Selfie Rampage In Mumbai, India

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1. My trip in India consisted of me constantly connecting with locals, hearing their stories and taking their photo. Who am I to "reject" the local people if they want a photo of me? Why am I more entitled than them? Why is it disgusting of them to ask for my photo, whereas I am allowed to ask for theirs? There is not 1 minute that goes by where I am not grateful of the individuals who give me their time and are vulnerable enough to let me take their picture, I can only give back the same, REGARDLESS of how they choose to use their little phone selfie. Personally, it doesn't bother me.

2. I am not naive to let men talk to men, and take my picture. I fully understand the dangers of certain choices being made in India, but that really does go for EVERY other country, even your own. There are bad people everywhere. BUT i found MORE good people, curious people, warm people in India than what I find in my own country. There is no way a harmless selfie will lead to rape.. MAYBE if I was intoxicated, by myself at night down an alleyway. That is a different situation entirely. And, could happen anywhere, rape is NOT in ANY WAY exclusive to India!

3. On the same note - I did not ONCE get groped by an Indian man. This is a myth that ALL Indian men will grope you or ask you to marry him if you're a white woman. Yes I was asked for photos, yes I was called beautiful, yes I was stared at (EVEN when I was FULLY COVERED in clothing), but NO i was not groped. Have I been groped by a white man in an Australian club, though? YES!

4. I met COUNTLESS beautiful, respectful, intelligent, amazing Indian men. I could tag them in this post, but they all know who they are. And i thank you so much for giving me this respect and kindness and friendship. You proved to me that the 'warnings' i got and the terrible things people said about Indian men were wrong. I feel for the women who have experienced something traumatising and violating in India (and anywhere for that matter, because awful things happen all over the world not just in India). In fact, as you may know one of my Indian female friends was killed by the hands of a man; BUT I will not stereotype or claim ALL INDIAN MEN ARE BAD, or have bad intentions. Some of your comments need to be rethought, understand the damage of your words and look at yourself in the mirror. We need to share more kindness to each other in the world.

5. Being someone who has solo traveled for 8 years or more, i understand the logistics. I am not a naive white girl, in fact, traveling solo has grown me and matured me a lot. I was 90% with local Indian friends my entire time in India, and NOT because I was "scared" but because I genuinely wanted to be around local people.

6. Last point - sorry. This video was in fact choreographed. NOT STAGED - please understand what I am writing. Yes, I noticed I was getting a lot of attention in this particular spot in Mumbai, but the men who approached me did naturally, they're not actors. However, I loitered in the middle of the square waiting for them to approach whilst my local Indian male friend filmed. It was for the sake of humour, for interest sake, because I found it amusing and endearing. I'm sorry if anyone thinks it's stupid, or i disrespected myself. I can see how people could form this opinion, however I did not feel disrespected at all. If you can see the light-hearted humour in this video, then thank you, we are on the same page!
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this is why india will remain like this always


last white woman in london, circa 2025


That dude with white shirt is disgusting for touching a woman like that and forcing a selfie on her.


I am ashamed as an Indian right now. So pathetic to see.


"new girlfriend today... I love you Bb 🥰 we live strong and marriage coming soon"


very lucky to escape without a rape there buddy


Sometimes I am embarassed to call myself indian due to acts like this...


This is really embarrassing tbh i remember an article in a newspaper back in 2017 which said "Indians are obsessed with white-skin" and this video is a perfect example of it and that article also said that "travel blogs warns tourist about selfi seekers and recommend not to entertain them" but most of the tourist are affraid of saying NO because they are never sure how that no will be received 😳


It's sad to see how desperate and obsessed they are


Real face of Indian men, and when they are called out for such utterly disturbing behavior, they put the blame on women or their cloths. Disgusted and disturbing to watch.


When you're playing with a rare skin character in the field of a f2p game.


This is their respect for "wamen".


As an Indian. I'm so sorry you had to go through this.


What the hell..What a group of animals.


The word " rape " soon will be replaced by " India " soon =))


It's weird ...hope this will end one day so that foreigners can enjoy the beauty of INDIAN culture without feeling uncomfortable


Please don't go there again, i fear for your safety.


They didn't even ask for permission.


How many of those dudes posted pics saying you were their girlfriend do you think? I'm guessing most.


lmao that 100 rupees per photo was smart
