Spaceship Cockpit | White noise of the Universe | Deep relaxation | Space Travel

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White noise 🎼 and Brown noise 💤 will help you to sleep well. Fun fact: the most part of sound comes from inside the spaceship.

These videos help you to focus at work and study, also they help you to relax 💤 and reboot your energy level ✨

Thanks for your lovely Feedback ❤️

💬 It's one of my preferred brown noise out there, subtle and just perfect. Helps me relax and sleep at night.

💬 Normally have rain and it being a beautiful scenery but this... wow 😍

💬 I have been using this brown noise every time I need silence in my classes. Thank you for giving me peace and quiet!

💬 I really like this one. I'm so sick of fire and rain, the sounds of it actually stress me out now! But this one is so simple, yet so effective 👍

💬 I’m a major insomniac, none of the other sounds work as well as brown noise. I have a playlist of random videos I play on low and this on loud on 2 seperate phones. Thank you legend!

💬 I heard about brown noise from tiktok and came to try it out before going to bed, my cat immediately came and cuddled with me and he fell asleep!!

💬 Neighbors blast music every weekend at 3 am and I have to work early on weekends but with brown noise I can finally fall asleep! Thanks !

💬 My flatmate has brown skin and I can confirm this is a legit brown noise

💬 The best ting after these noises, is that when you finally take off your headphones, the world sounds much more quite than when you first put them on.

💬 I found out brown noise from Instagram reels, and they in the caption it said it helped there anxiety, I have bad seperstion anxiety , and I have to go on a trip that's the farthest away I've been from my family, this has helped me

💬 Man this sounds like brown, I like it

💬 I've never heard of brown noise before. It's so soft, I really liked it

💬 Brown noise is the best for my tinnitus. Can’t hear a thing while I’ve got that brown noise going.

💬 Brown noise is for reading, isochronic tones are for writing. Appreciated!

💬 Just learned about brown noise today. I dont trust other channels so i was glad to see you have a video for it!!...Now we just need a brown noise video with a black/dark screen & we'll be set!

When you’re watching the Beauty - you are the Beauty!

Have a nice journey

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We have an autistic 6yo, and he was very bored today. We also have a huge projector wall in the living room. I dressed him for interplanetary travel, got the room just right, put this on, and turned on a space story podcast to go with it. He is shrieking about how happy he is to be going to space, and is living for this. Thank you, you've done a kind thing for us. 💖 I figured you'd enjoy knowing what it was used for. Happy new year!


I really love how the background is dynamic and not just a static loop of some dots going past the screen


This is what we’re doing all the time. Earth is our spaceship.


Highly recommend connecting your laptop to your tv (if you don't have a smart tv with youtube already on it... lol) and just having this screensaver on your tv. It's so relaxing and really helps me sleep without the tv being really bright without a pitch black screen.( if you have led lights, put them on blue for little extra ~spice~)


I love this, this is literally the Millennium Falcon cockpit


This is so amazing. I would love to just travel the universe like this. I would volunteer in an instant.


Does anyone find the calmness of space, the dark cabin with only lit by lights from the dashboard looking as you travel through space, so soothing


I like the little hyperdrive jump at the beginning. Keeps it interesting. Makes me want to live there.


"Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy!"


This is easily my favourite sleep video. Use it almost every night.


I have autism, and I'm sick, combined means I can't sleep. But not 20 minutes after I put this on I was finally able to sleep. I love brown noise, and I love space, and I love you lmao


I enjoy how excited everyone gets talking about this video. A little to excited for sleep.
But none the less it makes me smile. I use this for sleep. Captains log, signing out.


I love that the one bottom screen played the classic elite docking animation. Fun little Easter egg!


Great for falling asleep! Use it every night


I'm flying the Millennium Falcon tonight 😎👍🏾 Love the scenery


The stars wouldn't pass by in unison like this


I really like this ambience. It's soooo relaxing! I feel like I'm aboard the Millennium Falcon.


Autopilot engaged. All systems nominal.


Spaceship...? *You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs!*


This was great. I liked the different details I'd catch every now and then - makes the experience much more intriguing.
