As you THINK, So Shall You BE! | Wayne Dyer | Top 10 Rules

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He was an American self-help author and motivational speaker.

His first book, Your Erroneous Zones, is one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 35 million copies sold to date.

He spent much of his childhood (until age 10) in an orphanage on the east side of Detroit, after his father walked out on the family, leaving his mother to raise three small boys.

He's Wayne Dyer and here are his Top 10 Rules for Success.

1. You can't give away what you don't have
Dyer, a Detroit native, worked as a high school guidance counselor there and as a professor of counselor education at St. John's University in New York City.

2. Don't identify yourself with what you accomplish
A literary agent persuaded Dyer to document his theories in his first book, called Your Erroneous Zones (1976).

3. As you think, so shall you be
After Your Erroneous Zones dozens more books followed, many of them also best-sellers.

4. Be open-minded
The success of these books eventually led to national television talk show appearances including The Merv Griffin Show, The Tonight Show, and The Phil Donahue Show.

5. Change the way you look at things
The Pixar animated short film, Day & Night, is based on one of Wayne Dyer's lectures, and Dyer is the voice in the film.

6. No one likes being told what to do
He proceeded to build on his success with lecture tours, a series of audiotapes, and regular publication of new books. His message resonated with many in the New Thought Movement and beyond.

7. There are no justified resentments
He often recounted anecdotes from his family life and repeatedly used his own life experience as an example.

8. Stop finding excuses
Dyer criticized societal focus on guilt, which he saw as an unhealthy immobilization in the present due to actions taken in the past.

9. Walk down another street
Dyer was influenced by Abraham Maslow's concept of self-actualization and by the teachings of Swami Muktananda, whom he considered to be his master.

10. Don't die with your music still in you
He also credited Saint Francis of Assisi, the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, and their teachings as being foundational influences in his work.


Amazing video. Kindly do Dr Wayne Dyer who recently passed away. I bet he can be of great inspiration. He was very influential to many of us. Once again thanks.


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"Be open to everything and attached to nothing." resonates very deep within me.


This man has taught me that life can still be beautiful no matter how much anxiety and depression I struggle with. Even after passing he is changing lives. His wisdom has forever changed my life. Rest in peace Dr. Dyer.


Deep... This should be played to young kids so they can unfold and become the caring, compassionate and powerful beings they already are within...


Dont die with your music still in you..


it took me so long to understand that "keeping a mind open to everything and attached to nothing " is great plus to my life


The last time I saw Wayne was exactly like the first. We had lunch together in Las Vegas. I was so HAPPY, as always, to see him. I always felt I owed him something. I gave him credit for so much of my success in life. He found it ridiculous that I thought my success somehow magically came from something he had done. Your success is your own. You did it. You created it. It was there from the beginning. You brought it to life as your own personal fruition.
I was so incredibly fortunate to have even sporadic moments over 20 years. Every time... EVERY time we sat down to eat, he made me feel like I was his best friend in the world. The reason came to me one day. He LIVED in the moment, in the right now, with his past and future focused on who he was with at THAT specific segment of time. We agreed that each moment realized IS ETERNITY...that is were he dwelt ALWAYS. He lives in THE GAP...the infinite field of possibilities between two thoughts or between two moments in time.
I could go on and on about lessons learned and time spent. I love Wayne as myself. I cant imagine he isn't with us anymore because he still is. Even right now the room im in is glowing with the warmth and light that he IS. What untold adventures and realizations await us in the Gap. Im already there. I am
Here and now.


Dyer has always been my guide and my teacher. No one has ever taught me as many powerful lessons as he still does after his death. After helping so many people in his life, he must be now in the right place next to God


The last one really hits home for me. I have been on a journey to figure out this very thing and still do not have it nailed down. Wayne was the first person I ever listened to on a cassette tape back in 1983 while I was in the hospital after a bad accident. So great to hear him again.


The fact that his music continues to play for us proves that love never dies.


For me the most memorable thing Dr Dyer said in this video is don't leave this earth with your song still in you. Thanks for this compilation of such a splendid teacher


Loved this, love him. Please, everyone...don't die with your music still in you!! Our world needs your gift, your purpose...blessings! Thank you for this amazing lesson


"Trying to find the keys outside when u know u lost it inside" he's talking about me🙇rest in paradise Dr Wayne Dyer.


#7. There are no justified resentments.
That is gold.
Seeing this for the first time, after leaving my Mother-in-law's funeral.
She was a beautiful soul trapped in her pain and resentments....for atleast the 27 years I've known her. She didn't know how to let go of them, especially because she felt like she was was justified). And it stole her happy. 😞
How I wish she knew this one rule.

Thank you Wayne for sharing your insights & wisdom with us all. You were fantastic 💕


"Don't die with music inside of you, " a provoking quote for me and you. When I feel low or need advice, I tune in to Dr. Wayne Dyer channels to pick me up. ❤❤


I had the incredible privilege to meet this wonderful man in Johannesburg South Africa many years ago. I read his first book when I was 18 he Wayne remained my mentor. I went up to him, shook his hand and said thank for coming to south Africa. He looked at me, smiled and said is my pleasure to be here. I will always love you Wayne, you now live within my heart.


'Don't die with your music still in you' moved me to tears as I struggle to allow myself to be who I have long imagined to be in my mind. As I was listening I was thinking of who I could forward this simple, short series to -- I had been in a kind of 'funk' this morning grasping for energy and inspiration to do the simple things I need to do in my beautiful life - I now feel energized. Thank you for bringing together these principles of such a wonderful example of what we can do if we just choose.


Don’t die with your music inside you is what got me. He is the cool uncle or cool dad for me. He helped me expand into spirituality and taught me to stop my thoughts in my tracks.


Stop finding excuses is a gem in itself … these are navigational pathways … Thank you …


Wow! All good advices to live by…#1 “you can’t give away what you don’t have!” That’s so true with being in a relationship. Don’t expect the other person to love 💕 & respect you & themselves if you can see they never had the love their heart ♥️ and the respect in their character to display those with you…. That’s one reason why so many relationships fail & why ask ourselves, “why?” Now I know, the other person never had those qualities to begin with to even give in the relationship. Thank you so much for sharing the Mr. Dyers words of wisdom. 🥰🤗


You can’t give what you don’t have hits home for me. I have for so long expected people to love me in the way I need to be loved. I understand now that people can only give you what they have. Thanks so much for this video! By far one of my favorites!
