28 Questions for Christians Who Still Oppose Gay Marriage

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28 Questions for Christians Who Still Oppose Gay Marriage

Now that marriage equality is legal across the country, it's worth noting that just about everybody who still opposes gay marriage does so for religious reasons.

Unless God is telling you that two people who love each other is icky, you're probably fine with it!

Even a lot of Christians -- especially younger Christians -- get that.

But to the people of faith who still oppose gay marriage, I just have a few questions for you:

- Why are you so insistent that we take the Bible literally on the subject of homosexuality... but you ignore all the other supposed sins in the Bible?

- Why should our nation's laws have to follow your interpretation of your holy book?

- What's a bigger problem? A gay couple getting married or a straight couple getting divorced?

- And if they're both sins, how come you spend so much more energy fighting gay marriage?

- Why are you so obsessed with what other people do in the bedroom? You know there are websites that make that a whole lot easier nowadays...

- Do you think children are better off with two loving gay parents or two straight ones who fight all the time?

- OH! Wait! Would you rather have a child live with a single Christian parent or a loving mother and father who are hardcore atheists?

- How's this? Can you just tell me what exactly is the hierarchy of ideal parents and let me know where gay couples rank?

- How many close gay friends do you have? And if the answer is more than 0, how many of them do you think consider you a close friend? Because they don't. Trust me. They're humoring you.

- How has your life changed since gay marriage became legal everywhere? I'll wait...

- I've heard people say they oppose gay marriage because: how are they supposed to explain that to their kids? Just tell them two people love each other, so they got married. Why is that so hard for you? You don't need a parenting class for that one...

- How long do you think it'll take before evangelical Christian churches just accept gay marriage? I give it a decade. Probably less.

- Why do you think you've failed so miserably at convincing the rest of the country to uphold traditional marriage? Because you have. You're horribly bad at convincing people you have the higher moral ground here.

- Do you blame the message or the messengers?

- Either way, why do you keep using the same arguments and promoting the same leaders if it's not working?

- How come the worst stories of discrimination I ever hear coming from conservative Christians involve a couple of bakery owners who got paid to make a cake but didn't want to... while damn near every LGBT person I have ever met has a personal story of discrimination that is so much worse than that?

- If you think the Supreme Court made the wrong decision, and it's not fair for some unelected judges to overturn tradition, can you tell me why was it wrong when the Court overturned segregated schools?

- If you say marriage equality should have been left to individual states and voters, would you have been totally okay with it if every state voted to have it?

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Well, they convinced their kids that there's a big man in the sky who is responsible for everything, so explaining gay marriage should be a piece of cake.


My question for a people who opposes gay marriage is:

Would you like to get married to a gay person who is lying and pretending to be straight? Isn't that kind of lying, to yourself and everybody, a sin?

I'm a heterosexual woman and I would never want to marry a gay guy who are pretending he is straight, and let that ruin both his and my life. I don't want a loveless and sexless marriage. It's much better that he marries a man who he is attacted to and loves, and I marry a straight man who wants and loves me. More happy marriages that way. Why would anyone want to be in a relationship with someone who thinks it's discusting to have sex with you. I would never want to live that way.


Out of the 28 questions, the first one is probably my favorite one.


Traditional marriage is between a man and his rib.


"I like your Christ.  I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." - Gandhi


"How do you feel about gay couples that get divorced?"
Damn Mr. Hemant, that's what I've been wanting to ask anti homosexuals for months.


Some Christian tells you that gay marrige is wrong while eating a shrimp taco and wearing a poly-fabric business suit...


Mr. Mehta as a fellow atheist I would like to say the past few videos have opened my eyes to the life of reason. I am just thankful that you can be the voice for us.


For 16, the issue is not religious discrimination legally. It's freedom of speech. With this question, were you implying that a business that crafts cakes for weddings should be forced by whoever has anti-discrimination protection to craft a cake they desire to have for their wedding? Or another way of looking at it, should DeviantArt users be forced by whoever has anti-discrimination protection to make artworks they want?


When my grandparents use to be Christians but one time my uncle came out and told them that he was gay and they changed for him.😀 They now believe that all lgbt people are not bad. And that makes me happy❤


I'm a bi atheist and one of my best friends is SUPER conservative. She's Lutheran and her father is a pastor. She believes I'm going to hell, but doesn't think she has the right to judge me because she isn't God or Jesus.


