Venous Stasis Ulcer Bandaging and Dressing

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This is a video of the proper procedure to dress and bandage a venous stasis ulcer throughout the healing process.

This patient had a venous stasis ulcer on their lower left leg. The affected area must be cleaned and redressed, here is the proper procedure.

Venous stasis ulcers occur when valves in your veins (venous valves) malfunction. This causes pressure in the veins to increase and the vein walls stretch. Blood leeches into skin tissue causing edema – excess interstitial fluid – and necrosis of the tissue due to the lack of oxygen and nutrients. This eventually leads to ulceration.

In the video, the area is cleaned thoroughly with saline solution and dead skin is carefully removed where possible. Then, iodine paste and iodine gauze are applied to the open wound to prevent infection. After that, sterile gauze is applied to protect the affected area before the compression layers are applied. Finally, there are 3 bandage rolls used to wrap the wound. First a Kling, then 2 layers of compression. As they are wrapped, the doctor ensures that there is stiff compression to treat the underlying issue.

It is important to note that an ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI) is conducted to ensure that there is sufficient blood pressure for an environment of healing.

The patient will continue to have the wound redressed in the future. Compression socks will also be used in future treatment to recover the function of the veins.
Рекомендации по теме

What I want to know is where can you get the sock, that the doctor placed on the patient to keep the gauze from falling off. It has to be wide to fit with all that gauze on.


What was applied before the inadine?


My question is, chat if the patient has a wounds that is weepy. Jow long do have to the patient wear that dressing for, please? Thank you. (Wound care)


How long can you wear a multi layer bandage for venous stasis ulcers? Also, Iodine paste can be very painful is there a specific type? Iodosorb? Thanks


Yes, I did learn something today! After I'd learned what I needed to do to heal my leg ulcers I learned I was right to stay out of Wound Care Clinics! Some of the people are not gentle enough and don't belong there!


The skin gets dry and starts to itch. You start scratching and guess what? It starts to bleed after scratching. And then you got an open wound. Keep your skin moisturized with moisturizer and don’t scratch.


I may have to have this done next week at the hospital
Not sure if this would work for the big toe, though


PodoPhylus antimicrobial and DermaDomus are a no contact dressing. At Etsy


That leg probably has an arterial insufficiency/atherosclerotic problem component in addition to the venous stasis problem ?


What happens when after about two hours your toes turn bluish purple and you can't stand it no more.


The 2nd layer needs stretched more, in a 2-layer wrap of this type.


I can tell you if you touched my wound and did that I would leave and never come back. I broke my ankle 14 years ago. Had3 surgeries in one year . 12 years massive pain and leg ulcer . I’m extremely thin, was very active and did do wound care but I would rather be immobile then suffer threw the sadistic pain I was subjected to at wound care for the 6 months I tried to buck up and heal. Horrible.. I have healed 2 wounds on my own but I can barely walk and my heart and blood flow are fine according to there tests 🙄so 18 months later and it continues to worsen . In 63 years old and feeling extremely hopeless about ever having a quality of life again


what kind of paste is that your applying and what does it do ? can that be purchased OTC?


I had to get this done...
I had 3 ulcers. In the beginning they were gigantic ( one was 10' ×7½ ). I kept going to the hospital because I didn't know what they were and the doctors in Philadelphia said that they'd heal; they didn't
So after moving to New Jersey I went to a foot doctor and I got rid of 2 of them, but the big one keeps closing and opening. It's a pain in the ass. I try to wear the stocking but my leg can't breathe with 2 of them on there. Right now it's a small hole, but I would take what I have over a 10 ×7 incher.


That has to be the worst application of 2 layer Coban wrap that I have ever seen!!
You dont need to overlap the foam layer so much. The top layer should be applied with toes pointed upward (toward the nose). It needs to be strerched evenly to full stretch for even compression, with overlap about half-width. The whole wrap should start closer to the toes and go up just under the knee. The technique shown here is very sloppy, resulting in uneven compression.
Other products can be used besides iodine paste. It depends on the wound bed colour, depth, and presence of slough tissue or eschar. Thank you for your effort in making this video... but it needs more in-depth.


На ногах Рожистое воспаление! Лечится без лекарств! Кому нужна помощь обращайтесь!!!
