Mr Plastic-Fantastic is in £55,000 of Debt | Spendaholics | Only Human

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28-year-old Matthew is a shopping junkie whos finances are in desperate need of rehab. Ironically, Matthew works in finance and brings home £2,700 a month. But, he’s spending twice that, leaving him with a colossal debt of £55,000. Matthew’s spending knows no bounds, from online shopping to luxury holidays, top-notch gadgets to the must-have beauty products. Matthew’s love-affair with shopping means he’s spending all his spare time with his credit cards. His plastic-fantastic lifestyle is a major worry for friends and family. But, Matthew refuses to grip the seriousness of his plight.

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"How do you sleep at night!?" "I just go to bed" lol


How tf is it unfriendly to ask people to take off shoes? Some people want to outside germs to stay outside


It was really interesting how he always always smiled. It was as though he had this habit of always putting on a facade. That constant smile was certainly hiding a lot


I am a ginger, with freckles. I was bullied relentlessly because of that in school. In 2021 the people who bullied me are now dying there hair ginger and drawing on fake freckles with an eye liner. Own it 💛


I do not take to these hosts. The very first thing she says is that she "hates" it when people ask for shoes to be taken off at the front door, because it's "SO unfriendly" -- she must have someone to clean her house because who wants dirty shoes that have been everywhere including public washrooms walking all over your home where you walk with bare feet ?


It’s obvious and common. He feels an emptiness, worthlessness and is trying to fill the void and establish at least an external value by owning “things”!


He lives with his brother and friend, Richard. That's two people living in his home not contributing to his gross income. If he charged them rent, he would be completely out of debt in two years without taking out the 40K second mortgage.


The title made me think of plastic surgery and body modification . Glad he hasn't gone down that path .


How do neither of them see this man is suffering from some serious anxiety issues? I don't understand how they didn't notice it or address it.


It’s funny how he buys all those clothes but when he’s on camera he looks so plain


Aw his mum could have been more affectionate in the cage and she should have comforted him, I would not be able to stop myself reaching out for my sons, I'd be in tears if they were upset. Parents should never be cold towards their children especially when they need them emotionally 😪


Being debt-free a great thing I know all about that . I’m 58 years old I don’t have any more debts, I sleep well and I’m very happy about that . I have done it all on my own . I am not credit cards anymore . I have a Visa debit card in my bank account, I only buy what is essential and what I really need .


I like how everyone has a stack of debt statements just lying around in this show


She hates houses where you have to take your shoes off? She's not going to like the world outside of the UK.


He bought a dog because it’s matches his carpet? What the hell


Omg found him in the comments! He looks great all the skin care routines paid off and is doing great 750k house with 6 bedrooms!! Married his best friend Richard. 😍☺️☺️☺️ I love a good happy ending.


His haircut was THE haircut to have back in the day. It’s the 2007 equivalent of the top knot.


Her saying "taking shoes off at the front door is so unfriendly" lady if you would come in my home with shoes i would throw you out, shoes and all, i have a sign that says please take of your shoes... my house my rules, she could drag all sorts in on her shoes....


I wondered why his moms first response (when he was in the cage) wasn’t “ you are good enough just as you are” I would have been in tears as a mom if I heard that from one of my kids and hugged and reassured them and then asked why they felt that way. He seems like he’s never felt accepted by his family or kids at school. Poor guy 💔


You are brave Matthew! Keep up the good work!
