Age of Mythology: Retold | What I Want #retold #aom

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the fact the aom community has kept this game alive for 20 years is impressive. i hope the community has as much voice like voobly


Improved path finding for units is something i'd like to see. Having a titan get stuck with 1 villager in the way feels very clunky.


I really hope they don't forsake the Chinese (or gods forbid Atlanteans). They have been poorly executed originally, but Retold has a chance to revamp the entire expansion to be what it is meant to be.

I hope more civs come our way too. Aztecs and Slavs have been fan favorites for a while.


keep auto-queue. make a default unit attack option 1) attack nearest unit 2)attack what u counter best 3)attack what attacks you .( like the default unit stance). guard an adjustable area option. adjustable Ai handicap. A random hidden handicap mode (the same handicap for all players) so u have to make your build order on the fly and don't use ready ones.


Literally don't see any good reason to remove the Autoqueue option. It's a good quality of life feature and slamming a specific key over and over just to accomplish the same effect feels like a waste of time.


I hope they give you early access and an early platform to show it off, you are the AOM channel like T90 to AOE. Even if they don't i'm keen to see you get your hands on it before I do


Commenting mostly for the algorithm, go BoIt! BTW The Viper says he is totally excited for this title as well and plans to "play the hell out of it." 😄 I would think they would add a decent attack move, it is even in AoE I: DE's engine so think AoM should be no probs.


Ooh Boit. I hope so much that auto-queue stays! Even in ranked if possible!
it leaves the NOOBs and even the PROs with more attention to strategize, scout, micro.
I see AOE2 as the eSports hyper-competitive game and AOM as the most "chill" and "creative" alternative. While the AOE community is debating which of the 100 variations of Swordmen is the most optimal for the current meta, we can ride sharks or simply bask in the glory of our lighthouses! Prostagma?
In order for AOM to have a growing competitive scene it first needs to have a growing player base, and it can accomplish this by making AOM:Retold the most fun game in the franchise!

Also, as an adult i cant spare the time to learn to macro optimally, id much rather focus on learning the many fun things AOM has to offer like strats, scouting, raiding etc...and climb ranked by continuously testing how far some new and crazy build can go. There is so much to explore in AOM. This is its strength!

Finally, if you forget to produce units for a while, there is almost no coming back... It is one of the most impactful and frequent errors you can make in this strategy-tactics-game while also being completely unrelated to any of your strategy-tactics. Its really hard to justify it or to find a way in which it truly enriches the AOM gameplay experience.
I am convinced that people mostly want auto-queue to be removed because they secretly fetishize steep, endless learning curves and specifically want larger skill gaps between players, so that they can find a thing in their lives where they can pump excessive time and effort into, to be rewarded with a sense of superiority. Tough words i know, but i believe there is something to it.


I really don't get this attitude about autoqueue. If it's "not a competitive tool" then what's the harm in leaving it in?


Would a troop train priority button be a good addition? For example, late game where your constantly at max pop spamming hoplite & heliopolis, setting helioplis as the priority so that when one is ready to pop out, your barracks will hold hoplites back until there is population space for the heliopolis. This would be instead of never gettin the seige out because the hoplite get out first, or does this oversimplify the game? Either that or a banner you can toggle that shows the quantity of each troop beong trained in real time? Then you can notice if troops stop training etc.


Im a singleplayer even tho i respect and im happy that there is multiplayer community and i hope it stays that way, but i neeeed more campaigns, more stories because it has so much potential with all these different civilizations, for me AoM has the best singleplayer campaign out of all strategy games i ever played, the ones that come close are BfME and Starcraft.


Honestly, I absolutely want AoMR to be as accessible to and played by as many people as possible. Which I'd why I want autoqueue to stay. Hell, I feel like we should get additional quality of life features as default as well. Imagine an expandable universal production tab like the one you can see in spectactor mode, so you can see and adjust your army production in real time without having to hop between six different buildings. AoMR could seriously innovate and update the genre just by adding a few more buttons.

I know it might feel like "cheating" for veteran players who've spent a lifetime micro-managing RTS building production, but I think the hard truth is: 1) RTSes have been gradually adding more QoL features over their lifespan (mass unit selection, idle villager buttons, etc) and 2) if new RTSes only cater to the most hardcore players, then the base won't grow. There's a limited market for RTSes right now, and I'd ultimately prefer for AoMR to draw in the biggest base possible and keep this game alive for years to come.


I think the auto spaw schould stary. Many RTS (Supreme commander, cossacs, warlods battlecry, CoH, Down od war 1)have this option and its able player to more focus on fights:)


İ want more mythologies and auto build option is one of the reason i like this game more than others


I appreciate your request for community contribution.

I would undoubtedly state that the Age of Mythology and Titans campaign are some of the most loved and well created age of empire franchise campaigns ever made.

You should definitely create a new campaign of some sort, potentially with Kastor or Arkantos and seriously consider this as part of the marketing effort.

It is an integral part of the game and I would urge campaign improvements and/or a new campaign if the resource capacity is available.

Thanks for reading.


I ´m harshly against the removement of auto-queue and i´m suprised that you campaign for this. The only reason that i could hear out of the video in favor of this motion is that "pro" RTS players, which are not familiar with AOM, can have an advantage against noob players. Why is that even a good thing? If the "pros" like AOM, they would play it longer than a week either way, and then it doesn´t matter anymore. On the other side that would automatically heighten the entry barrier for new players ... one of the biggest problems in competitive multiplayer imo. Another way to look at this: Shouldn´t be the player who is more familiar with AOM in general be the better AOM player?!

I demand clarification!

Other than that; nice episode as always Boit, much love and keep them coming ;)!


I've played the first AoM game when I was still learning to read and to this day I love the game. I love custom games and find I'm always learning something new, at least when it comes to the editor. I've never really cared for ranked games but the appeal is obvious. I think the Devs should keep the auto-queuing function or at least make it toggleable in the host settings.


It's interesting seeing the kinds of points you'd raise knowing how much more you play AoM than most of us. They should include Atlanteans, we've had them for 20 years, we should at least get such a staple with the game on release.


I think the things I would want for Retold to be perfect in terms of big picture gameplay would be 1. a total rework of the Chinese including the campaign, 2. a few extra bonuses for the Atlantean major and minor gods (or just incorporating some stuff from tale of the dragon) because it always felt to me that the Atlanteans had fewer bonuses and their myth technologies weren't as interesting as the stuff from the original 3 factions, not to mention that they feel like knockoffs of the Greeks, and 3. a new civilization, I would imagine something Mesoamerican would work great but Atlanteans do steal the aesthetics somewhat.


Like the most players are older i guess and keep playing this game like me, and i dont think big changes would find a path ti make everybody happy. But what everybody would make happy: Server based rooms, no lag, no bugs and maybe if somebody disconects an autosave or even gets replaced by an AI.
