Kimetric - Supermarket Smart Shelf (IoT)

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Kimetric - Supermarket Smart Shelf (IoT)

Kimetric measures the entire conversion funnel
Understand the entire conversion funnel in order to act upon the consumer and increase sales

Currently retailers have very little information about the conversion funnel:
-The information available is only related to the point of sale once the consumer has done the purchase
-All information before is lost
Kimetric measures the entire conversion funnel from the moment that clients interact with the product to the actual purchase

Kimetric- Integrated solution- Experience + Analytics

Increase Sales by creating unique customized experiences for consumers at point of sale while collecting and analyzing information about their profiles and behavior.
-Gather real time information and profiles through the entire conversion funnel.
-Analyze data in real time from hundredths of stores by using the Kimetric Analytics Engine
-Find actionable insights about consumer behavior and profile and design targeted experiences to increase conversion rates
-Deploy to the store new experiences design based on the insights that you have recollected and test its effectiveness

Kimetric measures everything

Understand and collect information about consumers profiles, actions and movements around the store. Kimetric technology enables retailers to automatically understand the customer profile that enters the store. Information is captured through the use of a 3D camera and facial recognition. The information is aggregated displayed respecting the privacy of customers

Age and Gender - Detect age and gender and segment into 10 different groups
Moods - Detect 4 different moods: happy, surprised, angry, sad
Sight - Understand where the customer is looking or pointing at
Product detection - Detect with which products consumers are interacting
Clothes detection - Identify what customers are wearing, identify colors and patterns
Traffic Counter - Analyze where consumers moving through, how many people are in the store

Kimetric uses different sensors to provide personalized and tailor made solutions

The type of sensors used determines the analytic precision obtained, for greater precision use the Kinect and for a leaner approach ultrasound or laser sensors

- 3d Camera: Profile recognition (Gender, age, state of mind). Traffic, full conversion funnel, movement recognition.
- HD Web cam: Image recognition, profile recognition, traffic, conversion rate
- Low cost sensors: distance & traffic.

Kimetric analyzes information in real time

Traffic counter

-Displays the total traffic per week, day, time and intra-hour
-Times: how much time people spend
-Average customer profile in both sex and age

Product Interactions

-Shows the average time consumers spent in front of the display and how it varies by profile
-Shows which products where the more popular and had more interactions

Conversion Funnel

-Understand how the consumers move along the purchasing process
-Understand bounce rates, conversion, etc.


-A/B testing
-Effectiveness of digital content / layout / product arrangement

Kimetric obtains insights to increase sales

Understand consumer behavior, unveil insights and trends about your consumers and design experiences for them.

Once the data is collected and displayed in our analytics dashboard its time to start understating what is behind the numbers which are the major insights and trends that we can detect to make a difference in the consumer purchasing journey and therefor increase sales:
-Determine which are the most popular products
-Find out which hours of the days have more traffic
-Discover if your real consumer is the same as your targeted on
-Understand consumer behavior
All of this is possible with the information collected by Kimetric

Kimetric creates interactive experiences

Adjust the display and let the customer interact with his 5 senses….
Depending on each consumer profile adjust the experience to each consumer, change lights intensity or colors, release smells. Make the experience one of a kind

Let the consumer engage with interactive displays that are gesture based controlled…
Kimetric will be able to determine with which products each consumer is interacting and could accordingly adjust the information display and even enable gesture interaction

Create targeted advertising to attract the right consumer at the right time…
Adjust the type of advertising displayed based on the consumer profile and history at the store . Communicate with the consumer in the right way at the right time

Create unique tailor made experiences for the consumers to increase awareness and sales…
Detect products, clothing type, moods, gender, all is possible with Kimetric. Use this information to create unique experiences and engage even more with the customer
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