The Secular - my own LGT Proffie 2.2 concoction.

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I've been slowly cobbling together a custom saber from left over and found LGT parts, and this is the result. It's installed with Darkwolf's Proffie 2.2 core.

The story:

I have named it The Secular, denoting that the saber's user is completely free from religion (as I am), and indicating that the owner is neither Sith, nor Jedi... eschewing all Force related religions. Whilst being a Force "user" per se, the owner tends to rely on his (in this case) own martial skills in combat, rather than relying on the Force. The kyber crystal used in The Secular was found amongst the remains of an ancient battle on an unknown planet that occurred several hundred years ago. Though the crystal's previous owner was a Sith, it resonates harmoniously with its new owner's personality and desire to maintain a secular existence. They seek out and aid others... fighting against injustice, and helping wherever needed, when it's possible.
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