28 Questions for Christians Who Still Oppose Gay Marriage

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28 Questions for Christians Who Still Oppose Gay Marriage
Now that marriage equality is legal across the country, it's worth noting that just about everybody who still opposes gay marriage does so for religious reasons.
Unless God is telling you that two people who love each other is icky, you're probably fine with it!
Even a lot of Christians -- especially younger Christians -- get that.
But to the people of faith who still oppose gay marriage, I just have a few questions for you:
- Why are you so insistent that we take the Bible literally on the subject of homosexuality... but you ignore all the other supposed sins in the Bible?
- Why should our nation's laws have to follow your interpretation of your holy book?
- What's a bigger problem? A gay couple getting married or a straight couple getting divorced?
- And if they're both sins, how come you spend so much more energy fighting gay marriage?
- Why are you so obsessed with what other people do in the bedroom? You know there are websites that make that a whole lot easier nowadays...
- Do you think children are better off with two loving gay parents or two straight ones who fight all the time?
- OH! Wait! Would you rather have a child live with a single Christian parent or a loving mother and father who are hardcore atheists?
- How's this? Can you just tell me what exactly is the hierarchy of ideal parents and let me know where gay couples rank?
- How many close gay friends do you have? And if the answer is more than 0, how many of them do you think consider you a close friend? Because they don't. Trust me. They're humoring you.
- How has your life changed since gay marriage became legal everywhere? I'll wait...
- I've heard people say they oppose gay marriage because: how are they supposed to explain that to their kids? Just tell them two people love each other, so they got married. Why is that so hard for you? You don't need a parenting class for that one...
- How long do you think it'll take before evangelical Christian churches just accept gay marriage? I give it a decade. Probably less.
- Why do you think you've failed so miserably at convincing the rest of the country to uphold traditional marriage? Because you have. You're horribly bad at convincing people you have the higher moral ground here.
- Do you blame the message or the messengers?
- Either way, why do you keep using the same arguments and promoting the same leaders if it's not working?
- How come the worst stories of discrimination I ever hear coming from conservative Christians involve a couple of bakery owners who got paid to make a cake but didn't want to... while damn near every LGBT person I have ever met has a personal story of discrimination that is so much worse than that?
- If you think the Supreme Court made the wrong decision, and it's not fair for some unelected judges to overturn tradition, can you tell me why was it wrong when the Court overturned segregated schools?
- If you say marriage equality should have been left to individual states and voters, would you have been totally okay with it if every state voted to have it?
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Now that marriage equality is legal across the country, it's worth noting that just about everybody who still opposes gay marriage does so for religious reasons.
Unless God is telling you that two people who love each other is icky, you're probably fine with it!
Even a lot of Christians -- especially younger Christians -- get that.
But to the people of faith who still oppose gay marriage, I just have a few questions for you:
- Why are you so insistent that we take the Bible literally on the subject of homosexuality... but you ignore all the other supposed sins in the Bible?
- Why should our nation's laws have to follow your interpretation of your holy book?
- What's a bigger problem? A gay couple getting married or a straight couple getting divorced?
- And if they're both sins, how come you spend so much more energy fighting gay marriage?
- Why are you so obsessed with what other people do in the bedroom? You know there are websites that make that a whole lot easier nowadays...
- Do you think children are better off with two loving gay parents or two straight ones who fight all the time?
- OH! Wait! Would you rather have a child live with a single Christian parent or a loving mother and father who are hardcore atheists?
- How's this? Can you just tell me what exactly is the hierarchy of ideal parents and let me know where gay couples rank?
- How many close gay friends do you have? And if the answer is more than 0, how many of them do you think consider you a close friend? Because they don't. Trust me. They're humoring you.
- How has your life changed since gay marriage became legal everywhere? I'll wait...
- I've heard people say they oppose gay marriage because: how are they supposed to explain that to their kids? Just tell them two people love each other, so they got married. Why is that so hard for you? You don't need a parenting class for that one...
- How long do you think it'll take before evangelical Christian churches just accept gay marriage? I give it a decade. Probably less.
- Why do you think you've failed so miserably at convincing the rest of the country to uphold traditional marriage? Because you have. You're horribly bad at convincing people you have the higher moral ground here.
- Do you blame the message or the messengers?
- Either way, why do you keep using the same arguments and promoting the same leaders if it's not working?
- How come the worst stories of discrimination I ever hear coming from conservative Christians involve a couple of bakery owners who got paid to make a cake but didn't want to... while damn near every LGBT person I have ever met has a personal story of discrimination that is so much worse than that?
- If you think the Supreme Court made the wrong decision, and it's not fair for some unelected judges to overturn tradition, can you tell me why was it wrong when the Court overturned segregated schools?
- If you say marriage equality should have been left to individual states and voters, would you have been totally okay with it if every state voted to have it?
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