'Why'd you stop reading a fanfic halfway through?' (r/FanFiction)

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What's something you didn't like in a fanfiction bad enough that you stopped reading? Let me know!

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A lot of authors may need to hear this..

Readers have pet peeves, and things they don't like in fanfiction. Reasons why they leave the fic, or tropes they hate.
These pet peeves are things you may see in your own writing. You see your fic as frowned upon because it has a pet peeve.
Everyone's pet peeves are different and with all the readers out there, I think every troupe, habit or tag in writing is someones pet peeve.
You don't have to be perfect for anyone, just be yourself and enjoy the process. People mostly talk about their dislikes in writing, a lot more than their likes, so you often see what not to do instead of encouragement. Plus, you'll get better, without even realising it.
One person's trash is another one's treasure.


The untagged mpreg one lmao, bro went in looking for death and got the miracle of life instead


"Improper and excessive use of Japanese honorifics" - I once saw a fanfic that used Japanese honorifics for an originally Korean webnovel set in a made-up European-esque world 😂


Common turnoff, but fanfics with NO SPACING BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS. Drives me nuts, and makes it really hard to read.


One time I was reading a fic and one of the characters called the other their "little bagpipe" and I've never been the same since. Needless to say, I immediately clicked off, turned off my phone and stared at my wall rethinking my life choices for at least 30 minutes.


The use of bulge in smut always makes me stop and chuckle, but nothing made me freeze and cackle out loud more than the time an author misspelled it as 'Bugle'. All I could think of were those cone shape snacks and couldn't stop laughing.


i read this fic idk what fandom but it was an lgbt romance and IT WAS INCREDIBLE and then the author quit bc they realized they were homophobic 💀


I was reading a hurt/comfort fic, and like three out of ten chapters in I realized that there was absolutely no comfort in this. Like, I’d get if they were saving to until the end, but the way they were treating the main character in the first chunk was just so depressingly awful that I couldn’t force myself to go through it any more.


Speaking of fanfics I can't find hardly any platonic Johnny and Gyro.
I want horse riding buddies.
Not riding buddies.


I think we all hate when fic writers call eyes "orbs"

okay i am AMAZED this is still getting replies


I was very invested in this one fancomic series until the creator took a huge hiatus and came back long after my hyperfixation ended


I remember there being one author in a fandom I used to be a part of, that just kept repeating _everything_ they had just written in that same paragraph.

"I can't do that today" character A said, he simply could not do it today.

"I don't understand!" character B said, she simply couldn't understand.

"My leg is broken!" character C said, his leg was broken.


I was(and am) reading a really weirdly written fic that I cannot read for more than 5 or 6 chapters at a time before I want to bash my head through a table. The reason I stick around? One of the characters gets pinned to walls a lot, so I have made it my civic duty to count every single time the character gets pinned. A "wall count", if you will. I think I'm on chapter 12 or 13, and the wall count is at 9? I don't remember. There's 60-something chapters though. I'm honestly excited to keep going, even if the fic is absolute garbage.

Edit: for all of you asking for updates, 1 I quit wattpad and 2 I do NOT know the name of this fic because all I've ever known it as is the wall count fic.


If I was reading a fic and it said bountiful bodadciousness, I'd keep reading honestly cause that's hilarious 😂


Tagging two ships, tagging unrequited love, and not saying which is unrequited.


Omg I feel the overuse of epithets one, one time I read a fic that basically refused to use one characters name. They kept saying stuff like “the blonde boy”, and worst of all….
You’re not ready for this

“tHe wOrRiEd mAlE”


I once read a Fic where the author tried to use “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss” in a serious context. They didn’t even use the term “gatekeep” correctly


the biggest turn-off for me is when people use traumatic events as a plot device. like fics trying to r*** and SA so that the main character gets vulnerable and is saved by the other character leading to some formation of sympathy or jealousy (depends on what stage they are at). but once that is accomplished they quickly push it under the rug as if it never happened, rubs me in all kinds of wrong ways.


I was reading a fanfic where two women in a relationship took in a kid and for like 6 chapters acted like a normal family and then suddenly the kid is becoming a 3rd in their relationship???? This was an untagged ship too. I felt so insane especially cause I had left a kudos on the fic before that, wish I could take it back.


I couldn't finish the true ending one of the best fics i had ever read in my life because i lost the name, and it was improperly tagged...
I found it again years later, only to find out that it was left unfinished, because the author (who was only 15 at the time) DIED FROM HER HEART CONDITION 😭
She was amazing at writing, the characters were well written and seemed OOC at first, but as the story progressed, you could see all the events that shaped them into their canon personalities, and it was amazing
the fic was a heavy fluff and angst slow burn, but was divided in two parts. The story started with the characters as children and followed them until adulthood, the first half was through the girls pov, and it made the reader feel very helpless and alone as she did, but the second part was told from the boys pov, where the reader got to find out all of the small good fortunes in her life were actually facilitated by him in some way, and made you realized she had been taken care of all this time. She never got to find out though, because near the end where the two stories would connect, the author was hospitalized and passed soon after.
