There is Something in the Forest

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Abandoned towns can be found scattered across the globe and are usually the epilogue of natural disaster or ever-changing economic factors. But every so often, an established settlement can turn into a ghost town for much more sinister reasons. This week, we investigate a rural Alaskan town, which was allegedly abandoned because of something in the forest.

Check out these other channels and videos!
Full Movie: Ghosts in Ghost Towns - Haunting the Wild West
Top 5 FREAKY Abandoned Ghost Towns Shrouded In Mystery
23 YEARS IN A HAUNTED TOWN | 7 True Scary Paranormal Ghost Horror Stories (Vol. 38)

Turn off the lights, get into bed and plug in your earphones. It's time for a creepy bedtime story. For the discerning horror fan, we cover the most chilling cases throughout history. From the paranormal to the supernatural, unsolved mysteries and strange deaths to cryptids, conspiracy theories and the most disturbing of true crimes, all told in a unique and creepy way. Join us every week for a new scary story.



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"some mysteries are best left unsolved" - the world worst police department


Ah, I grew up in Alaska (lived in a couple different places. Seward, Juneau, and Eagle River for those curious) and I can tell you there were definitely things in the woods out there. Always heard strange noises in the forests and we were always told not to venture too deep into them, especially at night or alone. I remember me and the neighbor kids found an old and hidden trail at the very end of our neighborhood, and we started exploring it. Got a couple miles in and we discovered a very old tree house, only a couple feet up the large tree it was situated in. There were a bunch of decayed dolls hanging from the bottom of it, and some creepy writing that said something along the lines of "keep out" and "beware the forest" on the sides of it. (Felt like something straight out of a horror movie) There were wooden boards nailed into the side of the tree that allowed you to climb up into it, but before we could gather up the courage to head up we suddenly had a very bad feeling in our guts, and we heard a deeply unsettling noise come from deeper within the woods, and after we heard that we booked it back home. Never went back after that. We all felt way too scared to do so. But the moose and wolves are most certainly not the worst things you could encounter out there. Be careful if you do ever find yourself deep in the woods of Alaska.


There was one time that I got lost in the woods at a national park in the US for almost 6 hours while hiking with my dad. We got separated because I'm a moron who wanted to keep exploring after he sat down for lunch. I kept going, and eventually couldn't get back. But every time I started going the wrong way, the wind would pick up A LOT and wouldn't die down again until I was on the right track again. I ended up on a main road in the end and a park ranger found me. I also didn't see any animals other than birds and squirrels, but apparently there had been more bear sightings that day then there had been all that month. If I'm being truthful though, I had the most fun exploring in the woods that I've ever had in my entire life. It was really weird though. I felt like something was watching me the entire time. We originally went there because I wanted to take pictures. Every time I moved stuff around to take one, I would put it back where it came from, and I did my best not to break branches or anything because everything around me felt... different? I think different is the right word, probably. Anyway, whatever may been watching me helped me back to the highway. I couldn't walk the next day, though. My legs and hips hurt too badly. I should go back sometime and say thanks to... um... whatever 'it' was...

Oh, I also picked up litter. I had a hiking backpack full of more litter than it was supplies by the time the ranger found me. I can't stand people who leave bottles and things lying around in nature. There's animals who try to eat that junk. You Know who you are!! I'm going off topic, but littering while hiking or camping is the literal worst thing. Just wait until you have a trashcan or something! Stick whatever trash in your backpack like a normal person and keep going. Why must morons just toss it somewhere? God, I hate people sometimes.


Not just America
There are reports of these creatures in Eastern Siberia as well.


this dude is the best storyteller I've ever encountered


Unless you've been to Alaska, you don't realize just how big and untouched it really is. When flying over, it is just mountains and forest far as the eye can see. An unidentified creature could EASILY hide away in the Alaskan wilderness.


I’m in Ocala hunting for skunk apes right now. This is my first WiFi in days and I chose to use it here. Well met BS!


I hope some Bigfoot with internet access sees this


Bedtime Stories and it's not even bedtime. That's a double win!


I really appreciate that you guys have been posting videos about the native America cultures. As a native myself, I have seen some really unbelievable things on the rez, but I find disappointment in the fact that the universal scary native story is about skinwalkers, when skinwalkers are the most vanilla paranormal phenomena the culture has to offer, so I really do appreciate that you guys take the time to dive deeper into the really weird stuff even public officials cant explain.

If i may suggest, look into black mesa’s “boot”, the bandlands banshee, and the white fool...creepy legends with historical documentation if you dont mind very little and at times skeptical articles from the 1840’s-1920’s.


My brother be out here getting famous, and I’m just chilling in my cave


A few suggestions for potential interesting themes related to this series.There is something in the:


There's something in the woods.
There's something in the forest.
There's something in the trees.
There's something in the jungle.
There's something in the mangrove.
There's something in the hedgerows.
There's something in the bushes.
There's something in the grass.
There's something in the orchard.
There's something in the meadows.
There's something in the flower pot.

Joking aside, I'm elated whenever this channel uploads. Adore the masterful illustrations.


As cliché as this sounds, this is literally the only channel that I hit like before I even watch. As I already know I’m going to thoroughly enjoy, because I have never been disappointed by one of your videos, the time and effort put into them is amazing and your work is always stellar!


I just imagine a lot of us are watching this at the same time and some would be synchronized. Pretty cool.


I was always told there were little people, or "Mud men" as my grandfather called them, that roamed the acres of his land on the outskirts of town (I grew up in a small - mostly aboriginal - town in western NSW in Australia). He said these little fellahs have been in that region for a long time, even when the town was first settled, back in the 1800s. He was a & had heard stories of small, man-like/child-like creatures that would menace the local farmers livestock, goats, sheep, chicken and even small calves during the night, and the remains of which would be found in the gullies and creeks near the main river. I remember him saying the would come into town in the night in small groups, armed with primitive weapons, (i imagine like a hunting/raiding party) and often have to be chased away by the white farmers. He told me stories of seeing skulls near the river, ancient bones of the aboriginal people which the waters had unearthed (due to a weir being built in the town and the water flowing and backing up into areas it wouldnt normally be), but also finding smaller, monkey-like skulls too.


Dude this is legit therapy for me before I go to bed most nights, I forget the problems of the day and fully drown myself in each story.

Keep it up man!


The Community: Hey, umm we just found a dead man in the water with no head. O n his two friends are presumed dead. We're pretty scared!

State Officials: Some mysteries are best left unsolved.

Victims Wife: Well, I do love a good mystery!!


The abandonment of Chatham would be an amazing mini series if done right, you should direct it, just to make sure it's worth


"In future episodes we will go on to examine more of them"

Oh this is gonna be good, i'd love to see Mikey draw a Skinwalker.
