Laptop Home Lab Set Up Part 6: Using Desired State Configuration (DSC)

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How to use PowerShell DSC (Desired State Configuration) and how it works, in this video we will configure the local manager on the target server and then apply a configuration to make sure remote desktop is always on as well as IIS for a web-server is always there.

More on DSC Coming soon!

Server, Windows Servers, HyperV, Server 2019, windows server 2019, jackedprogrammer, home lab setup, how to, tutorial
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Thanks for your work on these tutorials. They are very helpful. I've battled with Powershell for a couple of years now, and am going through your tutorials to fill in the blanks where I've missed one thing or another. Very interested in DSC for upcoming work, so I would be very interested in more info related to them.


Thanks a lot that you are so honest and didnt cut out that you forget to name the servername variable again. It was a challenge to solve it with you


What is DSC 2 and 3? Which is the preferred one.
