Hobby Cheating 101 - Weathered and Hammered Steel

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In this Hobby Cheating Tutorial I take you through the process of doing realistic weathered and hammered (as opposed to machined) steel in TMM. I show you my method for capturing the complexity of aged, but still in use, beaten steel. Hope you enjoy!

Twitter: @warhammerweekly
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I feel like I am saying this every comment I type, but Thank you for this, vince!
I tried out the tmm technique on my terminator squad Yesterday and it looks so much better. The colours alone are amazing, I will have to kind of work out the shading/highlighting effect on Bolters as I go along, but I am in love with these colours now. Propably the best Look straight put of the bottle in any paint line I have touched up until now.


Thank you very much! I was actually just looking for a sort of battered metal tutorial for my upcoming forge world knight project, and this came at the perfect time! thank you!


Another point about TMM vs NMM is that a camera has one viewing axis but you have two eyes. With true metal your eyes report different colours for the same point on the model—because the model is reflecting different sources at different angles—while with NMM they report roughly the same. In fact, any differences in luminance that you do get in NMM due to specularity are likely to get processed as scale cues (which, if the model is not 1:1, you don't want!) rather than structured reflectance. The percepts are actually different. So there's a theoretical argument that (perfect) TMM is superior to (perfect) NMM for in-person viewing even under ideal display conditions (and the same will apply to lightfield photography, once that's adequate). The reverse is true for NMM in a photograph (at least if it is perfectly in focus), because TMM leaks more information about the (generally unrealistic) photographic environment than TMM.
Well, that's a lot of words for something obvious. It's why online colour swatches for metallic colours are even more rubbish than for conventional paints ;).
And—thanks as always. Your videos are worth multiple watches—there are small details to come back to even after trying the general techniques. It's great!


Was totally gonna ask for a video on this on the last q&a and you always catch me while im at work. Aah! Im thirilled thank you!


I recently picked up those Vallejo Game Inks and man they are sweet! So many uses, though they kind of vary in the pigment density and each color needs to be analysed case by case, wow are they versatile! I love the black and the matte finish is an amazing suprise!


Just looking so good.
I have allways use AK pigment to weathered metal color but this seams to work better.
I ll give it a try.


Thank you for such great and detail tutorial. I feel like by improving the light and shadow part can push me up to next level. Will give it a try for sure!


Everyone needs to watch these videos of yours before and after buying Vallejo Metal Colors. This should even be on Vallejo's website!


Glad I watched this when I did. I basecoated the metal on my Mega-Gargant Leadbelcher and Iron Hands Steel but I'm going to try this instead. I'm looking to improve my painting game for adepticon so I need to buckle down and do something new.


This is going to fit the look of my World Eater army! Thanks a whole lot!


I agree with the paint I love it ever since I saw you use it I went out and bought it and I love it


yet again another awesome video will definately be trying this on my metals soon


this was very good! I'm surprised that I havent seen you do one with metal colours and how to quickly put texture into them. it's something i have struggled with a lot in the past! thanks :)


Another excellent video!  I must give this a try.


Great Video. The Axe was much easier to see the technique. You got me to buy the Vallejo metallics a couple weeks ago. Really liking them, (I had used the true golds for years but these are much easier) although my first purchases were more on the blue steel side. I am going to have to buy these for a more brownish tint metallic for other models, like my Khorne AoS armies.


I have a goblin dude with a scimitar that I'm playing around with. That middle ridge is a pain for sure. Nice practice for brush and paint control at least.


Another fantastic video. Here is where an affiliate link to amazon with all the metal colors would be good for everyone.


Thank you for this, I am super hyped to paint some TMM now! I only have dull aluminium and burnt iron on hand, do you think they will work as well? When I look at color thumbnail of vallejo metal color they all look either bright or dark but all really similar.


I've used the metal color a bit bow and I love it. Would it be prudent to do metallics last after matte varnish so you don't get rid of that sheen?


Do you have any suggestions on good gold/brass/tin/etc. color paints? The vallejo ones are really iffy. The Liquid Gold stuff is a pain to deal with as well.
