CWJah Talk #38: The “Gods” of Psalm 82

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In this livestream we look deeper into who are the "gods" of Psalm 82? According to the Melchizedek dead sea scroll (11Q13 or 11QMelch), dated to around 100 years before Jesus was born, these "gods" are "spirits," like the "sons of God" spoken of repeatedly in the Bible (Genesis 6:4; Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; Psalm 89:6). Jesus famously quotes from Psalm 82 where in verses 1-6 God himself enters in among "gods" who are there called "sons of the Most High."

Yet, because of Jesus' use of Psalm 82 in John 10:33-36 many Trinitarians and non-believing Jews interpret the "gods" of Psalm 82 as human Israelite judges. Others sometimes reach a similar conclusion, but this is in direct conflict with the Melchizedek scroll on the identification of these "gods." So does the context of Psalm 82 or the Book of Psalms of a whole support the Trinitarian and later Jewish interpretation, or does the evidence from Psalms support the Melchizedek scroll?

Today's show will answer these and other related questions about the "gods" of Psalm 82, as well as why Jesus chose to use Psalm 82 in his defense against the accusation he claimed to be THEOS ("a god") in John 10:33-36, by claiming to be "God's Son."

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I actually have a question my friend, I'm just trying to wrap my head around it. So if the gods are unrighteous Israel judges as some believe, then they judged over the tents/nations of pslam 83:v6 and onwards?


Amazing pick up on psalm 83:4. Why would the israelites judges want to wipe out Israel as a nation


Clear teaching on Sons of God. Thanks Greg for this great video putting all the sons of god texts together and helping us understand and proving again the trinity teaching is incorrect.


Hello Greg.. can you make a video on baptism. If one should be baptized in the name of Jesus alone or in the name of the father, son and holy spirit. Can you also talk about if its necessary to use the exact formula for either one by saying it verbatim.


Greg if you can also make a video about the laying of hands to pass on the holy spirit. Talk about if it is required in order to be baptized by the holy spirit or it was only for the purpose of passing on the gifts of the holy spirit like prophesying, raising the dead, healing the sick, speaking in tongues.
