I feel like I'm going to cry : 𝘭𝘰𝘧𝘪 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵

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Sad tokyo ghoul, lofi hiphop instrumental playlist, I feel like I'm going to cry, a peaceful mix to help you calm.

I feel like I'm going to cry
Song list
00:00 just big hills. shinjuku
02:50 Kendall Miles Perfect Blue (released soon)
04:34 Rook1e september
06:12 Ibrahim is anyone here
08:52 lanie. when i lost u, i also lost my friends. (prod. j'san.)
10:08 mura;kami bittersweet melodies
12:29 hoogway floating lights

Artwork by pfeffersteak


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"I want a different story!"
"No, this is the story that you get."
That hit me really hard.


When someone cries so hard that it hurts their throat, it is out of frustration or knowing that no matter what you can do or attempt to do can change the situation. When you feel like you need to cry, when you want to just get it out, relieve some of the pressure from the inside - that is true pain. Because no matter how hard you try or how bad you want to, you can't. That pain just stays in place. Then, if you are lucky, one small tear may escape from those eyes that water constantly. That one tear, that tiny, salty, droplet of moisture is a means of escape. Although it's just a small tear, it is the heaviest thing in the world. And it doesn't do a damn thing to fix anything


the most depressing thing is that we are all telling eachother in the comments to be strong that eveything will get better that they should not harm themselves in any way that there will be a better tomorrow. meanwhile we are all in the same emotional state ready to be gone. Depressed without the slightless ray of hope. Not ready for another tomorrow.


Wow.. I think i've gotten used to how toxic most YouTube comments are, that I got really blown back by how nice everyone are here. Let's keep spreading love and support ❤


I have tons of people around me who care and try their best to show it. I appreciate it tons, yet i still feel incredibly alone. It hurts, why is that?


I've been crying silently to myself these days, and I mean internally. Sometimes my eyes water randomly when I feel a sudden rush of sadness, and a lump in my throat appears and I just, can't help it


Some days I feel really happy, some days I feel really sad. But most days I just feel numb


todays my birthday.. everyone forgot so the music is helping

Edit: Hey everyone it’s me 3 years later! Thank you all so much for the beautiful birthday wishes. It really meant a lot. When I wrote than post I remember being super over welled atm. Here I am another year celebrating another birthday. Times can get hard but I promise they’ll pass.


I am alone
and I always will be

But you never really get used to it, even when you think you are used to it, those days come.


the fact that you’re here right now is a blessing. you can do this.


i know no one is probably going to see this and i am terrible at talking abt this stuff but this music makes me cry each time i listen. i say its because its too peaceful but i dont even know. im used to everyone leaving me and hating me... its just what happens to me for some reason. i get a friend and right when i get happy that i have someone like them they leave. no joke had one of my best friends tell me no one liked me and then left me. im not used to being happy. even my family.... i feel like i cant be myself around them. i like cosplay, anime, kpop, clothes, internet friends (although i only have one whos probably going to leave me as well), and asmr. but my family thinks anime and all that stuff is weird so i just have an internet life where i can go to be myself. one day my mom smashed my phone for no reason and seriously it was like my heart was shattered. bc of that i lost my only fucking friend. she was an internet friend but she was everything i ever wanted. my sister makes fun of me because i like the things i like. all i want to do is have a good life and be myself but i cant. i need someone there for me. i need someone who will let me be free. oh ive cut before because theres a million more things in my life that are not so happy. i told my mom they were cat scratches. we dont even have a damn cat but its ok. she believed me. i try to tell my family how im sad. how i honestly wanna end my life. but each time i finally have the courage to tell them my mom gets mad and my sister says im "emo". my aunt was my best friend. and right when i felt like i could tell her anything something happened and she wasnt like her old self. my mom sent me away to her house for about a week and it was absolute hell. she would always yell at me and all i did there was cry myself to sleep. ik im just a little depressing comment but really i just need some god damn happiness in my life for once (ik some people have it worse and i shouldnt be whining about ny life while they have worse but seriously i just want to be happy)


Acknowledge your own accomplishments even if they're small
You are amazing. You are beautiful.
You are you.


When I met my best friend, I was amazed at how well she understood me and how complete I felt when I was with her. Now, she hangs out with the people we'd scowl at and make fun of together. Days we'd spend walking home together, laughing at silly things that occurred are now days I walk home alone. Times we'd hang out and explore new places, she now spends going out with them and getting "lit". I'd find out when something happens to her months after her new friends do, and then she yells at me when I forget to tell her anything because it always feels like she doesn't care. She tells me she thinks they're annoying and that she doesn't like them, yet she leaves me to go sit with them everyday. She laughs until she's crying with them, and puts on a bored straight face and scrolls through her Facebook feed while I talk. I don't know what to do anymore, nothing I can possibly say or do can make her laugh like they do. She says I'm boring, too uptight, that I need to be better, but I always try my best with her. She's the only friend I have who understands me like she does, and now I've lost her and I don't know what to do. I can't bring myself to go to school anymore, because I just feel so disconnected from everyone. I wish I was like everyone else, that I could make her happy like before. This has helped me finally cry until all that's left is a melancholic peace. Thank you💕


This comment section is split into two halves:

The person asking for help.
The person who helps.

Both are important ❤️


Can we pretend the world doesn't exist?

Just for tonight. ❤


i had a really bad day today. for the first time in forever i thought about my self and realized, i'm not happy. i don't ever stand up for myself. i'm always just a "back up" friend. i realized how tired i was and how much my body ached. i realized how much i missed my best friend, my #1 fan. my eyes were glossy filmed this whole day. finding this video made me feel so much better. thank you so much. <3.


I don't even have many things wrong in my life. It's the stress and crippling anxiety that kicks me when I'm doing great. I feel okay for a week and then slip back into depression. Sometimes I feel like the worst person, and sometimes I think I'm okay. I know I won't get over it though so I'm trying to just live with it, although I wish there was a way to stop the anxiety and the constant thinking, even for a second :P


When you have depression and people just laugh and say "Haha same".

When you try to tell people you're hurting on the inside and they say "mood".

When you're in pain but you're young so no one believes you.

When you see all the happy people lying about depression to make themselves seem unique or "quirky".

When everyone thinks you're lying too.

When you cry for help and no one listens because teenagers "don't feel real pain".

When they think it's a phase and you start to believe it too.

When you think "maybe I'm okay and I don't know it" so you put on a mask in hopes that everything will fade away on it's own.

When it doesn't fade away and you're just a person in pain with a mask.

If you're in any of these situations, just know that I'm here for you. We can get through it together. I don't know who you are, but I love everyone. Including you. If others don't care about your pain, then they're heartless and don't understand. I will stand by you. I will do all I can to support you. Because I love you and I understand what it's like to hurt.

Every storm ends at some point to make room for the sunny days.


do you ever get really sad and start creating sad scenarios in your head to feel even more sad bc same
