Elemental Shaman Lightning Build for Mythic+ (10.1)

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My explanation on how to get started with the Lightning Build for elemental shaman. Hope you find it helpful. If you have any comments or questions please let me know. Always looking to improve.

Disclaimer: while written guides can be updated with ease, videos can not. Make sure you cross check the date this video was posted with any changes to the spec or tier set to make sure it's still accurate. There are several great written guides you can also check if you prefer a written format. Links below.

0:00 intro
0:54 class talents
3:30 spec talents
5:15 3+ targets
8:24 Lightning Rod Usage
11:10 1 and 2 targets
16:48 offensive cooldowns
20:48 movement
24:10 Surge of Power
24:56 Flash of Lightning
26:33 example of m+ aoe
32:10 example of m+ ST
37:28 variations on the build
43:07 closing thoughts

build import string:

2 & 4 piece tracker weak aura:

shaman discord:

flash of lightning cdr list:

elemental written guides:

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Yes, crit/haste is generally what you're aiming for stat wise.I always forget to mention it in the video itself.

This is a fairly long winded video that tries to keep things simple without leaving too much detail out. I don't cover every possible thing that elemental brings to the table and this is meant more as a general introduction to the playstyle. Please feel free to skip around to the multiple chapters I have listed in the description if you're interested in something specific.


Your segment about cooldowns is so on point. Thats a really important lesson. It helped me to rewire my brain in sense that a "2.5 min. cooldown elemental" is not really a "2.5 min. cooldown". You shave off ~35 seconds via the flash of lightning talent and that thing is 30 seconds active! So it's more of a 1.5 min. cooldown. If you don't press a 90 second cd as often as possible, you leave a lot of damage on the table.

E.g. sometimes in m+ people hold cds before a big pull, but then waste 30 seconds on 2 mobs because nobody does dmg. Just be the one thats nukes those down and push the group forward.


Picking up ele as a favorite alt in between patches and been really enjoying your videos, was relying on your ST raid one and glad you ended up making an m+ too! Well thought out and organized guide and really appreciate the commentated m+ examples - that helps me a lot to visualize the previous info. Thanks for the vid!


Thank you Ridmark, very helpful and timely. I was starting to struggle with 17+ keys and you've given me a number of points to improve on. Appreciated!


Cheers Ridmark, very clear and arguably the best guide for new elemental players on Youtube


Man, I came back to WoW like 2 months ago and of course had to play Ele. My fav class since TBC. When i first started I was doing 35k DPS. Now im at 60k DPS on or less after watching your last video and it was making me want to give up. Im going to study this video hard because I love Ele, and seeing you rock with it gives me hope that i can too. Thanks man!!


Thank God for this Guide. I quit Shaman in BFA after 12 long years when it all began with this juggling of buffs. If you just read the guides ele feels like a ton of buffs you need to be managing just at the right time to do any damage. Will be trying my maybe soon to be main again.


Biggest help I’ve ever gotten on elemental tripled my damage cheers!


Thanks man! Ive been playing resto sham and wanted to give ele a try for shits and giggles. This was a huge help!


Great video, very helpful. One subject that I think would also be helpful is talking about fights where you have to switch targets very often, like the first boss in NL and last boss in Brackenhide.


Great stuff and thanks for this video.


Here I am checking this guide as a resto shaman …. Thinking those snitches that died 14 times without using a single Defensive could have done soooo much more to help me out! XD


Great guide man. I know this is going to be a controverisal topic but Im an older player who has used Hekili for help with my rotations. I get it, this addon is deeemed bad because you dont LEARN your class. But, id like to see a video where you follow it and see what your output is. Its an addon i use to help me keep track when i get off course. Im not here to be flamed for my choice, but to seek some help being able to dps well enough to join my mates for runs.


That in 10.1.5, earthquake and chain lightning doesn't provide a single amount to heal with ancestral guidance feels so wrong :( - it makes it nearly useless in trash pulls. I hope this was just an oversight and they revert it. The cap to 20% heal of your max health per second would have been already a thick nerf in trash situations by it's own.

On a positive note, your guide is amazing! I wish I had found it earlier :)


Would love for you to install hekili and follow its rules, I swap so often Hekili is a life saver, but right now it opens with IF and spams FS off the go.


Grate video as always!Would like to see more content if it time allows u.Also what trinket u recommend for th m+?


i love your guides, a big thx for your work. Witch nameplates do you use? i like them


Wonderful, helpful video. Made me fear the spec less! Can you share your FS WA?


I wanted to like Ele but when I was looking into it my sims were like 50% less dps then Enh. Not to mention they dont bring much to alot of groups over other caster classes.


Hi! I love your channel and I am an Elemental enthusiast. What weak aura or add on are you using to track the internal CD of the 2 set bonus? Been trying to find one and flying blind. Casting Stormkeeper right as the 2 set proc destroys my soul.
