alongside Tim Brown at Summit 22.
Thank you for watching this video. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is a UK charity that develops and promotes the idea of a circular economy, which - driven by design, eliminates waste and pollution, circulates products and materials, and regenerates nature.

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Six perspectives (the term leaves space for emergence: allows for development, recognises the importance of various worldviews):
1. Systemic Perspective: our systems are dependant, interconnected and nested (similarly to natural systems)
2. Adaptive: learning the adaptive cycle of nature
3. Collective Wisdom: hearing stakeholders, including nonhuman
4. Imagination: cant solve a problem with the same mindset that created it
5. Long-term Thinking: stewardship to long term future instead
6. Glocal: combining global and local, a good idea is not necessarily scalable globally, change starts one bioregion at a time


1. Follow the materials.
2. Systems. Build one that’s value tight, circular, and sustainable and sustaining.
3. Find the regeneration: ecology; renewable energy; learning and the growth of people; equitable social reproduction. Do lots of this.
4. Technology: shortens all vectors. Make it even better.
5. Enhance with culture

