Crysis 2 - PC/Xbox 360 Multiplayer Demo Nanosuit 2

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Well for now all feedback is being discussed on Crymod or MYCrysis. I think a new forum for Crysis 2 will be starting up soon :)


the game is so big that not even 5% is spoiled in my opinion


@Espionajj thank you for the info man! :)


@aFutureCorruptX just w8 till march 17 they will release a demo


@tdaness really you dont know what your talking about in battlefield bad company 2 there is unlimited sprint and it is very balanced and it is the most realistic fps i have played so far this crysis 2 sucks because of the shooting efects, hard to aim and have to melee like 3 times just to kill. the game dont make sense because of that maximum armor. and energy consumtion your energy drains to fast you cant even get half across the map with cammo or armor. this game is all hype and its a rip off


This is pathetic played the demo this morning. The 3D with 3D vision aint bad but I was expecting a lot more from the new cry engine it feels totally like a port and I'm playing it on the PS. I hope theres more gfx options in full version like AA and stuff because Hardcore, gamer and advanced is very good.
Feels just like black ops CRAP! two GTX570's kill this game arma 2 is much more demanding.


@SwordOfSephiroth Yeah, physical vs digital boils down to preference really. Games I really like I buy physical copies of (like Fallout 3 :D). Though, as Crytek has pointed out, the PS3 and X360 versions max out the hardware, not the game itself. It's like tweaking on the PC, except it's been done already by the devs and albeit at the expense of mod support. So yeah, it's really about preference. That said: PC KICKS ASS.


@SwordOfSephiroth Yeah, well that's an inherent truth - more money = better computer right (Unless you're buying a Mac, in which case less is more supposedly)? My desktop has a single GTX 275 but it runs Crysis 2 just fine. If you buy and play a LOT of games like me, then PC is always cheaper (since the games are cheaper). If you play casually, then any console will be the wiser investment.


@SwordOfSephiroth actually that's not true. You only need about $1000 for a very good PC (including a monitor; even better if you already have one which is more likely). Generally, any more money you pile on top of that $1K only yields marginal benefits. While that's still at least x2 of say a PS3, in the long run it's still cheaper since PC games are much cheaper than console versions (discounts on steam for e.g. can be CRAZY) and also a computer can be used for things other than gaming.


@00eric28 wait are you implying the Ps3 version doesn't or are you referring to PC? Even so, the aim-assist in Crysis 2 on the controller is barely even there, you'd actually have to work at it to to notice there was even some at all. And even so, that's just how it has to be, Thumbsticks aren't as precision-based as a mouse can be so a little help from silent heroes (aim assist) is needed to refine the console FPS experience.


@AntaresBFJX It looks that way because the current Xbox 360 demo is a 7 month old build. Due to certification reasons that couldn't get a newer build up in time for Xbox 360 users so they had to use the old build since it had already been through Microsoft certification.

The newer build looks better and has that "high setting" look to it. Still not as good as the PC but definitely better than this.


@tdaness Crysis did just fine with unlimited sprint. Speed mode however was limited. And then you have BC2 which is also doing pretty well with an unlimited sprint. Unlimited sprint alone doesn't ruin the game, merely cosmetics.

As for no fall damage, execute armor mode. You wont take any damage but you will lose power to your suit.


@q5162 I know after all the hype its a piece of crap its hard to aim energy gets wasted to fast it dosent make sense to have to turn into full armor everytime you find someone and if I have a super high tech suit that puches cars I should be able to sprint unlimited and have no falling damage right this game sucks It looks good but it sucks


@puertorricanstar yeah i agree i played the demo and after all the over hype i found myself looking to see what was so great about this game, i was very dissapointed whis this and cant understand what the big deal is, i dont care how good the game looks its still rubbish lmao.



If you ever played the first Crysis. It was masterpiece worthy enough to be called as good as Half Life. Though the Multiplayer was lacking the only way to compete with COD is to attract all the 12 year olds and that is by improving COD Multiplayer and making it ur own...


@SwordOfSephiroth Oh God me too. Well, I need a new laptop anyway. I'd rather spend the money other people dish out for a fancy MacBook and get a computer that can run this thing and skip the console altogether...though I wouldn't mind getting myself a PS3 just for Killzone :D


@Psychocide Play the game and you'd find this isn't the case. But that being said, without any energy in your suit you take damage heavily. So if a person was sprinting down the halls earlier, they have less energy to use and so take less effort to kill.


@lvll138inrs It;s been nearly four years since Crysis 1 came out, 4 years ago, the graphics were still very vibrant, but nowhere near what they are today, you cant really compare a 4year old graphic system (PC) with a new xbox 360 or PS3


@LoneSniperFox Probably will cut your fps in half, from Arma 2, to Crysis, Crysis has a lot more effects, being a faster paced game in multiplayer modes. The nano suit may lag things up for you, but just compare your system specs, on EA's website.


@PhysicsTowerTeam If u got a shit loads of money u can build a PC that is much better than PS3. I do agree on ur option on ps3 and xbox, it just gets me every time when you have to pay for that stupid xbox live to go online via xbox
