Official Opening of the TIBO Forum 'Digital Future' | June 01, 2021 | Minsk, Belarus | EN

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The key event of the XXVII International ICT Forum TIBO-2021 was the Official Opening of the Digital Future Forum, which took place on June 1, 2021 from 15.00 to 17.30 in the Congress Hall of the Minsk Arena MKSK (Pobediteley Ave., 111a).

The event was organized by the Ministry of Communications and Informatization, Technics and Communications CJSC.

During the event, the exchange of best practices and presentation of successful cases of digital transformation, ways to overcome existing barriers and ways to intensify digitalization processes, the development of international cooperation, forecasts and prospects for using the latest technological trends were discussed.

More than 250 leaders and specialists from 13 countries of the world (Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, UAE, Pakistan, Russia, Uzbekistan) took part in the event.

International Forum on Information and Communication Technologies TIBO 2021
June 1-4, 2021, 111 Pobediteley Avenue, Minsk, Belarus

The TIBO Forum is a platform for demonstrating achievements and exchanging best practices in the field of information technology.

All exclusive interviews, video reviews and reports from forum events are available on the TIBO youtube channel:

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