Here are my OPINIONATED answers to all of the questions as a Christian who doesn’t support gay marriage, but doesn’t oppose it either.
1. I take all sins in the Bible (except for a very few certain ones in old Judaism) literally. Including homosexuality.
2. They do not have to. That is the government’s choice.
3. A straight couple divorcing
4. I don’t, however, as a Catholic, I believe both are sinful.
5. I’m not, do what you want.
6. 2 loving gay parents. Love is what counts
7. I’m not sure. Probably the latter, but that is not a definitive answer.
8. (From most preferable to least preferable) Loving Christians, loving gays/atheists, non loving Christians, non loving gays/atheists
9. 0. I know someone that is trans though. They were a male, now a female. I last saw them 5 years ago when they were a male, and they probably don’t remember me.
10. Not at all.
11. I’d explain it exactly how you did.
12. I agree. Probably a little bit less than a decade.
13. I let others do what they want, and I keep my beliefs.
14. Both. I definitely don’t hate them though.
15. I don’t specifically argue against it, so this doesn’t apply to me.
16. Homophobia.
17. Neither were wrong.
18. Yes.
19. I would’ve been fine.
20. I believe that God is distraught equally with all of them.
21. I cannot.
22. I don’t argue so I cannot answer this question. I am absolutely not saying that other Christians don’t use this argument.
23. Nothing, correct.
24. Nothing. They are true Christians and are welcome in my church. Taking over? I don’t know.
25. It is still terrible.
26. No, they can do whatever they want.
27. Where’s a rock give me a minute
28. Nothing.
Like I said, I don’t oppose it so this probably isn’t my video to answer to, but I was bored to I am putting my answers up anyways.


Question #29 Do you secretly fear your own homosexual fantasies?
Question #30 And is that why you care about it so much?


I'm a Christian and I personally am so heart broken for how my fellow Christians have treated LGBTQ people. I really wish that other Christians who don't support gay marriage or LGBTQ people would take time to do the research that I and many other now supportive Christians have done to see that what they believe to be true may not be or in the very least see that Jesus would never have condoned the way LGBTQ people are treated by the Christian Church. I am deeply sorry for anyone who has felt hatred in the name of Jesus.


I just don’t understand why Christians think they own marriage and/or that it’s a “Christian institution”. Like are you really going to act (A) like marriage doesn’t exist in other cultures, religions, etc and (B) like your marriage is official if you just get married in a [Christian] church. The only thing that makes your marriage official is a marriage license provided ONLY by the government. As long as you have your license, you could literally get married in a crack house or other local drug den and it will still be more official than just getting married in a church alone WITHOUT the license. Christians, you DO NOT own marriage. You can absolutely have your tradition. That tradition belongs IN YOUR church and not in alignment with the government. Marriage is between a man and woman? Ok, yes it is AT YOUR CHURCH. Outside of your church, marriage is for EVERYONE bc the government attends to everyone and EVERYONE pays taxes. Your church(es), your bible and your god do not pay taxes so any opinion on government affairs from those entities is a NON-FACTOR. Once you leave those church doors, your tradition means NOTHING. And STOP saying that LGBTQ people are living an “alternative lifestyle”. Just stop it! Loving someone is NOT a lifestyle. Religion IS a lifestyle. Going to church, participating in your ridiculous traditions and prayer are a “lifestyle”. Loving the person you’re with is called “loving the person you’re with” and it’s not some alternative lifestyle just bc they’re the same gender. Everyone who is with someone loves that person. Your religious LIFESTYLE and what you do to follow it is a PRIVATE affair. Stop trying to fit your religion around everyone else AND the government. If you want to handle snakes and speak in tongues in the middle of the sidewalk, HAVE AT IT. But keep it to yourself. What your god thinks and it’s opinion on social issues in our country is no one else’s concern. If your god is mad that LGBTQ ppl can get married, tell it that it’s too bad and it needs to get over it because it doesn’t have jurisdiction over the laws and rules in a country where it doesn’t pay taxes. If your god is going to send you to hell bc gay ppl can now get married, oh well, that’s a conversation you need to have with your god and maybe you need to find a different god to worship. Your religion, your church, your “relationship” with your god(s) is for you and you only. Stop telling the rest of us what it thinks. WE DONT CARE.

