What is a Circular Economy?

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Things need to change.

For the longest time, all humans have done is…

…take, take, take…

…and make, make, make.

With a huge percentage ending up as

waste, waste, waste.

This is a linear economy

and we have been working this way since the Industrial Revolution.

If we carry on consuming as we do today,

by 2050 we would need the resources of three Earths

but we only have one.

What we need to do is take that production line and make it circular.

A circular economy means reducing waste and pollution,

keeping products and materials in use for longer

and regenerating natural systems.

Creating an economy that is less take,
make, waste, and more reduce, reuse, recycle

So, what would that look like?

It starts with everyone working together, to work out ways to reduce, reuse and then lastly, recycle the products we use.

Take the cardboard box…

A great example comes from DS Smith who has been
working hard to operate a circular business for years.

In a circular economy, the life of this box would start when it’s designed, using only the amount of resources needed to do its job.

It would then be used for its intended purpose.

And be used many times again for
different practical uses, or even for fun,

before being recycled.

It would then be recycled into a new box to complete the cycle.

The circular economy uses the same resources
over and over again, instead of needing new ones.

Securing a brighter, greener future for the planet
and reducing the impact for future generations

Let’s take care of it together.

Think circular.
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