The Power of Self-Expression | Ebbie Banks | TEDxGunnHighSchool

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Ebbie will be performing two of his poems: “Some Men” and “My Skin.”
Ebbie Banks is currently a senior at Gunn High School. He is a spoken word poet, and he finds his “second home” on the stage. He thinks that performance poetry is a great way for people to tell their stories, and listening to performance poetry is a great way for people to hear others’ stories. He believes that through sharing your own story through poetry, and listening to others’ stories through poetry, we can collectively expand our capacity for empathy.
Ebbie Banks is currently a senior at Gunn High School. He is a spoken word poet, and he finds his “second home” on the stage. He thinks that performance poetry is a great way for people to tell their stories, and listening to performance poetry is a great way for people to hear others’ stories. He believes that through sharing your own story through poetry, and listening to others’ stories through poetry, we can collectively expand our capacity for empathy.