And I wish LGBTQ people would stop making excuses for Christians and churches. I get that there are religious LGBTQ ppl but why subject yourself to a community that tells you that you deserve torture in hell simply bc you love someone of the same gender. I even get that there are LGBTQ friendly churches but at the end of the day they are ALL founded on the same book and worship the same god that condemns your relationship for NO reason. Stop making excuses to keep stupid traditions. Stop cherry picking verses and stop using the “misinterpretation” excuse to make yourself feel better. Stop attending venues that treat you like a second class citizen. Stop getting married in places that entertain the idea that a murderer and an thief can “go to Heaven” if they “ask [their god] for forgiveness” but the only way an LGBTQ person can go to Heaven is if they live their lives alone and celibate. I’m so tired of seeing LBGTQ ppl suffer and live lonely lives to appease a deity who condemns them based on NO REASON. My aunt is a lesbian and chooses to be alone bc of church. And it irks me even more that, as a member of the African American community, we actively treat others the same way slave owners and segregationists treated our ancestors using the SAME book they did to do it. It is DISGUSTING! And what’s their excuse? “The slave owners/segregationists got it wrong. They misinterpreted the Bible bc it doesn’t say anything about blacks being unequal.” They even claim that the Bible doesn’t sanction slavery when it does and the black Christians who do recognize that the Bible sanctions slavery, they use the “misinterpretation” excuse to say it “didn’t apply to blacks” but why would you even want to be apart of a religion that sanctions slavery regardless knowing how our ancestors were MIStreated, why would YOU treat other people with the same discrimination and lastly if whites were misusing the Bible to enslave our ancestors, why did your god not step in an stop the practice? Why did it take 400 years AND government intervention to stop slavery (for the most part) and why did your god not step in an fix the racism and segregation issue? Why did it allow Emmett Till to be BRUTALIZED while it just did nothing. And the woman who lied was allowed to live a long life and all she has to do is “ask for forgiveness” from your god, who had no problem stepping in and mass murdering people before? The reason is, your god DOESNT EXIST. That’s why. It never existed. This is why ppl still get away with outrageous things on its instruction, because there is NO instruction coming from any god. It’s all coming from human beings. The Bible is supposed to be “god’s” instruction bums yang it was written and compiled by humans who chose what to include and what to exclude. Humans are spreading the hate of a god that doesn’t even exist and are too much of a coward to own up to their own evil and hateful thoughts. Then they try to hide behind “Jesus” and “love” when Christianity at its core is based on hate. This is why they continue to get away with things like what Michelle Duggar did to disenfranchise trans women using made up stories of assault based on her own convoluted idea/understanding of trans ppl all while hiding the fact her OWN son was a PREDATOR who was ACTUALLY abusing ACTUAL victims. And don’t get me started on the Catholic Church and JW abuse cases or cases in churches like the one that belong to Ted Haggard and Eddie Long. The church and it’s god is an EVIL institution and to insinuate that they’re the basis for ANY type of morality is beyond delusional. The only reason why Christians aren’t following the more barbaric instructions in their holy book such as stoning gays and burning witches is not because they’re all about love, it’s because they can’t. Christianity isn’t a leader in anything and it isn’t based on love and has never been. Christians have been drug into the 21st century kicking and screaming and that’s why they complain about NOT being able to discriminate against others. They’re literally upset because they can’t mistreat and stone gays. Christianity is the only institution that equates not being able to discriminate against and stone gays with being persecuted. It is ridiculous and it needs to stop.


Leviticus is the only place where homosexuality is condemned. So let's see how much shit is sinful in Leviticus that christians don't follow.

1.       Burning any yeast or honey in offerings to God (2:11)

2.       Failing to include salt in offerings to God (2:13)

3.       Eating fat (3:17)

4.       Eating blood (3:17)

5.       Failing to testify against any wrongdoing you’ve witnessed (5:1)

6.       Failing to testify against any wrongdoing you’ve been told about (5:1)

7.       Touching an unclean animal (5:2)

8.       Carelessly making an oath (5:4)

9.       Deceiving a neighbour about something trusted to them (6:2)

10.   Finding lost property and lying about it (6:3)

11.   Bringing unauthorised fire before God (10:1)

12.   Letting your hair become unkempt (10:6)

13.   Tearing your clothes (10:6)

14.   Drinking alcohol in holy places (bit of a problem for Catholics, this ‘un) (10:9)

15.   Eating an animal which doesn’t both chew cud and has a divided hoof (cf: camel, rabbit, pig) (11:4-7)

16.   Touching the carcass of any of the above (problems here for rugby) (11:8)

17.   Eating – or touching the carcass of – any seafood without fins or scales (11:10-12)

18.   Eating – or touching the carcass of - eagle, the vulture, the black vulture, the red kite, any kind of black kite, any kind of raven, the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat. (11:13-19)

