3 Top Tips for Picking Whey Protein | Doug Kalman Ph.D.

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For lifters and athletes, it's a given that protein powder can help you meet your goals. But which kind should you choose? Follow this handy guide and choose wisely.

| Protein |

Whether you're looking to build muscle, lose weight, or improve your athletic performance, a protein supplement can raise your nutrition to the next level. But with so many choices, how do you know which protein powder is right for you?

Whether you're looking to build muscle, lose weight, or improve your athletic performance, a protein supplement can raise your nutrition to the next level. But with so many choices, how do you know which protein powder is right for you?

| Know A Product's Serving Size |
The first topic is protein serving size. Every supplement contains a nutritional facts label, and on that label, you'll see a serving size. That serving size tells you how many grams of product are in each serving. Next, look at the grams of protein. On any nutrition or supplements facts label, the amount of protein in grams must be listed.

What are you looking for? Let's use an example. Say we are looking at Protein Product X, and we see the serving size for the product is 30 grams. Then, when we scroll down to look at the protein portion of that label, it says there are 24 grams of protein. My first question when I see this is, what are those other 6 grams?

The point here is that by comparing those two numbers, you're looking at how much actual protein you get per serving. What ideal grams per serving should you be looking for? Research has shown that 20-40 grams of protein per serving is what's needed for optimizing and promoting muscle protein synthesis.[1]

The takeaway lesson is to look at the serving size and the grams of protein per serving. Make sure it falls in the range of 20-40 grams to ensure you're getting the biggest protein bang for your buck.

| Pay Close Attention To The Ingredient Hierarchy |
The second topic of interest when I'm working with athletes to help choose a protein is looking at the ingredients and understanding their hierarchy. What do I mean by hierarchy? By law, ingredients must be listed in descending weight order. The ingredient that makes up the greatest volume of the product must be listed first. For example, if I see that the first ingredient is maltodextrin, and the second ingredient is protein, I know that you're going to find more carbohydrate (maltodextrin) than you will protein in that product.

The type of protein also matters. So again, when looking at the hierarchy, keep in mind that protein isolates are higher in protein per gram than protein concentrates, which has to do with how the proteins are processed.

By law, protein isolates must contain 90 percent or greater protein by weight, while protein concentrates can contain 35-80 percent protein by weight.

So, when choosing a protein product, one thing you can do to ensure you're getting the highest quality protein for your buck is to look for whey protein isolates as the first ingredient, before protein concentrate appears.


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I don't understand why there are dislikes to this video.... Great, simple and definitive points made!


look like Mike Erhmantraut from ‘breaking bad’ but younger


Dr. Doug Kalman is the real person when it comes to spreading correct knowledge. His All Access Program has helped me a lot sharpening up my knowledge. Best wishes from India 🇮🇳❤


This information was helpful. Thank you.


[ 1:53 > 2:22 ] Can you explain how, based on the example you gave, I am getting cabs more than protein and in the label [ 0:44 and 2:08 ] it shows that the total carbs per serving are 3g but the protein, on the other hand, is 24g ?

I am currently trying hemp protein i bought from a local organic shop. The question I couldn't find an answer for is that, on the bag, it shows that the maximum serving size per day is only 15g.
If you check tons of videos on YouTube, people just scoop 2 to 3ts per smoothie and that's more than 15g.

I am no body builder. I am just a man who is trying to be healthy. But, I am trying recently to start body building but I was having digestive issues since years and now I am feeling way better. I don't want to start eating/drinking those synthetic proteins (maybe there are natural ones but I feel like having organic plant based ones like hemp and chia proteins might do well).
All what I want is to start building muscles the RIGHT way.
Anybody can help?
It just seems that whoever I asked, I always end up having answers like, whey protein is the way to go. I mean, come on!


Is this one of a kind video on YouTube? Why I came across this video so late ? Super simple but valuable info. I also had a myth that vegetarian protein does not give same amount of value for bucks. Learned something new today. This is what I was looking for so long.


Amazing video. Keep the good work guys/girls!


Great video thank you!! Dumb question but can you use expired whey or should you just toss it?


Tyler very much Professor.. Very helpful for me...


He looks scared, is everything OK there??


Which is better, brown rice protein, or pea protein?


Notification Squad 🔥💪! Have a great day people


Was looking for a recommendation to help us determine the leucine, isoleucine, and valine content in a given protein supplement considering most companies don’t make this information readily available to consumers—which in my opinion is an unethical business practice.


I want to buy a protien supplement plz guys tell me the best protien ??


What is the difference between isolate and hydrolyzed


I thing that is not relevant how much protein/serving, but how much protein per 100 grams, because you can have 30 g protein/scoop, and the scoop is 50g


1. Protein per serving. 2. Ingredients weight order. 3.... Nah


After workout i like to use a double dose. I asume it is ok if it goes ABOVE 40 g of protein. I am right or not? Thank you in advance


If I take half a scoop before workout(Eg: with breakfast) and another half after workout(Eg: 30 mins before lunch); will be it alright?


how is possible if maltodextrin weight more than protein to have such low impact on label ? label is false ?
also ...are all proteins the same bioavailable or cheap ones are somehow worst? name 1-2-3 top proteins ...and WHY ???
