The ONLY 2 Ways to Minimize Your Stuff | How To Minimize

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There are really only 2 ways to minimize your stuff. So, what are they, and which one is best? I share all about it in today's video.




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When possible, I like to take everything out of the space, then put back what is useful, essential, fun, or beautiful. I just did this with 2 kitchens in 2 separate houses. All pots and pans and spatulas and knives out, then put back the useful things. It's so nice to see the new kitchen when done, refreshing and easy to use. And from each kitchen I carted away about 4 boxes of donations. And when you actually deliver those boxes to the Salvation Army, it means you never have to tangle with those messy or duplicate, unneeded items again.


I would say I use both methods depending on the space. I've been decluttering for about a year now, and I've about run out of things to get rid of. I feel like I'm addicted to it. I think it might be that I know that the more I get rid of, the easier the space feels.


I had to do the thunder egg method because I have chronic illness and had to go slow. I was a hoarder so there was no way I could just select what to keep and let the rest go because I didn't even know where everything was to select from. It took me about 5 years for my house to look 'normal'. Although I recently did a long distance move and had to down size a 2 bed house to a flat and the selection method was the only way to go as everything incl furniture had to fit in a 4x2m van. My house is now starting to look more minimal 😊


What an interesting analogy, I appreciate it when I come across new thoughts/ perspectives of looking at things, not the same recycled info on minimalism. 😀 Great content!


Gosh Mia, your videos are so helpful. I've been clearing out for a few years, thunder egging away but haven't made much progress. We packed up our house and moved out for a renovation. Listening to you talk about the selection method makes me realize that it's the ideal time to only take out what I want in the space. I'm so much clearer about how I want my space to be. Thinking of why I wanted this was transformational. Thank you so much.


Have used both methods and have done a shopping method. Have taken a zone and removed it thinking I'm shopping and the first items I chose I keep. The thunderegg is could for maintaining a clutter free space x


I think it's a combination of both for me working together


I've used both methods but I definitely feel like selecting the items to keep first, is more effective. Thanks for this video !


I feel like a do a combination of both strategies. An end goal for the space really helps me. To know which pieces I want to have in the room. but when I get to little stuff I feel like I'm picking away!


I'm definitely a 'select the things I love' type! This video was good and helped me clarify things even more.


I like that analogy allot, and I have used both methods but personally would rather pick through everything because it’s therapeutic to me.


I am having another baby soon so u went through the whole house to gt rid of lots of things it feels great to gt rid of clutter it's so freeing


I’m definitely the thunder-egg digger. It’s easier for me to assume everything is going away except for the gems found in the mire.


Hello from Germany. 🇩🇪 🙂 I believe in selecting you automatically chip away in freeing yourself from things that aren't needed. I've decided to go room for room. I can't just throw everything away as for sure I can earn a little bit but honestly that's the part that is bothering me. I need to watch your other videos first. I am convinced if I go room for room it won't be as overwhelming.

I noticed while on vacation that I needed very little to be happy. I enjoyed being in my caravan, uncluttered. 😎😃 I wish to travel, as my daughter moved out 10 years ago. My boyfriend will work another 10 years, so why not finally get started. I've procrastinated long enough. 🤗


What a brilliant description. I definitely need to look at things as what I love and want to keep, and swoop up the rest and get rid


There’s just a lot of things I’m not really sure about with exactly who I am and what I want so I often do the Thunder egg thing. I like purging and organizing things tho so to me that isn’t hard. The hard part for me is quickly knowing what to select. I think I know some things that are my for sure faves and some that are no brainer things to get rid of, but I struggle more with the “in between” stuff. Depends on what it is tho or what is going on. But for things like the kitchen, I feel like I just don’t know enough. Such as will I cook more? What will I wind up cooking if I do? Then what all would I need to have handy once I do? Things like what size this or that and what material? How many? And so on. I wonder as I evolve with cooking if I’ll wind up not having what I need and then also maybe I chose the wrong things to keep. Etc. Or my body changing with menopause. So what looked good on me five years ago may not be so cute on me anymore. 😅😅 I don’t mind experimenting with it tho. I just want to kind of practice on some things until I find the things I like the most. Then I can likely be pretty ruthless with a lot of stuff once I have more clarity. Lol. One tip I ran across is prob my fave. Just start with trash/recycle and then throw in the obvious to let go of and after that ball gets rolling, you get more clarity and momentum with the trickier things. And Bcuz I’m moving in the near future, and I don’t yet know what the new space will need or the color scheme and layout etc.


I don't have a clear vision and expect my family size to change, so gradually chipping fits me!


I’m going to try the thunder egg method


I love the make the junk drawer a towel drawer. I did that and the clutter became homeless.


Another problem with having to visualize any part of the process is a lot of people can't do that. Their brains don't work that way, they think in words instead of images, or have adhd, etc.