19.   Eating – or touching the carcass of – flying insects with four legs, unless those legs are jointed (11:20-22)

20.   Eating any animal which walks on all four and has paws (good news for cats) (11:27)

21.   Eating – or touching the carcass of – the weasel, the rat, any kind of great lizard, the gecko, the monitor lizard, the wall lizard, the skink and the chameleon (11:29)

22.   Eating – or touching the carcass of – any creature which crawls on many legs, or its belly (11:41-42)

23.   Going to church within 33 days after giving birth to a boy (12:4)

24.   Going to church within 66 days after giving birth to a girl (12:5)

25.   Having sex with your mother (18:7)

26.   Having sex with your father’s wife (18:8)

27.   Having sex with your sister (18:9)

28.   Having sex with your granddaughter (18:10)

29.   Having sex with your half-sister (18:11)

30.   Having sex with your biological aunt (18:12-13)

31.   Having sex with your uncle’s wife (18:14)

32.   Having sex with your daughter-in-law (18:15)

33.   Having sex with your sister-in-law (18:16)

34.   Having sex with a woman and also having sex with her daughter or granddaughter (bad news for Alan Clark) (18:17)

35.   Marrying your wife’s sister while your wife still lives (18:18)

36.   Having sex with a woman during her period (18:19)

37.   Having sex with your neighbour’s wife (18:20)

38.   Giving your children to be sacrificed to Molek (18:21)

39.   Having sex with a man “as one does with a woman” (18:22)

40.   Having sex with an animal (18:23)

41.   Making idols or “metal gods” (19:4)

42.   Reaping to the very edges of a field (19:9)

43.   Picking up grapes that have fallen in your  vineyard (19:10)

44.   Stealing (19:11)

45.   Lying (19:11)

46.   Swearing falsely on God’s name (19:12)

47.   Defrauding your neighbour (19:13)

48.   Holding back the wages of an employee overnight (not well observed these days) (19:13)

49.   Cursing the deaf or abusing the blind (19:14)

50.   Perverting justice, showing partiality to either the poor or the rich (19:15)

51.   Spreading slander (19:16)

52.   Doing anything to endanger a neighbour’s life (19:16)

53.   Seeking revenge or bearing a grudge (19:18)

54.   Mixing fabrics in clothing (19:19)

55.   Cross-breeding animals (19:19)

56.   Planting different seeds in the same field (19:19)

57.   Sleeping with another man’s slave (19:20)

58.   Eating fruit from a tree within four years of planting it (19:23)

59.   Practising divination or seeking omens (tut, tut astrology) (19:26)

60.   Trimming your beard (19:27)

61.   Cutting your hair at the sides (19:27)

62.   Getting tattoos (19:28)

63.   Making your daughter prostitute herself (19:29)

64.   Turning to mediums or spiritualists (19:31)

65.   Not standing in the presence of the elderly (19:32)

66.   Mistreating foreigners – “the foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born”  (19:33-34)

67.   Using dishonest weights and scales (19:35-36)

68.   Cursing your father or mother (punishable by death) (20:9)

69.   Marrying a prostitute, divorcee or widow if you are a priest (21:7, 13)

70.   Entering a place where there’s a dead body as a priest (21:11)

71.   Slaughtering a cow/sheep and its young on the same day (22:28)

72.   Working on the Sabbath (23:3)

73.   Blasphemy (punishable by stoning to death) (24:14)

74.   Inflicting an injury; killing someone else’s animal; killing a person must be punished in kind (24:17-22)

75.   Selling land permanently (25:23)

76.   Selling an Israelite as a slave (foreigners are fine) (25:42)

So tell me, Christians. Do you actually do what the bible tells you to? Of course you don't. Most of you haven't ever read it.


Nice, some extra sarcasm is a nice addition to your videos ;)
Keep on!


Their is no place homophobia in modern society


I'm a Christ follower, and this guy had some excellent questions. I really wish I could have a legitimate conversation with the man. It may not change his mind, but I wish I could have a conversation nonetheless


7 people who disliked this are Westborro Baptist Chruch confirmed
