How To Find The Key Of A Song By Ear On Bass: The Intuitive Method

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Knowing how to find the key of a song by ear is a huge win for ANY bass player. Once you know the key, you’ll be able to make very educated guesses for notes that are in the song.

Even better though, it means that you can safely avoid notes that aren’t in that key. This means no more fumbling through tons of ‘bad’ notes hoping that you’ll eventually land on a good one.

It also means you can go beyond just playing the roots of a song. If you know the key, then you can use notes from that key to:

1. Spice up ‘boring’ or ‘dull’ bass lines
2. Create bass fills
3. Improvise

There’s both an art and a science to doing this, but in today’s video, we’ll be focusing on the ‘art’ side of things.

Using the ‘Intuitive Method’ of finding the key doesn’t require any music theory knowledge at all. The only things you’ll need are your ears and your voice.

You’ll notice that the Intuitive Method uses a lot of trial and error. This is great because if you don’t nail it the first time - it’s OK! You can keep trying until you’ve found the key of the song.

If you think you’ve found it, but you’re not 100% sure it’s correct, then you can test it using the free bonus lesson: Key Certainty: How To Make Sure You’ve Found The Right Key. In there, you’ll get a process that will help you know with 100% confidence if you’ve found the key.

If you haven’t, chances are you’ve made one of two mistakes that a lot of bass players make when they try to find the key. The Key Certain method ensures you won’t ever make them again.

Along with the video, you’ll also get the flowchart for diagnosing the problems you could be having in finding the key - as well as the Key Cheat Sheet. This is simply all the keys with all their notes listed for you in one convenient PDF.

To get the video with all the bonuses, just click the link below, fill out the form and I’ll send it straight to your email address. You can get started right now.

This lesson is the first of 3 videos all about the different methods of figuring out the key of a song. If you’re not comfortable using your voice or you haven’t developed your ear yet, the next 2 methods might be a better fit for you. Keep an eye out for them in the next little while.

Of course if you have any questions, just leave a comment below. I’d be more than happy to help you out however I can.



Рекомендации по теме

It works great. Right after seeing your lesson I've listened to a new song from one of the bands and instantly found that it's in Aminor.


Why the hell did no one tell me this 30 years ago? I might’ve actually stood a chance of sticking with it first time around.
That is just the most helpful lesson I’ve ever watched. Luke, you’re a gem!


I have been learning Bass from several different Youtube Channels but your lessons are resonating more than all others.


Great practical advice Luke. So much better than being told by other musicians "Just feel it in!". If you're a bass player who also plays six string guitar the trick I've often used when stood at the back of the band is to get to recognise the chord that the guitarist is playing from the back of his hand.


Once you find your root, a quick way to figure major or minor is to play back and forth between the root, and a half-step lower (one fret down). If it sounds good, it's major. If it doesn't, try it a whole step lower (two frets down). If that sounds good, it's minor. If neither sounds good, keep going back and forth. One of them will pop out.


Great advice on finding the key. When guessing the root note I subscribe to Rock = E or A | Country and folk = G or C | Jazz = Bb or F


I already suspected it, but after this vid I am sold, I cannot hear the "bright" or "sadness" between a major or minor. The major song sounded sad to me and the minor song sounded happy to me. I think that rule is too subjective to work for someone like myself. Still helpful vid though.


Your videos are awesome I love how you break it down and make it simple. Keep up the awesome work.


Great job on this video. I have solid ears, don't know scales and just learning theory.


I like this approach. It leads you experiment around songs you actually like...


Wow, I had never realised this - great tip that will make such a difference.


Really encouraging that I guessed the same notes as you did on the first two. Hopefully I can do this. I'm feeling like with Beatles or Costello songs, and some others, there are songs that seem to shift key. I guess do the process twice, then, once for each section.


Absolutely great instruction, or let's call it help; thanks you very much!


Thank you for making this channel. Your videos are informative and very helpful. Godbless you :)


Great video. After 4 years, I feel I'm finally getting somewhere. lol


Thank you so much for your great lessons


Wish it was that easy for me. I’m a deaf bassist and learning songs by ear is out of the question. It’s sheet music, charts, tabs, videos and whatever resources I can find.


I laughed too hard at "this is the Good lesson, in all seriousness.


nice bass... what make and model ? thanks.


That's really helpful, thank you sir 👍