The Trouble With Tumbleweed

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## Bonnie Bees:

Bob Kunz, Steven Snow, John Buchan, Nevin Spoljaric, Donal Botkin, Phil Gardner, Chris Chapin, Richard Jenkins, Martin, Steven Grimm, سليمان العقل, Colin Millions, Michael Mrozek, Saki Comandao, Jason Lewandowski, Andrea Di Biagio, David F Watson, rictic, Ben Schwab, Marco Arment, Elliot Lepley, Shantanu Raj, emptymachine, Bobby, Chris Amaris, George Lin, Mikko, Derek Bonner, Derek Jackson, Orbit_Junkie, Ron Bowes, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Henry Ng, Jordan Earls, Joshua Jamison, Nick Fish, Nick Gibson, Robert Webb, Jeffrey Podis, Thunda Plum, Awoo, David Tyler, Fuesu, iulus, Kevin Costello, Michael Reilly, Tyler Bryant, Kermit Norlund, chrysilis, David Palomares, Erik Parasiuk, ken mcfarlane, Leon, Tristan Watts-Willis, Veronica Peshterianu, Bear, Emi, Esteban Santana Santana, Freddi Hørlyck, John Rogers, Maarten van der Blij, Peter Lomax, Rhys Parry, ShiroiYami, Dag Viggo Lokøen, John Lee, Maxime Zielony, Elizabeth Keathley, Frederick The Great, Luxe Gifts, Rebecca Wortham, Bryan McLemore

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They say "if you wanna get ridd of the weed you gotta pull it up from the root" but what to do when the weed pulls itself and starts hunting you


And what am I supposed to do with this newfound hatred of tumbleweed?


I was born in Wyoming and I lived there for the first few years of my life. One of my first memories ever is of a giant sea of tumble weeds coming straight at me and I can attest to the scariness of these things in large numbers. It’s like a bunch of porcupines running at you at full speed.


Hungarians call them "Ördögszekér" which literrally means 'devil's chariot'


i’m starting an anti tumbleweed society in the UK. We can’t actually do anything but just know we stand with you


Just realized that there is an impressive amount of alliteration and rhyme in this video


I lived in Montana for a couple years and saw them there. I remember in the video game "Sunset Riders" if you touch a tumbleweed your character is injured, but thought that was just a quirk of the game. One day I had a chance to touch one and understood - NOT a game quirk, real.


So you’re telling me that a single tumbleweed doesn’t just spawn in when a protagonist and an antagonist lock eyes on an empty road while their hands hover near their guns...bullshit


I sure could use a sad story with no resolution or proposed solution

CGP: "I've got tons, one sec"


Everyone’s joking about how this is worse than Australians losing a war against emus, forgetting that we too have tumbleweeds


In Ukraine we have not many of them when compared to videos from US. These are native species to our country as well but they are not in big amounts here, you can see 2-3 of them per mile when crossing uncultivated area. We call it "перекотиполе" (perekotipole) which in approximate translation would sound like "rolloverthefield". Abscense of other high grass species might been the reason why they are so numerous in US.


So let me get this straight:
1. Grey made a video about the Statue of Liberty in which he mentioned federal land
2. That lead him to make a video on federal land in which he mentioned reservations.
3. That lead him to visit said reservations where he encountered TEKOI
4. While exploring TEKOI he encountered a lot of tumbleweed
5. We get this video.

The CGP Grey cinematic universe is truly a sight to behold.


tumbleweeds aren't your ordinary weeds that you can just pluck from the ground,

they pluck themselves and chase you down while making babies along the way


Australia: _loses a war to emus_

USA: *loses a war to plants*


Few years ago, during military training, tumbleweed got into the tracks of a tank, as they continued mission, that tumbleweed caught fire, which spread through the entire tank, and the whole tank burnt to a crisp.

And yeah, the crew were fine, only lose was the task and all of their gear.


Horror Movie Pitch: Storm that brings several tumbleweeds to a small town that doesn’t stop for months, breaking windows, knocking over cars, with the tumbleweeds growing bigger over time.


This makes me want to now see a western parody where two cowboys are having a dramatic standoff and in the background we see a tumbleweed, being chased by a man in a suit.


“ I don’t like tumbleweeds. They’re coarse, rough, and irritating, and they get everywhere.”


OMG I just realized that ghost towns always having Tumbleweeds in media is symbolic of more than just the emptiness and destitution of those towns. It's symbolic of WHY it's a ghost town. Crazy how just a bouncing tumbleweed can suddenly say so much. Almost like "the cat that ate the canary" sort of way but more brazen.

The tumbleweed tells the tale of a growing town gone backrupt due to cruddy harvests driving away the farmers to more fertile land which removes something from the local economy causing some others to leave etc etc.

That just added so much detail to that rogue plant turned trope. If that even makes sense. I'm rambling..thanks for the wonderful video CGP!


I want a 10 hours version of the United States Department of Agriculture trying to get rid of tumbleweed
