This Lesson FINALLY Fixed My “Flip” at Impact

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Do you fight an early release in your golf swing? Whether you call it flipping your wrists too early, releasing the club too soon, or losing your angles... it's one of the worst swing problems in golf that leads to inconsistent and weak strikes.

In this lesson, Coach Ed teaches Patrick how to stay on plane better with the golf swing which eliminates a flipping move he's been trying to fix for years, after trying every training aid on the market with no success.

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I've been getting more "ahaaaa" moments from this channel than any lesson I have ever received. Awesome resource of information!


I do believe this is the best golf video I have ever seen. Your coach explained several concepts in a very simple and understandable way, even explaining how other coaches are saying much of the same thing, but using positional teaching and terminology that might not click for everyone. Huge thank you for the vid as I now understand what many many coaches have said in their vids but in a manner that just did not click for me.


You guys are killing it, love the live lessons...great no nonsense to the point instruction and drills . Keep it up love the channel


Amazing my mind is blown at how great you are at teaching. ❤ so well spoken very clear instruction and I can't wait to see more videos.


Having applied this information and these specific teachings to my practice, I successfully struck approximately 30 balls (.5 a larger bucket) crisper and cleaner than I ever have. My swing began to, fall apart, if you will (i.e., revert to usual), after an interruption in my focus. Returning to my club progression, my 2i and Driver put a temporary end to my clean ball striking. I will continue my work to improve by using this outstanding information. Again, understanding the concept(s) and fundamentals of the swing and utilizing Coach Schwents incredible insight, one is absolutely certain to improve.
Thank you so very much for sharing this invaluable coaching.


Such a great lesson...these older Teaching Pros are such a treasure chest of knowledge, it's like they know right away how to fix almost any swing. Thank for uploading his short game clinic; I watched it with my 13 yr. old son, and it reinforced a lot of what his swing coach here is teaching him.


I would love to get a lesson with this guy. He’s unbelievable.


Best golf video ever for amateurs! Answers so many questions. Thank you!


The advice about keeping the butt of the club pointing at the target line is something I first read in golf instruction books starting in the mid-80s but struggled doing correctly until the early 2000s when I came across a book by Hank Johnson called ‘Winning The Three Games of Golf: The Swing, The Shot, The Score’ in which he suggested swinging an old fashioned kitchen boom in the same way you choked-up on and swing the club at @ 9:00 in this video.

In Hank’s drill the head of the broom is oriented like club face at address and the butt end is stuck into the belly which quite literally forces one to move the broom head (i.e. club head) back in ‘one piece’ with the shoulders only with no attempt to manipulate or steer the club head hands or rotation of the forearm. The brilliant part about using a wooden handled broom for this drill is it so heavy it would be nearly impossible to steer with the hands even if the butt end wasn’t stuck in the gut. The other brilliant part of using the broom stuck in the gut and it’s exaggerated weight and swing force is how at the ideal point in the backswing the force generated by the motion of the club head swinging back in a ‘one piece’ arc pops the butt end out the gut, whips it around the hands and it winds up automatically pointing down at the target line with the shaft of the broom in the ideal swing plane. Then on the way down the opposite occurs: the weight of the broom will cause it to whip the butt end — which points down at the target line and ball as the hand drop — around the hands until the butt end winds up stuck in the belly again automatically and stay connected there as hip and shoulder turn open in the finish and the force of the club pulls the trail arm straight and to the left until.

After doing that broom drill every day a couple times a over the winter break from playing that year cured many of the problems I was having making me realize that if you just start by gripping the club properly, without too much tension, and don’t try to steer it with the hands, it will steer itself on the ideal balanced path. In retrospect I realized what the broom drill did by exaggerating the force of the swing — in addition to controlling hand action and club head path—was improved my balance.

The first few times I tried to the broom drill it pulled me off balance because I didn’t have enough ‘dynamic tension’ in my legs and core to prevent that. I realized my swing faults of pronating and swinging too much inside was something my reflexive brain was doing to prevent me from losing balance with my previous “slack” address posture. Without realizing it the exaggerated weight and force of swinging the broom which is about twice that of swinging a club made countering the unbalancing force of swinging the club on the ideal path (not steering it inside with the hands) reflexive and automatic too.


Good training series Patrick. I’ve mentioned to you before at Balwin that I’ve watched hundreds of videos over the past 3 years with only a couple of instructors tips actually benefit my swing. A couple months ago i found Ed and the Golf Sensei and immediately recognized his swing technique and drills will apply to my particular swing faults. Already seen some improvements at the range. Really surprised when Chip told me you produce these videos. Great work!


Excellent video ! I wish I could find a coach like


Great lesson. Patrick has a new nice swing!👍 This might be the most important video an intermediate or beginning golfer could ever watch. The takeaway portion with "chain reaction" is a game changer. Thank you!


Really glad to have chanced upon this video. Really enjoyed Coach Ed's lesson and it echoed what I have found works for me - less about impact and more about post and even pre impact.

Have so many questions I would like to ask him!


Great lesson. I cannot wait to get out to the range to try this. I have been battling the exact same flip for a long time with many lessons that have never corrected the problem. Looks like this could be my fix!


Super video. Genuine no nonsense folks. Thx you. Happy New Year


The flip fix for me was #1 make sure the left knee is pointed behind the ball at the top of the backswing. This puts the body in a position slightly behind the ball, yet with the pressure more 50/50 at the top after being 25/75 halfway back. This helps me recenter automatically. The left knee for most am's points forward of the ball which restricts pretty much everything rotational going back. From there, I'm not going to get ahead of the ball. #2 Positive grip pressure in the middle two fingers of the right hand, as Nicklaus and Hogan among others emphasize, so that pressure is created from the right hand on my left-hand thumb. This should NOT come apart until after the strike if at all. #3 retrain the right forefinger. Its job is to sense and feel the clubhead not push the club through the ball. The right forefinger pressure is INERT. The hands must feel like one unit. If you can do these 3 things, flipping will not be an issue. As the greats have always said, you're only as good as your hands. It ain't sexy, but it works. His explanation at 16:30 with the alignment rod is dead on. Everything I've said here should create the feeling he's showing you at 20:30. Turn the corner. Great work! Btw, your guy is a pretty good instructor. I'd stick with him.


This right here is exactly the fix I need. Making this small change based on this video has led me to understand that my lead shoulder was too flat and I was pulling my lead on back too much. Simply getting myself to that parallel position feeling like I'm literally sideways made a huge difference. Thank you so much this is changed my game


Great improvement in your takeaway. Night and day


Enjoyed this video! Can't wait to practice this swing. I do have a question. I have a horrible issue with hitting on the toe with my irons. Im thinking im too far back. So I move up and I hit in the same exact spot. I use the impact stickers on my irons. Drives me crazy! I hit the same spot every time. If i could only hit the sweet spot every time. Again. Great job on the instruction.


Thanks for sharing your lesson with Ed who shares some very good gold nuggets! Happy to subscribe as I am fellow flipper lol
