What is BOM in JavaScript? | Window Object | The Complete JavaScript Course | Ep.50
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00:00 Introduction to Browser Object Model in JavaScript
02:04 Browser Object Model is an object created by browsers for interacting with the browser
07:03 Prevent constant reloading of page using setTimeout function
09:20 Changing the URL and file naming in JavaScript
14:01 Exploring the Window Object properties like location, history, and prototype in JavaScript.
16:22 Understanding the history object in JavaScript
21:37 Manipulating browser history using the Window Object
23:45 Navigate through pages using BOM in JavaScript
27:31 Window inner and outer height in JavaScript
29:42 Explaining the window object in JavaScript
36:48 Closing windows using JavaScript
39:56 Resizing Windows in JavaScript
45:59 Implementing smooth scrolling and printing functionality on a webpage.
48:57 Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)
53:27 The Browser Object Model (BOM) in JavaScript allows interaction with the browser and its functions.
55:31 Manipulating HTML elements using JavaScript
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Music by geoffharvey from Pixabay