DIY Table Saw - How to make a homemade Table Saw

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In this video I show how I made a decent table saw with good fence and miter gauge. At beginning idea was to make a modular system, but in process I changed my mind (will do that if there will be need for modularity). Owerall I am happy with result.

Saw - Makita Hs7601
T-track for fence - made from 20x20mm aluminium square tube
Tabletop - 1100x600x27mm plywood
Other plywood parts - 18mm plywood
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Dude went full "God Mode" on the workmanship! Probably one of the best DIY's I've seen. Awesome work bro!


Как раз после покупки пилы на аккумуляторе, у меня освободилась HS7601 и теперь я зная как правильно и красиво её установить. Спасибо Вам большое! У Вас получился отличный стол.


An excellent homemade table saw which appears to put many store bought table saws to shame (with the exception of expensive professional saws of course). If that saw was placed on sale in a woodworking store it would sell all day long. Very professional looking in my opinion, I also agree with another comment that this table saw is very likely more accurate than a good number of factory made versions. A good job very well done. Thanks for posting your build.

’m struggling to understand why anyone could consider giving it a thumb”s down? I would be very interested to see these peoples table saw builds that must clearly be “superior “ which I hasten to add I very much doubt. Guy’s like this should be encouraged, not discouraged as they give inspiration for others to attempt their own builds which can only be a good think in my book.👍


Великолепный пример инженерной мысли, четкости решения поставленных задач и попутного улучшения стандартных столов от " крутых "брендов. Я верю в вас, товарищ!!! В смысле конструктивного материала "финская" фанера рулит, как всегда! А судя по обручальному кольцу на правой руке- наш человек. Молодец!


I totally get it. I just had some dumb luck and when I was much younger purchased a table saw that now is one of the ones everyone wants. I had no idea at the time, I just needed a decent saw. Now, with the improvements I made to it I wouldn't trade it for anything out there. Stiffness is always a problem, even with a table saw that is why they make the aluminum plates that sandwich the blade. It's to add stiffness and rigidity so the blade does not deflect under load. Start cruising Craigslist and Let Go in your area . You would be surprised how many tools are out there and you can get some excellent deals. I just picked up a Rigid 6 -1/2 joiner. It normally sells for $599 or more. The guy wanted $100 for it. I put another $100 in it replacing blades and bearing and that put it right back to almost brand new. With a little cleaning, de-rusting and painting it looks and performs like brand new.


I never hardly comment but this one I couldn't resist to give a compliment. Excellent job. The best home made bench video ever. In fact it's even better than most manufacturers.


I love the way that, as soon as you could, you started using your table to build more bits of the table. I did the same with my workbench build. I made the top first and as soon as I had the top secured to its frame, I started using it to build the legs etc.


A great design, thank you. And thank you, thank you, thank you.... a thousand times thank you for not adding backround music!


Очень понравился способ замера глубины погружения фрезы, про сам стол вообще молчу - нет слов)))


Great build! Really great. That said, this video could benefit greatly by a voice-over to explain what you're doing, and why, as well things to watch out for, tips and advice on the build etc.


I am just wondering who has disliked this video...probably some less succesfull table saw makers with way less viewers.This is far more the best table saw project what I seen on Yt


You are right. You can do a lot of work with your saw, and your fence guide is a good invention and looks very functional. I was over hasty in my judgement


The skillset on this guy is like watching a seal team six extraction! Uses some of the most generic tools to build something that looks like it came from a damn CNC. 😳 Bravo missio 👏


With links to buy pieces... Wonderful. I just don't think that I'm so perfect in this work. Congratulations.


This has to be one of the best "homemade" table saw designs I've seen... well done... 🤘


I am very new to woodworking and have been binge watching YouTube videos to learn. The first time I saw a video to make a table saw from a circular saw I thought it was the most clever thing. I have since seen many but yours is the most beautiful and technically superb. Thanks so much for sharing this fabulous project. I can't wait to see more. I love your aesthetic.


Здорово, это лучший стол на базе циркулярной пилы от MAKITO ! Класс однозначно РЕСПЕКТ !!!


Great table saw and very good fence design and clamping. Only one thing you forgot though, you don't have a riving knife fitted behind the blade, in the US they call it a splitter. It stops the wood closing in on the blade after the cut has been made and reduces a kickback happening. Sometimes the circular saw will have one fitted and it moves up and down with the blade when adjusting the depth of cut.


Did we just witness a new mystical art... use the thing you're building, to build the thing you're using?


One of the greatest DIY table saw I've seen. Maybe just missing a riving knife for security.
