#FutureM 2011 - From Neo to Trinity: The Matrix Reinvented

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Summary - Think you know what mobile can do, how people use it and who those people are? Think again. In this action-packed, hands-on workshop, we're going to reboot your mobile thinking by demonstrating how all the old digital divides melt away with mobile, and by engaging thought leaders and emerging talent (YOU!) in a 'status quo hackathon'. Get ready to reimagine brands, products and services - using mobile tech - to reach new people in new ways.
Event Partner -If We Ran The World / Mullen/Near FutureM Media
Speakers -
Farrah Bostic, Founder, Near Future Media
Cindy Gallop, Founder and CEO, If We Ran The World
Brenna Hanly, Connections Planner and Mobile Catalyst, Mullen
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